Archicad 27 C++ API
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API_MarkerLinkDataType Struct Reference

This type manifestates as a "linkedMarker" named variable in the detail/worksheet, section and elevation API types, and used to set the referring properties of the marker. More...

#include <APIdefs_Elements.h>

Public Attributes

API_Guid referredView
 Guid of the referred view. (Only if the marker refers to a view, otherwise this variable does not carry any useful information.)
API_Guid referredDrawing
 Guid of the referred drawing. (Only if the marker refers to a drawing, otherwise this variable does not carry any useful information.) You should use the drawingGuid member of one instance of API_DrawingType if you want to create a new element with markerLinkData...
API_Guid referredPMViewPoint
 Guid of the referred view point. (Only if the marker refers to a view point, otherwise this variable does not carry any useful information.)
bool sourceMarker
 If it's true, the marker is a source marker.
bool customMarker
 If it's true, the marker is an unlinked one. The other variables don't represent any meaningful information in this case. If sourceMarker and customMarker are both false, then the marker is a linked one.
bool referToDrawing
 This boolean variable has meaning if the marker is a source or linked marker.
API_ReferringLevel referringLevel
 This variable carries information if the marker is a source or a linked marker, namely it determindes the referred type. Based on this info it can be decided, that which guid should be used of the three above. The type and the values of this variable are the following: typedef enum { NotReferred = 0, ReferredToViewPoint = 1, ReferredToView = 2, ReferredToDrawing = 3 } API_ReferringLevel.

Detailed Description

This type manifestates as a "linkedMarker" named variable in the detail/worksheet, section and elevation API types, and used to set the referring properties of the marker.