Archicad 28 C++ API
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Property Manager

Functions related to accessing and manipulating Properties and the category-related data of elements and attributes. More...


struct  API_Variant
 A container that can store different types of data. More...
struct  API_SingleVariant
 A container for storing a single value. More...
struct  API_ListVariant
 A container for storing a list of values. More...
struct  API_SingleEnumerationVariant
 A container for storing a single value from a list of allowed values. More...
struct  API_PropertyValue
 A container for storing a property's value. More...
struct  API_PropertyDefaultValue
 A structure representing a property default value. More...
struct  API_PropertyGroup
 A structure representing a property group. More...
struct  API_PropertyDefinition
 A structure representing a property definition. More...
struct  API_Property
 A container that can store different types of data. More...
class  API_PropertyConversionUtilsInterface


typedef GSErrCode APIPropertyObjectCommandProc(API_PropertyObjectParams *propertyParams)
 Callback function to handle the different property assignments.
typedef bool APIPropertyVisibilityHandlerProc(API_PropertyVisibilityMode visibilityMode, const GS::Array< API_Guid > &classificationGuids, const API_Guid &propertyDefinitionGuid)
 Callback function to handle the visibility of a property.


enum  API_VariantStatus { API_VariantStatusNull , API_VariantStatusUserUndefined , API_VariantStatusNormal }
 Describes the status of a variant value.


GSErrCode ACAPI_Property_CheckPropertyExpressionString (GS::UniString *expressionString)
 Checks if the given property expression is a syntactically valid one.
GSErrCode ACAPI_Property_GetPropertyExprReferenceString (API_PropertyDefinition *propertyDefinition, GS::UniString *propertyReferenceString)
 Returns the string that can be used in expressions to refer to a specific property.
GSErrCode ACAPI_Property_RegisterPropertyObjectHandler (short assignStrResID)
 Registers a property handler.
GSErrCode ACAPI_Property_RegisterPropertyVisibilityHandler (void)
 Tells Archicad that your add-on wants to modify property visibility.
GSErrCode ACAPI_Property_InstallPropertyObjectHandler (short strResID, APIPropertyObjectCommandProc *propertyCommandProc)
 Installs the property handler function for the given menu item.
GSErrCode ACAPI_Property_InstallPropertyVisibilityHandler (APIPropertyVisibilityHandlerProc *handlerProc)
 Installs the property visibility handler function.
GSErrCode ACAPI_Element_GetPropertyObjects (const API_Elem_Head *elemHead, API_PropertyObjectRefType ***propRefs, Int32 *nProp)
 Returns property objects of the element.
GSErrCode ACAPI_Element_GetPropertyDefinitions (const API_Guid &elemGuid, API_PropertyDefinitionFilter filter, GS::Array< API_PropertyDefinition > &propertyDefinitions)
 Retrieves all of the property definitions that are available for an element.
GSErrCode ACAPI_Element_GetPropertyValue (const API_Guid &elemGuid, const API_Guid &propertyDefinitionGuid, API_Property &property)
 Retrieves the specified property definition's value from the element.
GSErrCode ACAPI_Element_GetPropertyValues (const API_Guid &elemGuid, const GS::Array< API_PropertyDefinition > &propertyDefinitions, GS::Array< API_Property > &properties)
 Retrieves the specified property definitions with values.
GSErrCode ACAPI_Element_GetPropertyValuesByGuid (const API_Guid &elemGuid, const GS::Array< API_Guid > &propertyDefinitions, GS::Array< API_Property > &properties)
 Retrieves the specified property definitions (defined by their GUIDs) with values.
GSErrCode ACAPI_Element_SetProperty (const API_Guid &elemGuid, const API_Property &property)
 Sets the specified property for the given values on an element.
GSErrCode ACAPI_Element_SetProperties (const API_Guid &elemGuid, const GS::Array< API_Property > &properties)
 Sets the specified properties for the given values on an element.
GSErrCode ACAPI_Element_GetPropertyDefinitionsOfDefaultElem (const API_ElemType &type, API_PropertyDefinitionFilter filter, GS::Array< API_PropertyDefinition > &definitions)
 Retrieves all of the property definitions that are available for an element default.
GSErrCode ACAPI_Element_GetPropertyValueOfDefaultElem (const API_ElemType &type, const API_Guid &propertyDefinitionGuid, API_Property &property)
 Retrieves the value of the specified property definition.
GSErrCode ACAPI_Element_GetPropertyValuesOfDefaultElem (const API_ElemType &type, const GS::Array< API_PropertyDefinition > &propertyDefinitions, GS::Array< API_Property > &properties)
 Retrieves the values of the specified property definitions.
GSErrCode ACAPI_Element_GetPropertyValuesOfDefaultElemByGuid (const API_ElemType &type, const GS::Array< API_Guid > &propertyDefinitionGuids, GS::Array< API_Property > &properties)
 Retrieves the values of the specified property definitions.
GSErrCode ACAPI_Element_SetPropertyOfDefaultElem (const API_ElemType &type, const API_Property &property)
 Sets the specified property to the given value on an element default.
GSErrCode ACAPI_Element_SetPropertiesOfDefaultElem (const API_ElemType &type, const GS::Array< API_Property > &properties)
 Sets the specified properties for the given values on an element default.
bool ACAPI_Element_IsPropertyDefinitionValueEditable (const API_Guid &elemGuid, const API_Guid &propertyGuid)
 Tells whether the value of the property can be modified for the specified element. If the elemGuid argument is APINULLGuid, it tells whether the property definition's default value is editable.
bool ACAPI_Element_IsPropertyDefinitionValueEditableDefault (const API_ElemType &type, const API_Guid &propertyGuid)
 Tells whether the value of the property can be modified for the specified tool default.
bool ACAPI_Element_IsPropertyDefinitionAvailable (const API_Guid &elemGuid, const API_Guid &propertyGuid)
 Tells whether a property definition is available for an element.
bool ACAPI_Element_IsPropertyDefinitionAvailableDefault (const API_ElemType &type, const API_Guid &propertyGuid)
 Tells whether a property definition is available for an element default.
bool ACAPI_Element_IsPropertyDefinitionVisible (const API_Guid &elemGuid, const API_Guid &propertyGuid)
 Tells whether a property definition is visible for an element.
bool ACAPI_Element_IsPropertyDefinitionVisibleDefault (const API_ElemType &type, const API_Guid &propertyGuid)
 Tells whether a property definition is visible for an element default.
GSErrCode ACAPI_Property_ModifyPropertyValue (const API_Property &property, const GS::Array< API_Guid > &elemGuids)
 Sets the value of a property for multiple elements. If the property is not available for at least one of the given element then returns with an error without changing any property value.
GSErrCode ACAPI_Element_GetPropertyDefinitions (const API_ElemComponentID &elemComponent, API_PropertyDefinitionFilter filter, GS::Array< API_PropertyDefinition > &propertyDefinitions)
 Retrieves all of the property definitions that are available for a component of an element.
GSErrCode ACAPI_Element_GetPropertyValue (const API_ElemComponentID &elemComponent, const API_Guid &propertyDefinitionGuid, API_Property &property)
 Retrieves the specified property definition's value from the component.
GSErrCode ACAPI_Element_GetPropertyValues (const API_ElemComponentID &elemComponent, const GS::Array< API_PropertyDefinition > &propertyDefinitions, GS::Array< API_Property > &properties)
 Retrieves the values of the specified property definitions from the component.
GSErrCode ACAPI_Element_GetPropertyValuesByGuid (const API_ElemComponentID &elemComponent, const GS::Array< API_Guid > &propertyDefinitions, GS::Array< API_Property > &properties)
 Retrieves the specified property definitions (defined by their GUIDs) with values from the component.
GSErrCode ACAPI_Notification_PropertyVisibilityChanged ()
 Sends out an APINotify_PropertyVisibilityChanged project event notification to the other add-ons to state that at least one property's visibility has changed.
GSErrCode ACAPI_ActivatePropertyObjectHandler (short strResID, bool active)
 Activates or deactivates an add-on's property handler.
GSErrCode ACAPI_Property_GetPropertyGroups (GS::Array< API_PropertyGroup > &groups)
 Retrieves all the property groups.
GSErrCode ACAPI_Property_GetPropertyDefinitions (const API_Guid &groupGuid, GS::Array< API_PropertyDefinition > &definitions)
 Retrieves all the property definitions from a given group.
GSErrCode ACAPI_Property_GetPropertyGroup (API_PropertyGroup &group)
 Retrieves one property group identified by its guid.
GSErrCode ACAPI_Property_GetPropertyDefinition (API_PropertyDefinition &definition)
 Retrieves one property definition identified by its guid.
GSErrCode ACAPI_Property_CreatePropertyGroup (API_PropertyGroup &group)
 Creates a property group in the current plan.
GSErrCode ACAPI_Property_CreatePropertyDefinition (API_PropertyDefinition &definition)
 Creates a property definition in the current plan.
GSErrCode ACAPI_Property_ChangePropertyGroup (const API_PropertyGroup &group)
 Changes an already existing property group in the current plan (identified by its guid).
GSErrCode ACAPI_Property_ChangePropertyDefinition (const API_PropertyDefinition &definition)
 Changes an already existing property definition in the current plan (identified by its guid).
bool ACAPI_Property_IsValidValue (const API_PropertyValue &value, const API_PropertyDefinition &definition)
 Returns true if the value is acceptable for the given property definition.
GSErrCode ACAPI_Property_DeletePropertyGroup (const API_Guid &groupGuid)
 Deletes a property group and all of the property definitions inside in the current plan.
GSErrCode ACAPI_Property_DeletePropertyDefinition (const API_Guid &propertyGuid)
 Deletes a property definition in the current plan.
GSErrCode ACAPI_Property_Import (const GS::UniString &propertyXml, API_PropertyDefinitionNameConflictResolutionPolicy conflictPolicy)
 Imports a property xml.
GSErrCode ACAPI_Property_GetPropertyValueString (const API_Property &apiProperty, GS::UniString *resultString)
 Convert an API property value to display string.
GSErrCode ACAPI_Property_SetPropertyValueFromString (const GS::UniString &propertyValueString, const API_PropertyConversionUtilsInterface &conversionUtils, API_Property *property)
 Sets the value of a property value from a passed string.
virtual const GS::UniString & API_PropertyConversionUtilsInterface::GetDegreeSymbol1 () const =0
virtual const GS::UniString & API_PropertyConversionUtilsInterface::GetDegreeSymbol2 () const =0
virtual const GS::UniString & API_PropertyConversionUtilsInterface::GetMinuteSymbol () const =0
virtual const GS::UniString & API_PropertyConversionUtilsInterface::GetSecondSymbol () const =0
virtual const GS::UniString & API_PropertyConversionUtilsInterface::GetGradientSymbol () const =0
virtual const GS::UniString & API_PropertyConversionUtilsInterface::GetRadianSymbol () const =0
virtual const GS::UniString & API_PropertyConversionUtilsInterface::GetNorthSymbol () const =0
virtual const GS::UniString & API_PropertyConversionUtilsInterface::GetSouthSymbol () const =0
virtual const GS::UniString & API_PropertyConversionUtilsInterface::GetEastSymbol () const =0
virtual const GS::UniString & API_PropertyConversionUtilsInterface::GetWestSymbol () const =0
virtual GS::uchar_t API_PropertyConversionUtilsInterface::GetDecimalDelimiterChar () const =0
virtual GS::Optional< GS::UniChar > API_PropertyConversionUtilsInterface::GetThousandSeparatorChar () const =0
virtual API_LengthTypeID API_PropertyConversionUtilsInterface::GetLengthType () const =0
virtual API_AreaTypeID API_PropertyConversionUtilsInterface::GetAreaType () const =0
virtual API_VolumeTypeID API_PropertyConversionUtilsInterface::GetVolumeType () const =0
virtual API_AngleTypeID API_PropertyConversionUtilsInterface::GetAngleType () const =0

