Archicad 27 C++ API
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API_PropertyDefinition Struct Reference

A structure representing a property definition. More...

#include <APIdefs_Properties.h>

Public Attributes

API_PropertyDefinitionType definitionType
 The type of this property definition:
API_Guid guid
 The unique identifier of the property definition.
API_Guid groupGuid
 The unique identifier of the property group that contains this definition.
GS::UniString name
 The name of the property definition.
GS::UniString description
 The description of the property definition.
API_PropertyCollectionType collectionType
 The collection type of the property definition.
API_VariantType valueType
 Type of the data that the property stores.
API_PropertyMeasureType measureType
 Measure type of the data that the property stores. Measure types other than API_PropertyDefaultMeasureType (and API_PropertyUndefinedMeasureType) are only valid for properties which are of a single real type (collectionType is API_PropertySingleCollectionType and valueType is API_PropertyRealValueType). API_PropertyMeasureType Meaning API_PropertyUndefinedMeasureType The property is in invalid state. API_PropertyDefaultMeasureType The property doesn't have special measure. API_PropertyLengthMeasureType The property has length value. API_PropertyAreaMeasureType The property has area value. API_PropertyVolumeMeasureType The property has volume value. API_PropertyAngleMeasureType The property has angle value.
API_PropertyDefaultValue defaultValue
 The default value of this property definition.
GS::Array< API_Guidavailability
 The list of classification GUIDs this property definition is available for.
GS::Array< API_SingleEnumerationVariantpossibleEnumValues
 The list of available values in case of an enumeration value type.
bool canValueBeEditable
 Specifies if the property values of this definition can possibly be edited. For custom properties it is always true, for built-ins, it might be false.

Detailed Description

A structure representing a property definition.

  In Archicad v2018 the defaultValue 's type has been changed to API_PropertyDefaultValue from API_PropertyValue.

Member Data Documentation

◆ collectionType


The collection type of the property definition.

API_PropertyCollectionType Meaning
API_PropertySingleCollectionType The property stores a single value
API_PropertyListCollectionType The property stores a list of values
API_PropertySingleChoiceEnumerationCollectionType The property stores a single value from a list of allowed values
API_PropertyMultipleChoiceEnumerationCollectionType The property stores a subset of values from a list of allowed values

◆ definitionType


The type of this property definition:

API_PropertyDefinitionType Meaning
API_PropertyStaticBuiltInDefinitionType It is a built-in property (the definition itself is read only). The set of static built-in properties do not change.
API_PropertyDynamicBuiltInDefinitionType It is a built-in property (the definition itself is read only). The set of dynamic built-in properties may change as a result of Archicad operations.
API_PropertyCustomDefinitionType It is a user-defined property definition (can be modified).

◆ measureType


Measure type of the data that the property stores. Measure types other than API_PropertyDefaultMeasureType (and API_PropertyUndefinedMeasureType) are only valid for properties which are of a single real type (collectionType is API_PropertySingleCollectionType and valueType is API_PropertyRealValueType). API_PropertyMeasureType Meaning API_PropertyUndefinedMeasureType The property is in invalid state. API_PropertyDefaultMeasureType The property doesn't have special measure. API_PropertyLengthMeasureType The property has length value. API_PropertyAreaMeasureType The property has area value. API_PropertyVolumeMeasureType The property has volume value. API_PropertyAngleMeasureType The property has angle value.

API_PropertyMeasureType Meaning
API_PropertyUndefinedMeasureType The property is in invalid state.
API_PropertyDefaultMeasureType The property doesn't have special measure.
API_PropertyLengthMeasureType The property has length value.
API_PropertyAreaMeasureType The property has area value.
API_PropertyVolumeMeasureType The property has volume value.
API_PropertyAngleMeasureType The property has angle value.

◆ valueType


Type of the data that the property stores.

API_VariantType Meaning
API_PropertyIntegerValueType The property has integer value(s)
API_PropertyRealValueType The property has real (double) value(s)
API_PropertyBooleanValueType The property has boolean value(s)
API_PropertyStringValueType The property has string value(s)