Archicad 27 C++ API
No Matches
API_HatchType Struct Reference

Represents a hatch element. More...

#include <APIdefs_Elements.h>

Public Attributes

API_Elem_Head head
 General element header.
API_ExtendedPenType contPen
 Pen attribute index of the hatch contour (0 if contour is switched off).
API_HatchSubType hatchType
 Subtype of the hatch.
UInt32 hatchFlags
 Flags to modify hatch display. See API_HatchFlags for possible values.
API_ExtendedPenType fillPen
 Pen attribute index of the hatch fill.
short fillBGPen
 Pen attribute index of hatch fill background.
API_AttributeIndex fillInd
 Fill attribute index of the hatch. Used only is case of API_FillHatch.
API_AttributeIndex buildingMaterial
 Building Material attribute index of the hatch. Used only is case of API_BuildingMaterialHatch..
API_AttributeIndex ltypeInd
 Line type attribute index.
char roomSpecial
 Special area percent in a room (negative means OFF).
bool showArea
 True if area text is shown (parameters in note).
short determination
 How to determine the type of this fill (cover, cut, drafting)
double penWeight
 Pen weight of the contour (overrides the weight defined in contPen).
API_NoteType note
 Parameters of the area text.
API_Polygon poly
 Polygon of the hatch element.
API_HatchOrientation hatchOrientation
 Orientation and distortion parameters of the cover fill.
API_RGBColor backgroundRGB
 RGB color for background painting.
API_RGBColor foregroundRGB
 RGB color for foreground painting.

Detailed Description

Represents a hatch element.

In Archicad 10 the polyFill field is removed from the structure, and the global, refPos, and refAngle parameters are placed into a separate structure (API_HatchOrientation). Along this line, in Archicad 13 the gradient fill parameters were also moved to the same structure. The hasForegroundRGB and hasBackgroundRGB parameters are placed into a separate structure (API_HatchFlags). In Archicad 20 the contPen and fillPen parameters are placed into a separate structure (API_ExtendedPenType).

Member Data Documentation

◆ determination


How to determine the type of this fill (cover, cut, drafting)

Determination Meaning
APIHatch_DraftingFills Default fill category. Drafting fills adopt the Drafting Fill settings chosen in Display Options.
APIHatch_CoverFills The Cover Fill category is assigned to the fills of Slabs, Roofs,
Meshes and Zones on the floor plan. Cover fills adopt the Element Cover Fill settings chosen in Display Options.
APIHatch_CutFills The Cut Fill category is assigned to the fills of Cut Elements. Cut fills
adopt the Cut Fill settings chosen in Display Options.