Detailed Description

Functions related to accessing and manipulating Properties and the category-related data of elements and attributes.



This feature of the Archicad allows one to store user-defined name-value pairs for Model elements. The keys (names) of the properties are represented with API_PropertyDefinition, that are stored per project, not per element. The definitions are part of a two-level deep tree structure. On the top level there are API_PropertyGroup, which are a collection of definitions with a unique name. The definitions' name also has to be unique within its group.

The definitions also have descriptions and they store the value type (e.g int, double) and collection type (e.g single value, list) of the data it can store. If a definition is made available for a classification, then all the elements in that classification will have that property - initially with a default value, that is part of the definition.

Properties can also have an enumerated collection type, which means that their values are limited to a finite number of predefined valid values. In this case these predefined values are part of the definition

Handler functions

Please refer to the functions below the header of a thematic group to get details on that topic.

The following functions let you manipulate API_PropertyGroup.

The following functions let you manipulate API_PropertyDefinition

The following functions let you manipulate API_PropertyDefinition attached to elements.

The following functions let you manipulate API_PropertyValue attached to elements.

The following functions let you efficiently manipulate properties for a list of elements.

The following functions let you manipulate the properties of the attributes

The following functions let you to efficiently manipulate properties for a list of attributes.

Typedef Documentation

◆ APIPropertyObjectCommandProc

typedef GSErrCode APIPropertyObjectCommandProc(API_PropertyObjectParams *propertyParams)

Callback function to handle the different property assignments.

propertyParams[in] the parameters of the property assignment.
  • NoError - The function has completed with success.

◆ APIPropertyVisibilityHandlerProc

typedef bool APIPropertyVisibilityHandlerProc(API_PropertyVisibilityMode visibilityMode, const GS::Array< API_Guid > &classificationGuids, const API_Guid &propertyDefinitionGuid)

Callback function to handle the visibility of a property.

visibilityMode[in] specifies what should the callback function return. Has one of the following values:
API_PropertyVisibilityMode Meaning
APIPropVis_IsEnabled The callback function should return true if the visibility handling is enabled.
APIPropVis_IsPropertyVisible The callback function should return true if the given property is visible.
classificationGuids[in] the classification guids of the current element.
propertyDefinitionGuid[in] the guid of the current property.
  • bool - The result.

Function Documentation

◆ ACAPI_ActivatePropertyObjectHandler()

GSErrCode ACAPI_ActivatePropertyObjectHandler ( short  strResID,
bool  active 

Activates or deactivates an add-on's property handler.

strResID[in] tells for which property handler is this command issued
active[in] turns the property handler on/off
  • NoError - The function has completed with success.
Only one property handler can be active in Archicad at a time. The return value of this functions depends on the user, as a dialog pops up when you issue this command. When the function returns, you should adjust your menu items accordingly. This function is a non-undoable data structure modifier function. See more details on this topic at Command Overview.
if (ACAPI_ActivatePropertyObjectHandler (stringResID, !checkedAssignProperty) == NoError) {
checkedAssignProperty = !checkedAssignProperty;
Int32 flags;
BNZeroMemory (&mir, sizeof (API_MenuItemRef));
mir.menuResID = menuResID;
mir.itemIndex = 1;
ACAPI_Interface (APIIo_GetMenuItemFlagsID, &mir, &flags);
if (checkedAssignProperty)
flags = flags | API_MenuItemChecked;
flags = flags & !API_MenuItemChecked;
ACAPI_Interface (APIIo_SetMenuItemFlagsID, &mir, &flags);
GSErrCode ACAPI_ActivatePropertyObjectHandler(short strResID, bool active)
Activates or deactivates an add-on's property handler.
Reference to a menu item mounted by the API tool add-on.
Definition: APIdefs_Interface.h:123
short menuResID
The resource ID which the tool command belongs to.
Definition: APIdefs_Interface.h:129
Int32 itemIndex
The index of the command within the specified menu.
Definition: APIdefs_Interface.h:141

◆ ACAPI_Element_GetPropertyDefinitions() [1/2]

GSErrCode ACAPI_Element_GetPropertyDefinitions ( const API_ElemComponentID elemComponent,
API_PropertyDefinitionFilter  filter,
GS::Array< API_PropertyDefinition > &  propertyDefinitions 

Retrieves all of the property definitions that are available for a component of an element.

elemComponent[in] The identifier of the element's component to search for.
filter[in] Filter the list of property definitions (API_PropertyDefinitionFilter_UserDefined, API_PropertyDefinitionFilter_BuiltIn, API_PropertyDefinitionFilter_All).
propertyDefinitions[out] Array of property definitions that are available for the given component.
  • NoError - The function has completed with success.
  • APIERR_BADID - The value of elemComponent did not refer to a valid component.
GSErrCode GetPropertyDefinitionNames (const API_ElemComponentID& elemComponent, GS::Array<GS::UniString>& names)
GS::Array<API_PropertyDefinition> definitions;
const GSErrCode error = ACAPI_Element_GetPropertyDefinitions (elemComponent, API_PropertyDefinitionFilter_All, definitions);
if (error == NoError) {
for (UInt32 i = 0; i < definitions.GetSize (); ++i) {
names.Push (definitions[i].name);
return error;
GSErrCode ACAPI_Element_GetPropertyDefinitions(const API_Guid &elemGuid, API_PropertyDefinitionFilter filter, GS::Array< API_PropertyDefinition > &propertyDefinitions)
Retrieves all of the property definitions that are available for an element.
Identifies a component of an element.
Definition: APIdefs_Component.h:31

◆ ACAPI_Element_GetPropertyDefinitions() [2/2]

GSErrCode ACAPI_Element_GetPropertyDefinitions ( const API_Guid elemGuid,
API_PropertyDefinitionFilter  filter,
GS::Array< API_PropertyDefinition > &  propertyDefinitions 

Retrieves all of the property definitions that are available for an element.

elemGuid[in] The element's identifier to search for.
filter[in] Filter the list of property definitions (API_PropertyDefinitionFilter_UserDefined, API_PropertyDefinitionFilter_BuiltIn, API_PropertyDefinitionFilter_All).
propertyDefinitions[out] Array of property definitions that are available for a classification of the given element.
  • NoError - The function has completed with success.
  • APIERR_BADID - The elemGuid did not refer to a valid element.
GSErrCode GetPropertyDefinitionNames (const API_Guid& elemGuid, GS::Array<GS::UniString>& names)
GS::Array<API_PropertyDefinition> definitions;
GSErrCode error = ACAPI_Element_GetPropertyDefinitions (elemGuid, API_PropertyDefinitionFilter_UserDefined, definitions);
if (error == NoError) {
for (UInt32 i = 0; i < definitions.GetSize (); ++i) {
names.Push (definitions[i].name);
return error;
Represents a GS::Guid in the API layer.
Definition: API_Guid.hpp:46

◆ ACAPI_Element_GetPropertyDefinitionsOfDefaultElem()

GSErrCode ACAPI_Element_GetPropertyDefinitionsOfDefaultElem ( const API_ElemType type,
API_PropertyDefinitionFilter  filter,
GS::Array< API_PropertyDefinition > &  definitions 

Retrieves all of the property definitions that are available for an element default.

