Archicad 28 C++ API
The special API error codes are listed on this page; they can be found in the APIdefs_ErrorCodes.h header.
General descriptions are given, with the circumstances they can be returned by an API function.
Code | Value | Hex | Description |
APIERR_GENERAL | -2130313215 | 81060001 | General error code. |
APIERR_MEMFULL | -2130313214 | 81060002 | Insufficient memory. |
APIERR_CANCEL | -2130313213 | 81060003 | The operation has been canceled by the user, in case of a long process. |
APIERR_BADID | -2130313115 | 81060065 | The passed identifier is not a valid one, or valid, but not proper for the given operation. |
APIERR_BADINDEX | -2130313114 | 81060066 | The passed index is out of range. |
APIERR_BADNAME | -2130313113 | 81060067 | The passed name is not proper or not found in the existing list. |
APIERR_BADPARS | -2130313112 | 81060068 | The passed parameters are inconsistent. |
APIERR_BADPOLY | -2130313111 | 81060069 | The passed polygon cannot be interpreted. |
APIERR_BADDATABASE | -2130313110 | 8106006A | The command cannot be executed on the current database. |
APIERR_BADWINDOW | -2130313109 | 8106006B | The command cannot be executed while the current window is active. |
APIERR_BADKEYCODE | -2130313108 | 8106006C | The key code cannot be found in the listing database. |
APIERR_BADPLATFORMSIGN | -2130313107 | 8106006D | The passed platform sign is not valid. See ACAPI_ModulData_Store. |
APIERR_BADPLANE | -2130313106 | 8106006E | The plane equation is incorrect. |
APIERR_BADUSERID | -2130313105 | 8106006F | The passed user ID (TeamWork client) is not valid. |
APIERR_BADVALUE | -2130313104 | 81060070 | The passed autotext value is not valid. See ACAPI_AutoText_SetAnAutoText. |
APIERR_BADELEMENTTYPE | -2130313103 | 81060071 | The function cannot be applied to the passed element type. See ACAPI_Element_Trim_Elements. |
APIERR_IRREGULARPOLY | -2130313102 | 81060072 | The passed polygon or polyline is irregular. See API_RegularizedPoly. |
APIERR_BADEXPRESSION | -2130313101 | 81060073 | The passed expression string is syntactically incorrect. |
APIERR_BADGUID | -2130313100 | 81060074 | The passed guid is invalid or valid, but not proper for the given operation. |
APIERR_BADTOKEN | -2130313099 | 81060075 | The passed token is invalid. See ACAPI_GetToken. |
APIERR_NO3D | -2130313015 | 810600C9 | There is no 3D information assigned to the passed element. |
APIERR_NOMORE | -2130313014 | 810600CA | No more database items can be returned. |
APIERR_NOPLAN | -2130313013 | 810600CB | There is no open project. The operation cannot be executed without an open project. |
APIERR_NOLIB | -2130313012 | 810600CC | No library was loaded. The operation cannot be executed without a loaded library. Can be returned by ACAPI_LibraryPart_Create. |
APIERR_NOLIBSECT | -2130313011 | 810600CD | The requested LibPart section is not found. |
APIERR_NOSEL | -2130313010 | 810600CE | No selection. The operation cannot be executed without any element selected. |
APIERR_NOTEDITABLE | -2130313009 | 810600CF | The referenced element is not editable. |
APIERR_NOTSUBTYPEOF | -2130313008 | 810600D0 | The specified first library part unique ID does not refer to a subtype of the second unique ID. See ACAPI_LibraryPart_CheckLibPartSubtypeOf. |
APIERR_NOTEQUALMAIN | -2130313007 | 810600D1 | The main GUID parts of the specified two library part unique IDs are not equal. See ACAPI_LibraryPart_CompareLibPartUnIds. |
APIERR_NOTEQUALREVISION | -2130313006 | 810600D2 | The main GUID parts of the specified two library part unique IDs are equal but their revision IDs differ. See ACAPI_LibraryPart_CompareLibPartUnIds. |
APIERR_NOTEAMWORKPROJECT | -2130313005 | 810600D3 | There is no open project, or not in Teamwork mode. |
APIERR_NOUSERDATA | -2130312996 | 810600DC | Attempt to get user data assigned to an element, but there isn't any. |
APIERR_MOREUSER | -2130312995 | 810600DD | The user data cannot be assigned to the element, since there is no free storage block avaliable. |
APIERR_LINKEXIST | -2130312994 | 810600DE | The link already exists. |
APIERR_LINKNOTEXIST | -2130312993 | 810600DF | The link doesn't exist. |
APIERR_WINDEXIST | -2130312992 | 810600E0 | The window to be opened already exists. |
APIERR_WINDNOTEXIST | -2130312991 | 810600E1 | The referenced window does not exist. |
APIERR_UNDOEMPTY | -2130312990 | 810600E2 | No undoable entry has got into the opened undo operation. |
APIERR_REFERENCEEXIST | -2130312989 | 810600E3 | The reference already exists. |
APIERR_NAMEALREADYUSED | -2130312988 | 810600E4 | The resource must have a unique name but the specified one is already taken. |
APIERR_ATTREXIST | -2130312915 | 8106012D | The attribute already exists. |
APIERR_DELETED | -2130312914 | 8106012E | Reference to a deleted, purged or non-existent database item. |
