Archicad 27 C++ API
No Matches
API_DrawingType Struct Reference

Represents a drawing element. More...

#include <APIdefs_Elements.h>

Public Attributes

API_Elem_Head head
 General element header.
char name [256]
 Custom drawing name if nameType is set to APIName_CustomName.
API_NameTypeValues nameType
 Type of the drawing name (see API_NameTypeValues).
API_NumberingTypeValues numberingType
 Numbering options (see API_NumberingTypeValues).
char customNumber [256]
 Custom drawing number if numberingType is set to APINumbering_CustomNum.
bool isInNumbering
 The drawing is included in the numbering sequence.
bool manualUpdate
 Updating method: manual or automatic.
bool storedInProject
 Drawing is stored in the project file - output only.
bool isScheduleAdjusted
 Internal parameter used by the Interactive Element Schedule add-on - output only.
bool isMultiPageDrawing
 Drawing is splitted to more layout (page). It can be true when the source is an Interactive Shedule view.
bool includeInAutoTextsAndIES
 When true, the Scale of this Drawing will be included in "Drawing Scale" and "Original Scale" AutoTexts, in "Drawing Scales" field of Layout type Project Indexes, in "Drawing Scale" field of Drawing type Project Indexes. Include this Drawing in "Drawing Scale", "Magnification" and "Original Scale" AutoTexts.
double angle
 Angle of the placed drawing in radian.
double ratio
 Ratio of drawing size and original size.
double rasterizeDPI
 Rasterize PDF at this dpi.
double drawingScale
 Scale of the view (e.g. 0.002 for 1:500) - output only.
double parentOriginalScale
 Parent scale while drawing creation (used in updating image and pdf type drawings) - output only.
API_AnchorID anchorPoint
 Placement reference by bounding box node (relevant only if not useOwnOrigoAsAnchor).
API_ColorModeValues colorMode
 Produce B W or grayscale output (see API_ColorModeValues).
API_PenTableUsageModeValues penTableUsageMode
 Determines which pen table will be used by the drawing (see API_PenTableUsageModeValues)
API_AttributeIndex penTableIndex
 Index of the pen table to use (if penTableUsageMode is set to APIPenTableUsageMode_UsePenTableIndex.
bool useOwnOrigoAsAnchor
 Use drawing's own origo as placement reference point.
bool isTransparentBk
 The background of the drawing should be transparent.
bool isCutWithFrame
 Drawing is clipped with frame polygon.
bool hasBorderLine
 Show drawing border?
API_AttributeIndex borderLineType
 Line type of the border.
short borderPen
 Pen attribute index of the border.
double borderSize
 Thickness of the border in 'm'.
API_DrawingTitle title
 Drawing title.
API_Box bounds
 Boundary box.
API_Coord pos
 Coordinate of the placed drawing's origin on the layout.
API_Polygon poly
 Polygon on the layout: the clip polygon if isCutWithFrame is true else the bounding box in polygon format.
UInt32 sortIndex
 Sort index.
Int32 linkUId
 Not used yet.
API_Guid drawingGuid
 GUID of the drawing for identification by autotext.
API_Coord modelOffset
 If isCutWithFrame is true than it is the offset of the model. It will modify also the pos of the drawing.
API_Vector offset
 If the drawing is clipped with frame polygon offset is equal to pos else the subvector of pos and the coordinate of anchor. Output only parameter.
API_Coord pageOffset
 Offset of the next page's position, when isMultiPageDrawing set.
UInt32 pageNumberX
 Number of pages in x direction, when isMultiPageDrawing set.
UInt32 pageNumberY
 Number of pages in y direction, when isMultiPageDrawing set.

Detailed Description

Represents a drawing element.

Drawing elements can be placed both in the model space (except which come from an internal view) and onto layouts. The 2D elements which appear in the drawing are stored in the drawingData field in the API_ElementMemo. This data structure has been rewritten from scratch; it has very little resemblance to the original data structure in PlotMaker.