Archicad 26
type[in] Type of the default element.
filter[in] The property definition type to filter for.
definitions[out] Array of property definitions that are available for a classification of the given element default.
  • NoError - The function has completed with success.
  • APIERR_BADID - Incorrect type was specified.
From version 26 the typeID and variationID parameters were merged into a single API_ElemType parameter.
GSErrCode GetPropertyDefinitionNames (const API_ElemType& type, GS::Array<GS::UniString>& names)
GS::Array<API_PropertyDefinition> definitions;
GSErrCode error = ACAPI_Element_GetPropertyDefinitionsOfDefaultElem (type, definitions);
if (error == NoError) {
for (UInt32 i = 0; i < definitions.GetSize (); i++) {
return error;
GSErrCode ACAPI_Element_GetPropertyDefinitionsOfDefaultElem(const API_ElemType &type, API_PropertyDefinitionFilter filter, GS::Array< API_PropertyDefinition > &definitions)
Retrieves all of the property definitions that are available for an element default.
The type of an element.
Definition: APIdefs_Elements.h:205

◆ ACAPI_Element_GetPropertyObjects()

GSErrCode ACAPI_Element_GetPropertyObjects ( const API_Elem_Head elemHead,
API_PropertyObjectRefType ***  propRefs,
Int32 *  nProp 

Returns property objects of the element.

elemHead[in] The element to get the properties for.
propRefs[out] List of property objects.
nProp[out] Number of the property objects.
  • NoError - The function has completed with success.
  • APIERR_BADPARS - propRefs or nProp is nullptr
  • APIERR_BADID - Incorrect elemHead was specified
  • APIERR_MEMFULL - Not enough memory to get the properties
This function is used to get the list of property objects for a linked element. The properties can be associated with construction elements by criteria or by individual direct assignment. This applies to all construction elements. From Archicad 9 the linked properties of both an element instance and the element defaults can be accessed with two new functions: ACAPI_ElementLink_GetLinkedPropertyObjects and ACAPI_ElementLink_SetLinkedPropertyObjects.
void GetProperties (const API_Guid& guid)
API_Elem_Head elemHead;
API_LibPart libPart;
Int32 nProp, i;
char s[256];
GSErrCode err;
BNZeroMemory (&elemHead, sizeof (API_Elem_Head));
elemHead.guid = guid;
err = ACAPI_Element_GetPropertyObjects (&elemHead, &propRefs, &nProp);
if (err == NoError) {
for (i = 0; i < nProp; i++) {
BNZeroMemory (&libPart, sizeof (API_LibPart));
libPart.index = (*propRefs)[i].libIndex;
err = ACAPI_LibraryPart_Get (&libPart);
if (err == NoError) {
if ((*propRefs)[i].assign)
sprintf (s, "Associated property:");
sprintf (s, "Property by criteria:");
sprintf (s, "%s %s", s, (const char *) GS::UniString (libPart.docu_UName).ToCStr ());
ACAPI_WriteReport (s, false);
BMKillHandle ((GSHandle *) &propRefs);
void ACAPI_WriteReport(const GS::UniString &format, bool withDial,...)
Writes a report string into the Report Windowot into a custom alert window.
GSErrCode ACAPI_Element_GetPropertyObjects(const API_Elem_Head *elemHead, API_PropertyObjectRefType ***propRefs, Int32 *nProp)
Returns property objects of the element.
GSErrCode ACAPI_LibraryPart_Get(API_LibPart *libPart)
Returns the data of a registered Library Part.
General element header for element types.
Definition: APIdefs_Elements.h:401
API_Guid guid
The globally unique identifier of the element. It is type-independent, and guaranteed to be globally ...
Definition: APIdefs_Elements.h:426
Definition of a Library Part.
Definition: APIdefs_LibraryParts.h:80
Int32 index
Index of the Library Part, contains the current database index of the given Library Part....
Definition: APIdefs_LibraryParts.h:93
GS::uchar_t docu_UName[API_UniLongNameLen]
Unique document name of the Library Part. If more than one Library Part has the same name,...
Definition: APIdefs_LibraryParts.h:101
The property object reference record.
Definition: APIdefs_Elements.h:22776

◆ ACAPI_Element_GetPropertyValue() [1/2]

GSErrCode ACAPI_Element_GetPropertyValue ( const API_ElemComponentID elemComponent,
const API_Guid propertyDefinitionGuid,
API_Property property 

Retrieves the specified property definition's value from the component.

elemComponent[in] The identifier of the element's component to search for.
propertyDefinitionGuid[in] The property definition to get the values for.
property[out] The value of the requested property.
  • NoError - The function has completed with success.
  • APIERR_BADID - The elemComponent did not refer to a valid component.
  • APIERR_GENERAL - The propertyDefinitionGuid did not refer to a valid property definition.
GSErrCode GetPropertyValue (const API_ElemComponentID& elemComponent, API_PropertyValue& value)
GS::Array<API_PropertyDefinition> definitions;
GSErrCode error = ACAPI_Element_GetPropertyDefinitions (elemComponent, API_PropertyDefinitionFilter_All, definitions);
if (error == NoError && !definitions.IsEmpty ()) {
API_Property property = {};
error = ACAPI_Element_GetPropertyValue (elemComponent, definitions[0].guid, property);
if (error == NoError) {
value = property.value;
return error;
GSErrCode ACAPI_Element_GetPropertyValue(const API_Guid &elemGuid, const API_Guid &propertyDefinitionGuid, API_Property &property)
Retrieves the specified property definition's value from the element.
A container that can store different types of data.
Definition: APIdefs_Properties.h:890
A container for storing a property's value.
Definition: APIdefs_Properties.h:643

◆ ACAPI_Element_GetPropertyValue() [2/2]

GSErrCode ACAPI_Element_GetPropertyValue ( const API_Guid elemGuid,
const API_Guid propertyDefinitionGuid,
API_Property property 

Retrieves the specified property definition's value from the element.

elemGuid[in] The element GUID to search for.
propertyDefinitionGuid[in] The property definition to get the values for.
property[out] The value of the requested property.
  • NoError - The function has completed with success.
  • APIERR_BADID - The elemGuid did not refer to a valid element.
  • APIERR_GENERAL - The propertyDefinitionGuid did not refer to a valid property definition.
GSErrCode GetPropertyValue (const API_Guid& elemGuid, API_PropertyValue& value)
GS::Array<API_PropertyDefinition> definitions;
GSErrCode error = ACAPI_Element_GetPropertyDefinitions (elemGuid, API_PropertyDefinitionFilter_UserDefined, definitions);
if (error == NoError) {
API_Property property = {};
error = ACAPI_Element_GetPropertyValue (elemGuid, definitions[0].guid, property);
if (error == NoError) {
value = property;
return error;

◆ ACAPI_Element_GetPropertyValueOfDefaultElem()

GSErrCode ACAPI_Element_GetPropertyValueOfDefaultElem ( const API_ElemType type,
const API_Guid propertyDefinitionGuid,
API_Property property 

Retrieves the value of the specified property definition.

Archicad 26
type[in] Type of the default element.
propertyDefinitionGuid[in] The property definition's GUID to get the value for.
property[out] The value of the requested property.
  • NoError - The function has completed with success.
  • APIERR_BADID - Incorrect type was specified.
From version 26 the typeID and variationID parameters were merged into a single API_ElemType parameter.
GSErrCode GetPropertyValue (const API_ElemType& type, API_PropertyValue& value)
GS::Array<API_PropertyDefinition> definitions;
GSErrCode error = ACAPI_Element_GetPropertyDefinitionsOfDefaultElem (type, API_PropertyDefinitionFilter_UserDefined, definitions);
if (error == NoError && definitions.GetSize () > 0) {
API_Property property = {};
error = ACAPI_Element_GetPropertyValueOfDefaultElem (type, definitions[0].guid, property);
if (error == NoError) {
value = property;
return error;
GSErrCode ACAPI_Element_GetPropertyValueOfDefaultElem(const API_ElemType &type, const API_Guid &propertyDefinitionGuid, API_Property &property)
Retrieves the value of the specified property definition.

