Archicad 27 C++ API
No Matches
API_ZoneType Struct Reference

Represents a zone stamp. More...

#include <APIdefs_Elements.h>

Public Attributes

API_Elem_Head head
 General element header.
short pen
 Pen attribute index for the zone stamp. Used only if useStampPens is false.
API_AttributeIndex catInd
 Index of the actual zone category.
bool useStampPens
 Draw with a single pen (false) or use the pens defined in the zone category library part (true)?
bool manual
 Manually created zone; all edges static, no reference point (refPos).
bool refLineFlag
 Surrounded by walls' reference lines, not side lines.
bool show_found_poly
 If true, then Archicad uses the reference line of the walls surrounding the zone for calculations; otherwise it uses the inner edges of the walls. (Can be used only if refLineFlag is true.)
GS::uchar_t roomName [API_UniLongNameLen]
 Name of the room as a Unicode string.
GS::uchar_t roomNoStr [32]
 Room number as a Unicode string.
double roomBaseLev
 Base level of the room, measured from the floor level.
double roomHeight
 Height of the room.
double roomTopOffset
 The offset from top floor if zone is top linked.
double roomFlThick
 Sub-floor thickness of the room.
double roomLSize
 Room letter size in mm.
double reducePercent
 Reduce the zone area with this value [%].
API_AttributeIndex material
 Material attribute index of the 3D zone's (free or all) surfaces.
double stampAngle
 Rotation angle of the room stamp [radian].
bool fixedAngle
 The stampAngle will not change when the element is rotated and this flag is true.
bool oneMat
 Use material for all surfaces if true; otherwise inherit boundary walls' and trimming elements' materials.
short floorFillPen
 Pen attribute index of zone's cover fill.
API_AttributeIndex floorFillInd
 Fill attribute index of the zone's cover fill.
short floorFillBGPen
 Background pen attribute index of the zone's cover fill.
short floorContLPen
 Pen attribute index of zone's contour.
API_AttributeIndex floorContLType
 Line type attribute index of zone's contour.
bool useContourLine
 Draw contour line?
bool useLocalOrigo
 Use local origo for cover fill drawing?
bool use3DHatching
 Use Vectorial 3D Hatch patterns in Floor Plan view? This will apply the Vectorial 3D Hatch set for the element's top side material.
bool useFloorFill
 Use cover fill?
Int32 libInd
 Index to the zone category library part in the library.
API_LinkToSettings linkToSettings
 Mode of linking to home story.
short relativeTopStory
 The top linked story (relative to home story). Negative values are invalid. 0 = not top linked.
API_Polygon poly
 Polygon of the zone.
API_Coord pos
 Position of the origin of the zone stamp.
API_Coord refPos
 Reference point to find zone if it was not created manually.
API_Coord locOrigo
 Base coordinate of zone's cover fill reference vector if it's linked to the element.
double fillAngle
 Angle of zone's cover fill reference vector if it's linked to the element.
API_Polygon refPoly
 The found polygon of the zone. You can access the geometry through the API_ElementMemo of the zone.
API_Guid stampGuid
 GUID of the zone stamp object.

Detailed Description

Represents a zone stamp.

The additional parameters of the zone category can be found in the params field of API_ElementMemo. With the help of ACAPI_Element_GetRelations you can find out what and how many construction elements and objects are in the zone.