Archicad 27 C++ API
No Matches
API_DetailType Struct Reference

Represents a detail/worksheet (detail/worksheet mark). More...

#include <APIdefs_Elements.h>

Public Attributes

API_Elem_Head head
 General element header.
short pen
 Pen color attribute index of the detail's contour.
API_AttributeIndex ltypeInd
 Line type attribute index of the detail's contour.
API_Coord pos
 Coordinate of the base point. (See remarks)
double angle
 The rotation angle (radian) of the marker symbol.
API_Guid markId
 Guid of the marker symbol.
GS::uchar_t detailName [API_UniLongNameLen]
 Name of the detail/worksheet (Unicode string, UTF-8 encoding).
GS::uchar_t detailIdStr [API_UniLongNameLen]
 Reference ID of the detail/worksheet (Unicode string, UTF-8 encoding). If the text contains a '/' character, then the text is split between the beginning and end marks.
bool horizontalMarker
 Marker symbol is always horizontal?
bool windOpened
 Side (detail/worksheet) window is opened?
bool constructionElementsOnly
 Copy construction elements only.
API_DatabaseUnId databaseID
 Database ID to switch to (see API_DatabaseUnId).
API_Polygon poly
 The clip polygon of the detail/worksheet.
API_MarkerLinkDataType linkData
 The marker link data.

Detailed Description

Represents a detail/worksheet (detail/worksheet mark).

Refer to the ACAPI_Database_ChangeCurrentDatabase function to access and operate on the corresponding Detail/Worksheet database. For detail related memo data see the ACAPI_Element_GetMemo function, and API_WorksheetType. Note that the origin of the coordinate system of a detail/worksheet database corresponds to the reference point location of the detail/worksheet element on the floor plan; thus elements on the detail/worksheet databases are offset by pos from their original location on the floor plan. Suppose the referencing detail/worksheet element was placed on a section/elevation window. In that case, the y coordinate on the detail/worksheet database equals to the y value of the section database to help working with the vertical (elevation) level. In this case, the pos.y data is ignored.