◆ ACAPI_Element_GetPropertyValues() [1/2]

GSErrCode ACAPI_Element_GetPropertyValues ( const API_ElemComponentID elemComponent,
const GS::Array< API_PropertyDefinition > &  propertyDefinitions,
GS::Array< API_Property > &  properties 

Retrieves the values of the specified property definitions from the component.

elemComponent[in] The identifier of the element's component to search for.
propertyDefinitions[in] The property definitions to get the values for.
properties[out] The definitions and values of the requested properties.
  • NoError - The function has completed with success.
  • APIERR_BADID - The elemComponent did not refer to a valid element.
GSErrCode GetAllPropertyValues (const API_ElemComponentID& elemComponent, GS::Array<API_PropertyValue>& values)
GS::Array<API_PropertyDefinition> definitions;
GSErrCode error = ACAPI_Element_GetPropertyDefinitions (elemComponent, API_PropertyDefinitionFilter_All, definitions);
if (error == NoError) {
GS::Array<API_Property> properties;
error = ACAPI_Element_GetPropertyValues (elemComponent, definitions, properties);
if (error == NoError) {
for (UInt32 i = 0; i < properties.GetSize (); i++) {
if (properties[i].isDefault) {
values.Push (properties[i].definition.defaultValue.basicValue);
} else {
values.Push (properties[i].value);
return error;
GSErrCode ACAPI_Element_GetPropertyValues(const API_Guid &elemGuid, const GS::Array< API_PropertyDefinition > &propertyDefinitions, GS::Array< API_Property > &properties)
Retrieves the specified property definitions with values.

◆ ACAPI_Element_GetPropertyValues() [2/2]

GSErrCode ACAPI_Element_GetPropertyValues ( const API_Guid elemGuid,
const GS::Array< API_PropertyDefinition > &  propertyDefinitions,
GS::Array< API_Property > &  properties 

Retrieves the specified property definitions with values.

elemGuid[in] The element GUID to search for.
propertyDefinitions[in] The property definitions to get the values for. They are identified through definition.guid.
properties[out] The definitions and values of the requested properties.
  • NoError - The function has completed with success.
  • APIERR_BADID - The elemGuid did not refer to a valid element.
GSErrCode GetAllPropertyValues (const API_Guid& elemGuid, GS::Array<API_PropertyValue>& values)
GS::Array<API_PropertyDefinition> definitions;
GSErrCode error = ACAPI_Element_GetPropertyDefinitions (elemGuid, API_PropertyDefinitionFilter_UserDefined, definitions);
if (error == NoError) {
GS::Array<API_Property> properties;
error = ACAPI_Element_GetPropertyValues (elemGuid, definitions, properties);
if (error == NoError) {
for (UInt32 i = 0; i < properties.GetSize (); i++) {
if (properties[i].isDefault) {
values.Push (properties[i].definition.defaultValue);
} else {
values.Push (properties[i].value);
return error;

◆ ACAPI_Element_GetPropertyValuesByGuid() [1/2]

GSErrCode ACAPI_Element_GetPropertyValuesByGuid ( const API_ElemComponentID elemComponent,
const GS::Array< API_Guid > &  propertyDefinitions,
GS::Array< API_Property > &  properties 

Retrieves the specified property definitions (defined by their GUIDs) with values from the component.

elemComponent[in] The identifier of the element's component to search for.
propertyDefinitions[in] The property definition GUIDs to get the values for.
properties[out] The definitions and values of the requested properties.
  • NoError - The function has completed with success.
  • APIERR_BADID - The elemComponent did not refer to a valid element.
GSErrCode GetAllPropertyValues (const API_ElemComponentID& elemComponent, GS::Array<API_PropertyValue>& values)
GS::Array<API_PropertyDefinition> definitions;
GSErrCode error = ACAPI_Element_GetPropertyDefinitions (elemComponent, API_PropertyDefinitionFilter_UserDefined, definitions);
if (error == NoError) {
GS::Array<API_Guid> propertyDefinitionGuids;
for (UInt32 i = 0; i < definitions.GetSize (); i++) {
propertyDefinitionGuids.Push (definitions[i].guid);
GS::Array<API_Property> properties;
error = ACAPI_Element_GetPropertyValuesByGuid (elemComponent, propertyDefinitionGuids, properties);
if (error == NoError) {
for (UInt32 i = 0; i < properties.GetSize (); i++) {
if (properties[i].isDefault) {
values.Push (properties[i].definition.defaultValue.basicValue);
} else {
values.Push (properties[i].value);
return error;
GSErrCode ACAPI_Element_GetPropertyValuesByGuid(const API_Guid &elemGuid, const GS::Array< API_Guid > &propertyDefinitions, GS::Array< API_Property > &properties)
Retrieves the specified property definitions (defined by their GUIDs) with values.

◆ ACAPI_Element_GetPropertyValuesByGuid() [2/2]

GSErrCode ACAPI_Element_GetPropertyValuesByGuid ( const API_Guid elemGuid,
const GS::Array< API_Guid > &  propertyDefinitions,
GS::Array< API_Property > &  properties 

Retrieves the specified property definitions (defined by their GUIDs) with values.

elemGuid[in] The element GUID to search for.
propertyDefinitions[in] The property definition GUIDs to get the values for.
properties[out] The definitions and values of the requested properties.
  • NoError - The function has completed with success.
  • APIERR_BADID - The elemGuid did not refer to a valid element.
GSErrCode GetAllPropertyValues (const API_Guid& elemGuid, GS::Array<API_PropertyValue>& values)
GS::Array<API_PropertyDefinition> definitions;
GSErrCode error = ACAPI_Element_GetPropertyDefinitions (elemGuid, API_PropertyDefinitionFilter_UserDefined, definitions);
if (error == NoError) {
GS::Array<API_Guid> propertyDefinitionList;
for (UInt32 i = 0; i (); i++) {
if (ACAPI_Element_IsPropertyDefinitionVisible (elemGuid, definitions[i].guid)) {
propertyDefinitionList.Push (definitions[i].guid);
GS::Array<API_Property> properties;
error = ACAPI_Element_GetPropertyValuesByGuid (elemGuid, propertyDefinitionList, properties);
if (error == NoError) {
for (UInt32 i = 0; i < properties.GetSize (); i++) {
if (properties[i].isDefault) {
values.Push (properties[i].definition.defaultValue);
} else {
values.Push (properties[i].value);
return error;
For more detailed examples, please see the Property_Test add-on.
API 22 or later
See Also
API Functions
Created on April 25, 2018
bool ACAPI_Element_IsPropertyDefinitionVisible(const API_Guid &elemGuid, const API_Guid &propertyGuid)
Tells whether a property definition is visible for an element.

◆ ACAPI_Element_GetPropertyValuesOfDefaultElem()

GSErrCode ACAPI_Element_GetPropertyValuesOfDefaultElem ( const API_ElemType type,
const GS::Array< API_PropertyDefinition > &  propertyDefinitions,
GS::Array< API_Property > &  properties 

Retrieves the values of the specified property definitions.

Archicad 26
type[in] Type of the default element.
propertyDefinitions[in] The property definitions (identified by definition.guid) to get the values for.
properties[out] The definitions and values of the requested properties.
  • NoError - The function has completed with success.
  • APIERR_BADID - Incorrect type was specified.
From version 26 the typeID and variationID parameters were merged into a single API_ElemType parameter.
GSErrCode GetAllPropertyValues (const API_ElemType& type, GS::Array<API_PropertyValue>& values)
GS::Array<API_PropertyDefinition> definitions;
GSErrCode error = ACAPI_Element_GetPropertyDefinitionsOfDefaultElem (type, API_PropertyDefinitionFilter_UserDefined, definitions);
if (error == NoError) {
GS::Array<API_Property> properties;
error = ACAPI_Element_GetPropertyValuesOfDefaultElem (type, definitions, properties);
if (error == NoError) {
for (UInt32 i = 0; i < properties.GetSize (); i++) {
if (properties[i].isDefault) {
values.Push (properties[i].definition.defaultValue);
} else {
values.Push (properties[i].value);
return error;
GSErrCode ACAPI_Element_GetPropertyValuesOfDefaultElem(const API_ElemType &type, const GS::Array< API_PropertyDefinition > &propertyDefinitions, GS::Array< API_Property > &properties)
Retrieves the values of the specified property definitions.

◆ ACAPI_Element_GetPropertyValuesOfDefaultElemByGuid()

GSErrCode ACAPI_Element_GetPropertyValuesOfDefaultElemByGuid ( const API_ElemType type,
const GS::Array< API_Guid > &  propertyDefinitionGuids,
GS::Array< API_Property > &  properties 

Retrieves the values of the specified property definitions.

Archicad 26
type[in] Type of the default element.
propertyDefinitionGuids[in] The property definition GUIDs to get the values for.
properties[out] The definitions and values of the requested properties.
  • NoError - The function has completed with success.
  • APIERR_BADID - Incorrect type was specified.
From version 26 the typeID and variationID parameters were merged into a single API_ElemType parameter.
GSErrCode GetAllPropertyValuesByGuid (const API_ElemType& type, GS::Array<API_PropertyValue>& values)
GS::Array<API_PropertyDefinition> definitions;
GSErrCode error = ACAPI_Element_GetPropertyDefinitionsDefault (type, definitions);
if (error == NoError) {
GS::Array<API_Guid> propGuids;
for (UInt32 i = 0; i < definitions.GetSize (); i++) {
propGuids.Push (definitions[i].guid);
GS::Array<API_Property> properties;
error = ACAPI_Element_GetPropertyValuesOfDefaultElemByGuid (type, propGuids, properties);
if (error == NoError) {
for (UInt32 i = 0; i < properties.GetSize (); i++) {
if (properties[i].isDefault) {
values.Push (properties[i].definition.defaultValue);
} else {
values.Push (properties[i].value);
return error;
GSErrCode ACAPI_Element_GetPropertyValuesOfDefaultElemByGuid(const API_ElemType &type, const GS::Array< API_Guid > &propertyDefinitionGuids, GS::Array< API_Property > &properties)
Retrieves the values of the specified property definitions.

