Archicad 28 C++ API
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API_RoofQuantity Struct Reference

Gives the different calculated values for roofs. More...

#include <APIdefs_Elements.h>

Public Attributes

double bottomSurface
 bottom surface of the roof
double topSurface
 top surface of the roof
double edgeSurface
 edge surface of the roof
double bottomSurface_cond
 conditional bottom surface of the roof
double topSurface_cond
 conditional top surface of the roof
double volume
 volume of the roof
double volume_cond
 conditional volume of the roof
double perimeter
 perimeter of the roof
double holesSurf
 total area of holes in the roof
double holesPrm
 total perimeter of holes in the roof
double grossBotSurf
 Gross surface of the roof bottom.
double grossTopSurf
 Gross surface of the roof top.
double grossEdgeSurf
 Gross surface of the roof edges.
double contourArea
 The area of the roof contour polygon.
double grossVolume
 Gross volume of the roof.
double insuThickness
 roof insulation skin thickness
double ridgesLength
 length of Ridge type edges divided by 2
double valleysLength
 length of Valley type edges divided by 2
double gablesLength
 length of Gable type edges
double hipsLength
 length of Hip type edges divided by 2
double eavesLength
 length of Eave type edges
double peaksLength
 length of Peak type edges
double sideWallConLength
 length of SideWall type edges
double endWallConLength
 length of EndWall type edges
double domeConLength
 length of RTDome type edges divided by 2
double hollowConLength
 length of RTHollow type edges divided by 2
double openingSurf
 Sum of the surfaces of the roof openings.
Int32 numOfHoles
 Number of holes in contour polygon.
Int32 numOfSkylight
 Number of skylight.

Detailed Description

Gives the different calculated values for roofs.

See also the roof parameters for listing in Appendix A of the GDL Reference manual.