APIERR_LOCKEDLAY | -2130312913 | 8106012F | The referenced layer is locked. |
APIERR_HIDDENLAY | -2130312912 | 81060130 | The referenced layer is hidden. |
APIERR_INVALFLOOR | -2130312911 | 81060131 | The passed floor index is out of range. |
APIERR_NOTMINE | -2130312910 | 81060132 | The database item is not in the user's workspace. |
APIERR_NOACCESSRIGHT | -2130312909 | 81060133 | Can't access / create / modify / delete an item in a teamwork server. |
APIERR_BADPROPERTY | -2130312908 | 81060134 | The property for the passed element or attribute is not available. |
APIERR_BADCLASSIFICATION | -2130312907 | 81060135 | Can't set the classification for the passed element or attribute. |
APIERR_NOTEXISTINGLAYER | -2130312906 | 81060136 | Given layer parameter index is not an existing one. |
APIERR_NOCURRATTRSET | -2130312905 | 81060137 | No current attributeset. |
APIERR_MODULNOTINSTALLED | -2130312815 | 81060191 | The referenced add-on is not installed. For more details see the Communication Manager. |
APIERR_MODULCMDMINE | -2130312814 | 81060192 | The target add-on is the caller add-on. For more details see the Communication Manager. |
APIERR_MODULCMDNOTSUPPORTED | -2130312813 | 81060193 | The referenced command is not supported by the target add-on. For more details see the Communication Manager. |
APIERR_MODULCMDVERSNOTSUPPORTED | -2130312812 | 81060194 | The requested command version is newer than the version of the command that the target add-on can support. For more details see the Communication Manager. |
APIERR_NOMODULEDATA | -2130312811 | 81060195 | No custom data section is saved into the project file identified by the add-on's unique ID. See ACAPI_ModulData_GetInfo. |
APIERR_DEPRECATEDCALL | -2130312810 | 81060196 | The command (for this element type) is implemented on the C++ API in ArchicadAPI module and it is no longer available via the Old API. The function where it occured can be called for compatibility reasons but it takes no effect. For further information you can search the corresponding functionality in the API Documentation. |
APIERR_PAROVERLAP | -2130312715 | 810601F5 | Two or more paragraphs are overlapped. The end offset of one is greater than the beginner offset of the next one. |
APIERR_PARMISSING | -2130312714 | 810601F6 | Number of paragraphs - the size of paragraphs handle - is zero. |
APIERR_PAROVERFLOW | -2130312713 | 810601F7 | Paragraph end offset is run over the content length. |
APIERR_PARIMPLICIT | -2130312712 | 810601F8 | The content string contains line end character (CR) at invalid position (inside the paragraph range). |
APIERR_RUNOVERLAP | -2130312706 | 810601FE | Two or more runs are overlapped. The end offset of one is greater than the beginner offset of the next one. |
APIERR_RUNMISSING | -2130312705 | 810601FF | Number of runs - the size of run pointer - is zero. |
APIERR_RUNOVERFLOW | -2130312704 | 81060200 | Run end offset is run over the content length. |
APIERR_RUNIMPLICIT | -2130312703 | 81060201 | The beginner offset of one is greater than the end offset of the previous one. |
APIERR_RUNPROTECTED | -2130312702 | 81060202 | Attempted to overwrite a protected text run (not used yet). |
APIERR_EOLOVERLAP | -2130312696 | 81060208 | The EOL array is not a monotonous ascendant sequence. |
APIERR_TABOVERLAP | -2130312686 | 81060212 | The tabulator array is not a monotonous ascendant sequence. |
APIERR_NOTINIT | -2130312315 | 81060385 | The command needs initialization by an other API call. |
APIERR_NESTING | -2130312314 | 81060386 | The API function is not reentrant. Nesting occurred. |
APIERR_NOTSUPPORTED | -2130312313 | 81060387 | The command is not supported by the server application. It is not environment dependent. The server application cannot execute the command generally. |
APIERR_REFUSEDCMD | -2130312312 | 81060388 | The passed identifier is not subject to the operation. |
APIERR_REFUSEDPAR | -2130312311 | 81060389 | The command cannot be executed with the passed parameters. |
APIERR_READONLY | -2130312310 | 8106038A | The specified location is read-only. Can be returned by ACAPI_LibraryPart_Create. |
APIERR_SERVICEFAILED | -2130312309 | 8106038B | The invoked Teamwork service has failed. |
APIERR_COMMANDFAILED | -2130312308 | 8106038C | The invoked undoable command threw an exception. Can be returned by ACAPI_CallUndoableCommand. |
APIERR_NEEDSUNDOSCOPE | -2130312307 | 8106038D | The called command should be encapsulated in a ACAPI_CallUndoableCommand scope. |
APIERR_UNDOSCOPEMISUSE | -2130312306 | 8106038E | The called command shouldn't be encapsulated in a ACAPI_CallUndoableCommand scope. |
APIERR_MISSINGCODE | -2130312215 | 810603E9 | The function is not implemented yet. |
APIERR_MISSINGDEF | -2130312214 | 810603EA | The originating library part file is missing. The document name is still filled. |