◆ ACAPI_Element_IsPropertyDefinitionAvailable()

bool ACAPI_Element_IsPropertyDefinitionAvailable ( const API_Guid elemGuid,
const API_Guid propertyGuid 

Tells whether a property definition is available for an element.

elemGuid[in] The element GUID to search for.
propertyGuid[in] The property definition GUID to search for.
  • true - The given property definition is available for the element.
  • false - The given property definition is not available for the element.
GSErrCode GetAvailablePropertyDefinitions (const API_Guid& elemGuid, GS::Array<API_PropertyDefinition>& availableProperties)
GS::Array<API_PropertyDefinition> definitions;
GSErrCode error = ACAPI_Property_GetPropertyDefinitions (APINULLGuid, definitions);
if (error == NoError) {
for (UInt32 i = 0; i < definitions.GetSize (); ++i) {
if (ACAPI_Element_IsPropertyDefinitionAvailable (elemGuid, definitions[i].guid)) {
availableProperties.Push (definitions[i]);
return error;
constexpr API_Guid APINULLGuid
Represents an empty API guid.
Definition: API_Guid.hpp:241
bool ACAPI_Element_IsPropertyDefinitionAvailable(const API_Guid &elemGuid, const API_Guid &propertyGuid)
Tells whether a property definition is available for an element.
GSErrCode ACAPI_Property_GetPropertyDefinitions(const API_Guid &groupGuid, GS::Array< API_PropertyDefinition > &definitions)
Retrieves all the property definitions from a given group.

◆ ACAPI_Element_IsPropertyDefinitionAvailableDefault()

bool ACAPI_Element_IsPropertyDefinitionAvailableDefault ( const API_ElemType type,
const API_Guid propertyGuid 

Tells whether a property definition is available for an element default.

Archicad 26
type[in] Type of the default element.
propertyGuid[in] The property definition GUID to search for.
  • true - The given property definition is available for the element default.
  • false - The given property definition is not available for the element default.
From version 26 the typeID and variationID parameters were merged into a single API_ElemType parameter.
GSErrCode GetAvailablePropertyDefinitions (const API_ElemType& type, GS::Array<API_PropertyDefinition>& availableProperties)
GS::Array<API_PropertyDefinition> definitions;
GSErrCode error = ACAPI_Property_GetPropertyDefinitions (APINULLGuid, definitions);
if (error == NoError) {
for (UInt32 i = 0; i < definitions.GetSize (); ++i) {
if (ACAPI_Element_IsPropertyDefinitionAvailableDefault (type, definitions[i].guid)) {
availableProperties.Push (definitions[i]);
return error;
bool ACAPI_Element_IsPropertyDefinitionAvailableDefault(const API_ElemType &type, const API_Guid &propertyGuid)
Tells whether a property definition is available for an element default.

◆ ACAPI_Element_IsPropertyDefinitionValueEditable()

bool ACAPI_Element_IsPropertyDefinitionValueEditable ( const API_Guid elemGuid,
const API_Guid propertyGuid 

Tells whether the value of the property can be modified for the specified element. If the elemGuid argument is APINULLGuid, it tells whether the property definition's default value is editable.

elemGuid[in] The element GUID to search for. It can be APINULLGuid, in this case the property definition's default value is checked.
propertyGuid[in] The property definition GUID to search for.
  • true - The value of the property, or the property definition's default value can be modified.
  • false - The value of the property, or the property definition's default value can not be modified. For example, it is a read-only property, or a User Defined property with expression, which has cyclic property references.
GSErrCode GetEditablePropertyDefinitions (const API_Guid& elemGuid, GS::Array<API_PropertyDefinition>& editableProperties)
GS::Array<API_PropertyDefinition> definitions;
GSErrCode error = ACAPI_Element_GetPropertyDefinitions (elemGuid, API_PropertyDefinitionFilter_UserDefined, definitions);
if (error == NoError) {
for (UInt32 i = 0; i < definitions.GetSize (); ++i) {
if (ACAPI_Element_IsPropertyDefinitionValueEditable (elemGuid, definitions[i].guid)) {
editableProperties.Push (definitions[i]);
return error;
bool ACAPI_Element_IsPropertyDefinitionValueEditable(const API_Guid &elemGuid, const API_Guid &propertyGuid)
Tells whether the value of the property can be modified for the specified element....

◆ ACAPI_Element_IsPropertyDefinitionValueEditableDefault()

bool ACAPI_Element_IsPropertyDefinitionValueEditableDefault ( const API_ElemType type,
const API_Guid propertyGuid 

Tells whether the value of the property can be modified for the specified tool default.

Archicad 26
type[in] Type of the default element.
propertyGuid[in] The property definition GUID to search for.
  • true - The value of the property can be modified.
  • false - The value of the property can not be modified. For example, it is a read-only property, or a User Defined property with expression, which has cyclic property references.
From version 26 the typeID and variationID parameters were merged into a single API_ElemType parameter.
GSErrCode GetAvailablePropertyDefinitions (const API_ElemType& type, GS::Array<API_PropertyDefinition>& editableProperties)
GS::Array<API_PropertyDefinition> definitions;
GSErrCode error = ACAPI_Element_GetPropertyDefinitionsOfDefaultElem (type, API_PropertyDefinitionFilter_UserDefined, definitions);
if (error == NoError) {
for (UInt32 i = 0; i < definitions.GetSize (); ++i) {
if (ACAPI_Element_IsPropertyDefinitionValueEditableDefault (type, definitions[i].guid)) {
editableProperties.Push (definitions[i]);
return error;
bool ACAPI_Element_IsPropertyDefinitionValueEditableDefault(const API_ElemType &type, const API_Guid &propertyGuid)
Tells whether the value of the property can be modified for the specified tool default.

◆ ACAPI_Element_IsPropertyDefinitionVisible()

bool ACAPI_Element_IsPropertyDefinitionVisible ( const API_Guid elemGuid,
const API_Guid propertyGuid 

Tells whether a property definition is visible for an element.

elemGuid[in] The element GUID to search for.
propertyGuid[in] The property definition GUID to search for.
  • true - The given property definition is visible for the element.
  • false - The given property definition is not visible for the element.
GSErrCode GetVisiblePropertyDefinitions (const API_Guid& elemGuid, GS::Array<API_PropertyDefinition>& visibleProperties)
GS::Array<API_PropertyDefinition> definitions;
GSErrCode error = ACAPI_Property_GetPropertyDefinitions (APINULLGuid, definitions);
if (error == NoError) {
for (UInt32 i = 0; i < definitions.GetSize (); ++i) {
if (ACAPI_Element_IsPropertyDefinitionVisible (elemGuid, definitions[i].guid)) {
visibleProperties.Push (definitions[i]);
return error;

◆ ACAPI_Element_IsPropertyDefinitionVisibleDefault()

bool ACAPI_Element_IsPropertyDefinitionVisibleDefault ( const API_ElemType type,
const API_Guid propertyGuid 

Tells whether a property definition is visible for an element default.

Archicad 26
type[in] Type of the default element.
propertyGuid[in] The property definition GUID to search for.
  • true - The given property definition is visible for the element default.
  • false - The given property definition is not visible for the element default.
From version 26 the typeID and variationID parameters were merged into a single API_ElemType parameter.
GSErrCode GetVisiblePropertyDefinitions (const API_ElemType& type, GS::Array<API_PropertyDefinition>& visibleProperties)
GS::Array<API_PropertyDefinition> definitions;
GSErrCode error = ACAPI_Property_GetPropertyDefinitions (APINULLGuid, definitions);
if (error == NoError) {
for (UInt32 i = 0; i < definitions.GetSize (); ++i) {
if (ACAPI_Element_IsPropertyDefinitionVisibleDefault (type, definitions[i].guid)) {
visibleProperties.Push (definitions[i]);
return error;
bool ACAPI_Element_IsPropertyDefinitionVisibleDefault(const API_ElemType &type, const API_Guid &propertyGuid)
Tells whether a property definition is visible for an element default.

◆ ACAPI_Element_SetProperties()

GSErrCode ACAPI_Element_SetProperties ( const API_Guid elemGuid,
const GS::Array< API_Property > &  properties 

Sets the specified properties for the given values on an element.

elemGuid[in] The element GUID to search for.
properties[in] Specifies the properties to be set.
  • NoError - The function has completed with success.
  • APIERR_BADID - The elemGuid did not refer to a valid element.
  • APIERR_NOACCESSRIGHT - The current user does not have the right to modify the properties of the specified element on a teamwork server.
  • APIERR_READONLY - Tried to modify a read-only property (for example a property coming from a hotlink).
  • APIERR_BADPROPERTY - The property definition is not available for the given element.
GSErrCode SetAllPropertyValuesToDefault (const API_Guid& elemGuid)
GS::Array<API_PropertyDefinition> definitions;
GSErrCode error = ACAPI_Element_GetPropertyDefinitions (elemGuid, API_PropertyDefinitionFilter_UserDefined, definitions);
if (error == NoError) {
GS::Array<API_Property> properties;
error = ACAPI_Element_GetPropertyValues (elemGuid, definitions, properties);
if (error == NoError) {
for (UInt32 i = 0; i < properties.GetSize (); i++) {
properties[i].isDefault = true;
error = ACAPI_Element_SetProperties (elemGuid, properties);
return error;
GSErrCode ACAPI_Element_SetProperties(const API_Guid &elemGuid, const GS::Array< API_Property > &properties)
Sets the specified properties for the given values on an element.

◆ ACAPI_Element_SetPropertiesOfDefaultElem()

GSErrCode ACAPI_Element_SetPropertiesOfDefaultElem ( const API_ElemType type,
const GS::Array< API_Property > &  properties 

Sets the specified properties for the given values on an element default.

Archicad 26
type[in] Type of the default element.
properties[in] Specifies the properties to be set.
  • NoError - The function has completed with success.
  • APIERR_BADID - Incorrect type was specified or one of the property definitions' guid did not refer to a valid object.
  • APIERR_NOACCESSRIGHT - The current user does not have the right to modify the properties of the specified element on a teamwork server.
  • APIERR_READONLY - Tried to modify a read-only property (for example a property coming from a hotlink).
  • APIERR_BADPROPERTY - The property definition is not available for the given element.
From version 26 the typeID and variationID parameters were merged into a single API_ElemType parameter.
GSErrCode SetAllPropertyValuesToDefault (const API_ElemType& type)
GS::Array<API_PropertyDefinition> definitions;
GSErrCode error = ACAPI_Element_GetPropertyDefinitionsOfDefaultElem (type, API_PropertyDefinitionFilter_UserDefined, definitions);
if (error == NoError) {
GS::Array<API_Property> properties;
error = ACAPI_Element_GetPropertyValuesOfDefaultElem (type, definitions, properties);
if (error == NoError) {
for (UInt32 i = 0; i < properties.GetSize (); i++) {
properties[i].isDefault = true;
error = ACAPI_Element_SetPropertiesOfDefaultElem (type, properties);
return error;
GSErrCode ACAPI_Element_SetPropertiesOfDefaultElem(const API_ElemType &type, const GS::Array< API_Property > &properties)
Sets the specified properties for the given values on an element default.

◆ ACAPI_Element_SetProperty()

GSErrCode ACAPI_Element_SetProperty ( const API_Guid elemGuid,
const API_Property property 

Sets the specified property for the given values on an element.

elemGuid[in] The element GUID to search for.
property[in] Specifies the property to be set.
  • NoError - The function has completed with success.
  • APIERR_BADID - The elemGuid did not refer to a valid element.
  • APIERR_NOACCESSRIGHT - The current user does not have the right to modify the properties of the specified element on a teamwork server.
  • APIERR_READONLY - Tried to modify a read-only property (for example a property coming from a hotlink).
  • APIERR_BADPROPERTY - The property definition is not available for the given element.
GSErrCode SetFirstPropertyValueToDefault (const API_Guid& elemGuid)
GS::Array<API_PropertyDefinition> definitions;
GSErrCode error = ACAPI_Element_GetPropertyDefinitions (elemGuid, API_PropertyDefinitionFilter_UserDefined, definitions);
if (error == NoError && definitions.GetSize () > 0) {
API_Property property = {};
error = ACAPI_Element_GetPropertyValue (elemGuid, definitions[0].guid, property);
if (error == NoError) {
property.isDefault = true;
error = ACAPI_Element_SetProperty (elemGuid, property);
return error;
GSErrCode ACAPI_Element_SetProperty(const API_Guid &elemGuid, const API_Property &property)
Sets the specified property for the given values on an element.

◆ ACAPI_Element_SetPropertyOfDefaultElem()

GSErrCode ACAPI_Element_SetPropertyOfDefaultElem ( const API_ElemType type,
const API_Property property 

Sets the specified property to the given value on an element default.

Archicad 26
type[in] Type of the default element.
property[in] Specifies the property to be set.
  • NoError - The function has completed with success.
  • APIERR_BADID - Incorrect type was specified or one of the property definitions' guid did not refer to a valid object.
  • APIERR_NOACCESSRIGHT - The current user does not have the right to modify the properties of the specified element on a teamwork server.
  • APIERR_READONLY - Tried to modify a read-only property (for example a property coming from a hotlink).
  • APIERR_BADPROPERTY - The property definition is not available for the given element.
From version 26 the typeID and variationID parameters were merged into a single API_ElemType parameter.
GSErrCode SetFirstPropertyValueToDefault (const API_ElemType& type)
GS::Array<API_PropertyDefinition> definitions;
GSErrCode error = ACAPI_Element_GetPropertyDefinitionsOfDefaultElem (type, API_PropertyDefinitionFilter_UserDefined, definitions);
if (error == NoError) {
GS::Array<API_Property> properties;
error = ACAPI_Element_GetPropertyValuesOfDefaultElem (type, definitions, properties);
if (error == NoError) {
API_Property property = properties[0];
property.isDefault = true;
error = ACAPI_Element_SetPropertyOfDefaultElem (type, property);
return error;
GSErrCode ACAPI_Element_SetPropertyOfDefaultElem(const API_ElemType &type, const API_Property &property)
Sets the specified property to the given value on an element default.
bool isDefault
Definition: APIdefs_Properties.h:920

◆ ACAPI_Notification_PropertyVisibilityChanged()

GSErrCode ACAPI_Notification_PropertyVisibilityChanged ( )

Sends out an APINotify_PropertyVisibilityChanged project event notification to the other add-ons to state that at least one property's visibility has changed.

  • NoError - The function completed successfully.

◆ ACAPI_Property_ChangePropertyDefinition()

GSErrCode ACAPI_Property_ChangePropertyDefinition ( const API_PropertyDefinition definition)

Changes an already existing property definition in the current plan (identified by its guid).

definition[in] The property definition to change.
  • NoError - The function has completed with success.
  • APIERR_BADID - The guid of the parameter did not refer to a valid property definition or the groupGuid of the parameter did not refer to a valid property group or one of the availabilities' guid did not refer to a valid structural type category value.
  • APIERR_NOACCESSRIGHT - Do not have the right to modify a property definition on a teamwork server.
  • APIERR_NAMEALREADYUSED - The new name of the definition is already used in the target property group.
  • APIERR_BADPARS - Either the new value of the definition is inconsistent, for example the default value has a different value type than the definition itself, or the definitionType of the definition is not supported by the function.
  • APIERR_BADVALUE - One of enumerations did not have their value out of the allowed ones. This includes c++ enums (i.e. they were uninitialized or memsetted), and enumeration property values (the possibleEnumValues doesn't contain the default value)
GSErrCode RenameFirstPropertyDefinition ()
GS::Array<API_PropertyDefinition> definitions;
GSErrCode error = ACAPI_Element_GetPropertyDefinitions (APINULLGuid, API_PropertyDefinitionFilter_UserDefined, definitions);
if (error == NoError && definitions.GetSize () > 0) {
definitions[0].name = "Renamed Property Definition";
error = ACAPI_Property_ChangePropertyDefinition (definitions[0]);
return error;
GSErrCode ACAPI_Property_ChangePropertyDefinition(const API_PropertyDefinition &definition)
Changes an already existing property definition in the current plan (identified by its guid).

◆ ACAPI_Property_ChangePropertyGroup()

GSErrCode ACAPI_Property_ChangePropertyGroup ( const API_PropertyGroup group)

Changes an already existing property group in the current plan (identified by its guid).

group[in] The property group to change.
  • NoError - The function has completed with success.
  • APIERR_BADID - The guid of the parameter did not refer to a valid property group.
  • APIERR_BADPARS - The groupType of the parameter is not supported by the function.
  • APIERR_NOACCESSRIGHT - Do not have the right to modify a property group on a teamwork server.
  • APIERR_NAMEALREADYUSED - The new name of the group is already used.
GSErrCode RenameFirstPropertyGroup ()
GS::Array<API_PropertyGroup> groups;
GSErrCode error = ACAPI_Property_GetPropertyGroups (groups);
if (error == NoError && groups.GetSize () > 0) {
groups[0].name = "Renamed Property Group";
groups[0].description = "Description is also modified";
return error;
GSErrCode ACAPI_Property_ChangePropertyGroup(const API_PropertyGroup &group)
Changes an already existing property group in the current plan (identified by its guid).
GSErrCode ACAPI_Property_GetPropertyGroups(GS::Array< API_PropertyGroup > &groups)
Retrieves all the property groups.

◆ ACAPI_Property_CheckPropertyExpressionString()

GSErrCode ACAPI_Property_CheckPropertyExpressionString ( GS::UniString *  expressionString)

Checks if the given property expression is a syntactically valid one.

expressionString[in] The expression whose validity is to be decided.
  • NoError - The given expression string is a syntactically valid one.
  • APIERR_BADEXPRESSION - The given expression string is syntactically incorrect.
  • APIERR_BADPARS - Some of the parameters are nullptr.
This function is used to determine whether a property expression string is syntactically correct. It tries to parse the expression, and APIERR_BADEXPRESSION is returned when it fails because of some syntax error.

◆ ACAPI_Property_CreatePropertyDefinition()

GSErrCode ACAPI_Property_CreatePropertyDefinition ( API_PropertyDefinition definition)

Creates a property definition in the current plan.

definition[in/out] The property definition to create. Once the operation completed successfully the guid field is overwritten with the id of the newly created property definition.
  • NoError - The function has completed with success.
  • APIERR_BADID - The groupGuid of the parameter did not refer to a valid property group or one of the availabilities' guid did not refer to a valid structural type category value.
  • APIERR_NOACCESSRIGHT - Do not have the right to create a property definition on a teamwork server.
  • APIERR_NAMEALREADYUSED - The name of the definition is already used in the given property group.
  • APIERR_BADPARS - Either the value of the definition is inconsistent, for example the default value has a different value type than the definition itself, or the definitionType of the parameter is not supported by the function.
  • APIERR_BADVALUE - One of enumerations did not have their value out of the allowed ones. This includes c++ enums (i.e. they were uninitialized or memsetted), and enumeration property values (the possibleEnumValues doesn't contain the default value)
GSErrCode CreateExamplePropertyDefinition (API_Guid groupGuid, API_PropertyDefinition& definition)
definition.guid = APINULLGuid;
definition.groupGuid = groupGuid; = "Property Definition";
definition.description = "An example property definition.";
definition.collectionType = API_PropertySingleCollectionType;
definition.valueType = API_PropertyBooleanValueType;
definition.definitionType = API_PropertyCustomDefinitionType;
definition.defaultValue.singleVariant.variant.type = definition.valueType;
definition.defaultValue.singleVariant.variant.boolValue = false;
GSErrCode ACAPI_Property_CreatePropertyDefinition(API_PropertyDefinition &definition)
Creates a property definition in the current plan.
A structure representing a property definition.
Definition: APIdefs_Properties.h:751
API_VariantType valueType
Type of the data that the property stores.
Definition: APIdefs_Properties.h:813
GS::UniString name
The name of the property definition.
Definition: APIdefs_Properties.h:781
API_PropertyCollectionType collectionType
The collection type of the property definition.
Definition: APIdefs_Properties.h:800
API_PropertyDefaultValue defaultValue
The default value of this property definition.
Definition: APIdefs_Properties.h:834
API_Guid guid
The unique identifier of the property definition.
Definition: APIdefs_Properties.h:769
API_PropertyDefinitionType definitionType
The type of this property definition:
Definition: APIdefs_Properties.h:763
API_Guid groupGuid
The unique identifier of the property group that contains this definition.
Definition: APIdefs_Properties.h:775
GS::UniString description
The description of the property definition.
Definition: APIdefs_Properties.h:787

◆ ACAPI_Property_CreatePropertyGroup()

GSErrCode ACAPI_Property_CreatePropertyGroup ( API_PropertyGroup group)

Creates a property group in the current plan.

group[in/out] The property group to create. Once the operation completed successfully the guid field is overwritten with the id of the newly created property group.
  • NoError - The function has completed with success.
  • APIERR_BADPARS - The groupType of the parameter is not supported by the function.
  • APIERR_NOACCESSRIGHT - Do not have the right to create a property group on a teamwork server.
  • APIERR_NAMEALREADYUSED - The name of the group is already used.
GSErrCode CreateExamplePropertyGroup (API_PropertyGroup& group)
group.guid = APINULLGuid; = "An example property group.";
group.description = "This is an example property group.";
GSErrCode ACAPI_Property_CreatePropertyGroup(API_PropertyGroup &group)
Creates a property group in the current plan.
A structure representing a property group.
Definition: APIdefs_Properties.h:705
GS::UniString description
The description of the property group.
Definition: APIdefs_Properties.h:736
API_Guid guid
The unique identifier of the property group.
Definition: APIdefs_Properties.h:723
GS::UniString name
The name of the property group.
Definition: APIdefs_Properties.h:730

◆ ACAPI_Property_DeletePropertyDefinition()

GSErrCode ACAPI_Property_DeletePropertyDefinition ( const API_Guid propertyGuid)

Deletes a property definition in the current plan.

propertyGuid[in] The identifier of the property definition to delete.
  • NoError - The function has completed with success.
  • APIERR_BADID - The propertyGuid parameter did not refer to a valid property definition.
  • APIERR_NOACCESSRIGHT - Do not have the right to delete a property definition on a teamwork server.
GSErrCode DeleteAllPropertyDefinitions ()
GS::Array<API_PropertyDefinition> definitions;
GSErrCode error = ACAPI_Property_GetPropertyDefinitions (APINULLGuid, definitions);
for (UInt32 i = 0; error == NoError && i < definitions.GetSize (); i++) {
error = ACAPI_Property_DeletePropertyDefinition (definitions[i].guid);
return error;
GSErrCode ACAPI_Property_DeletePropertyDefinition(const API_Guid &propertyGuid)
Deletes a property definition in the current plan.

◆ ACAPI_Property_DeletePropertyGroup()

GSErrCode ACAPI_Property_DeletePropertyGroup ( const API_Guid groupGuid)

Deletes a property group and all of the property definitions inside in the current plan.

groupGuid[in] The identifier of the property group to delete.
  • NoError - The function has completed with success.
  • APIERR_BADID - The groupGuid parameter did not refer to a valid property group.
  • APIERR_NOACCESSRIGHT - Do not have the right to delete a property group on a teamwork server.
GSErrCode DeleteAllPropertyGroups ()
GS::Array<API_PropertyGroup> groups;
GSErrCode error = ACAPI_Property_GetPropertyGroups (groups);
for (UInt32 i = 0; error == NoError && i < groups.GetSize (); i++) {
error = ACAPI_Property_DeletePropertyGroup (groups[i].guid);
return error;
GSErrCode ACAPI_Property_DeletePropertyGroup(const API_Guid &groupGuid)
Deletes a property group and all of the property definitions inside in the current plan.

◆ ACAPI_Property_GetPropertyDefinition()

GSErrCode ACAPI_Property_GetPropertyDefinition ( API_PropertyDefinition definition)

Retrieves one property definition identified by its guid.

definition[in/out] The guid field specifies the property definition to retrieve. Once the operation completed successfully this will hold the retrieved property definition.
  • NoError - The function has completed with success.
  • APIERR_BADID - The guid of the parameter did not refer to a valid property definition.
GSErrCode GetPropertyDefinitionName (const API_Guid& guid, GS::UniString& name)
definition.guid = guid;
GSErrCode error = ACAPI_Property_GetPropertyDefinition (definition);
if (error == NoError)
name =;
return error;
GSErrCode ACAPI_Property_GetPropertyDefinition(API_PropertyDefinition &definition)
Retrieves one property definition identified by its guid.

◆ ACAPI_Property_GetPropertyDefinitions()

GSErrCode ACAPI_Property_GetPropertyDefinitions ( const API_Guid groupGuid,
GS::Array< API_PropertyDefinition > &  definitions 

Retrieves all the property definitions from a given group.

groupGuid[out] The identifier of the group to search for or APINULLGuid if all property definitions should be retrieved.
definitions[out] The retrieved property definitions.
  • NoError - The function has completed with success.
  • APIERR_BADID - The groupGuid parameter wasn't APINULLGuid and it did not refer to a valid property group.
GSErrCode GetPropertyNames (GS::Array<GS::UniString>& names)
GS::Array<API_PropertyDefinition> definitions;
GSErrCode error = ACAPI_Property_GetPropertyDefinitions (APINULLGuid, definitions);
if (error == NoError) {
for (UInt32 i = 0; i < definitions.GetSize (); i++) {
names.Push (definitions[i].name);
return error;

◆ ACAPI_Property_GetPropertyExprReferenceString()

GSErrCode ACAPI_Property_GetPropertyExprReferenceString ( API_PropertyDefinition propertyDefinition,
GS::UniString *  propertyReferenceString 

Returns the string that can be used in expressions to refer to a specific property.

propertyDefinition[in] The property definition to be refenced by the returned string.
propertyReferenceString[out] String for storing the returned property reference string.
  • NoError - The operation was successful.
  • APIERR_BADPARS - Some of the parameters are nullptr.

◆ ACAPI_Property_GetPropertyGroup()

GSErrCode ACAPI_Property_GetPropertyGroup ( API_PropertyGroup group)

Retrieves one property group identified by its guid.

group[in/out] The guid field specifies the property group to retrieve. Once the operation completed successfully this will hold the retrieved property group.
  • NoError - The function has completed with success.
  • APIERR_BADID - The guid of the parameter did not refer to a valid property group.
GSErrCode GetPropertyGroupName (const API_Guid& guid, GS::UniString& name)
group.guid = guid;
GSErrCode error = ACAPI_Property_GetPropertyGroup (group);
if (error == NoError)
name =;
return error;
GSErrCode ACAPI_Property_GetPropertyGroup(API_PropertyGroup &group)
Retrieves one property group identified by its guid.

◆ ACAPI_Property_GetPropertyGroups()

GSErrCode ACAPI_Property_GetPropertyGroups ( GS::Array< API_PropertyGroup > &  groups)

Retrieves all the property groups.

groups[out] The retrieved property groups.
  • NoError - The function has completed with success.
GSErrCode GetPropertyGroupNames (GS::Array<GS::UniString>& names)
GS::Array<API_PropertyGroup> groups;
GSErrCode error = ACAPI_Property_GetPropertyGroups (groups);
if (error == NoError) {
for (UInt32 i = 0; i < groups.GetSize (); i++) {
names.Push (groups[i].name);
return error;

◆ ACAPI_Property_GetPropertyValueString()

GSErrCode ACAPI_Property_GetPropertyValueString ( const API_Property apiProperty,
GS::UniString *  resultString 

Convert an API property value to display string.

Archicad 25
apiProperty[in] An evaluated property with its value.
resultString[out] The string representation of the given property value. The function can resolve enumeration values (which are stored by the keyVariant in the apiProperty), as well as convert measured numeric values based on the current Project Preferences.
  • NoError - The function has completed with success.
  • APIERR_BADPARS - Incorrect variant or param was specified.

◆ ACAPI_Property_Import()

GSErrCode ACAPI_Property_Import ( const GS::UniString &  propertyXml,
API_PropertyDefinitionNameConflictResolutionPolicy  conflictPolicy 

Imports a property xml.

propertyXml[in] The property xml to import.
conflictPolicy[in] Specifies how to resolve name conflicts.
API_PropertyDefinitionNameConflictResolutionPolicy Meaning
API_AppendConflictingProperties Generate a new, unused name for the imported property
API_ReplaceConflictingProperties Replace the definition in the plan with the imported one
API_SkipConflictingProperties Keep the definition in the plan intact, and discard the imported one
  • NoError - The function has completed with success.
  • APIERR_BADPARS - Invalid property XML.

◆ ACAPI_Property_InstallPropertyObjectHandler()

GSErrCode ACAPI_Property_InstallPropertyObjectHandler ( short  strResID,
APIPropertyObjectCommandProc propertyCommandProc 

Installs the property handler function for the given menu item.

strResID[in] The string resource ID you install the property handler for.
propertyCommandProc[in] The property command handler function.
  • NoError - The function has completed with success.
The string resource will appear in Archicad's dialogs. This function should be called from the Initialize function of the add-on, after registering the property handler with ACAPI_Property_RegisterPropertyObjectHandler.
// Called after the add-on has been loaded into memory
GSErrCode Initialize (void)
ACAPI_MenuItem_InstallMenuHandler (MenuResId, Callback_Check_AVA_OR_DIN_MenuItem);
ACAPI_Property_InstallPropertyObjectHandler (PropertyResId, Callback_Property);
return NoError;
GSErrCode Initialize(void)
The main entry point of the add-on.
GSErrCode ACAPI_MenuItem_InstallMenuHandler(short menuStrResID, APIMenuCommandProc *handlerProc)
Installs a callback procedure for handling the add-on's menu commands.
GSErrCode ACAPI_Property_InstallPropertyObjectHandler(short strResID, APIPropertyObjectCommandProc *propertyCommandProc)
Installs the property handler function for the given menu item.

◆ ACAPI_Property_InstallPropertyVisibilityHandler()

GSErrCode ACAPI_Property_InstallPropertyVisibilityHandler ( APIPropertyVisibilityHandlerProc handlerProc)

Installs the property visibility handler function.

handlerProc[in] The property visibility handler function.
  • NoError - The function has completed with success.
This function should be called from the Initialize function of the add-on, after registering the property handler with ACAPI_Property_RegisterPropertyVisibilityHandler.
// Called after the add-on has been loaded into memory
GSErrCode APIMenuCommandProc_Main (const API_MenuParams *menuParams);
bool PropertyVisibilityHandler (API_PropertyVisibilityMode visibilityMode, const GS::Array<API_Guid>& classificationGuids, const API_Guid& propertyDefinitionGuid);
GSErrCode Initialize (void)
GSErrCode err = ACAPI_MenuItem_InstallMenuHandler (32500, APIMenuCommandProc_Main);
if (err != NoError) {
return err;
err = ACAPI_Property_InstallPropertyVisibilityHandler (PropertyVisibilityHandler);
if (err != NoError) {
return err;
return NoError;
void ACAPI_KeepInMemory(bool keepIn)
Instructs the host application to keep the add-on in the memory after execution.
GSErrCode ACAPI_Property_InstallPropertyVisibilityHandler(APIPropertyVisibilityHandlerProc *handlerProc)
Installs the property visibility handler function.
Describes the menu item that was chosen.
Definition: APIdefs_Callback.h:54

◆ ACAPI_Property_IsValidValue()

bool ACAPI_Property_IsValidValue ( const API_PropertyValue value,
const API_PropertyDefinition definition 

Returns true if the value is acceptable for the given property definition.

Archicad 25
value[in] The value to check.
definition[in] The valueType, collectionType and possibleEnumValues of the definition will be used to check the validity of the value.
  • true - The given value's variantStatus is API_VariantStatusNormal or API_VariantStatusUserUndefined and value's variant.type is the same as definition's valueType.
GS::Array<API_PropertyDefinition> GetPropertiesOfElementForPropertyValue (const API_Guid& elemGuid, const API_PropertyValue& propertyValue)
GS::Array<API_PropertyDefinition> definitions;
ACAPI_Element_GetPropertyDefinitions (elemGuid, API_PropertyDefinitionFilter_UserDefined, definitions);
GS::Array<API_PropertyDefinition> filteredDefinition;
for (const API_PropertyDefinition& definition : definitions) {
if (ACAPI_Property_IsValidValue (propertyValue, definition)
) {
filteredDefinition.Push (definition);
return filteredDefinition;
bool ACAPI_Property_IsValidValue(const API_PropertyValue &value, const API_PropertyDefinition &definition)
Returns true if the value is acceptable for the given property definition.

◆ ACAPI_Property_ModifyPropertyValue()

GSErrCode ACAPI_Property_ModifyPropertyValue ( const API_Property property,
const GS::Array< API_Guid > &  elemGuids 

Sets the value of a property for multiple elements. If the property is not available for at least one of the given element then returns with an error without changing any property value.

property[in] The new value of the property.
elemGuids[in] The array of elements, whose property should be changed.
  • NoError - The function has completed with success.
  • APIERR_BADID - One of the elemGuids did not refer to a valid element.
  • APIERR_NOACCESSRIGHT - The current user does not have the right to modify the properties of a specified element on a teamwork server.
  • APIERR_READONLY - Tried to modify a read-only property (for example a property coming from a hotlink).
  • APIERR_BADPROPERTY - The property definition is not available for one of the given elements.
GSErrCode GetElemCategoryValue (const API_Guid& elemGuid, API_ElemCategoryValue& catValue);
GSErrCode SetAllIntegerPropertiesTo42 (GS::Array<API_Guid> selectedElements)
GSErroCode err = NoError;
GS::Array<API_PropertyDefinition> definitions;
for (UIndex i = 0; i < definitions.GetSize (); ++i) {
if (definitions[i].collectionType == API_PropertySingleCollectionType &&
definitions[i].valueType == API_PropertyIntegerValueType) {
API_Property property;
property.definition = definitions[i];
property.value.singleVariant.variant.type = property.definition.valueType;
property.value.singleVariant.variant.intValue = 42;
property.isDefault = false;
// remove the elements from the list, which the property is not available for
// (if you don't remove them, APIERR_BADPROPERTY will be returned)
GS::Array<API_Guid> filteredSelectedElements;
for (UIndex i = 0; i < selectedElements.GetSize (); ++i) {
API_ElemCategoryValue categoryValue;
err = GetElemCategoryValue (selectedElements[i], categoryValue);
if (err == NoError && property.definition.availability.Contains (categoryValue)) {
filteredSelectedElements.Push (selectedElements[i]);
err = ACAPI_Property_ModifyPropertyValue (property, filteredSelectedElements);
if (err != NoError) {
return err;
return NoError;
GSErrCode ACAPI_Property_ModifyPropertyValue(const API_Property &property, const GS::Array< API_Guid > &elemGuids)
Sets the value of a property for multiple elements. If the property is not available for at least one...
Element category value structure.
Definition: APIdefs_Elements.h:24882
GS::Array< API_Guid > availability
The list of classification GUIDs this property definition is available for.
Definition: APIdefs_Properties.h:840
API_PropertyDefinition definition
The definition of the property.
Definition: APIdefs_Properties.h:896

◆ ACAPI_Property_RegisterPropertyObjectHandler()

GSErrCode ACAPI_Property_RegisterPropertyObjectHandler ( short  assignStrResID)

Registers a property handler.

assignStrResID[in] The string resource ID, which will be used in Archicad's dialogs.
  • NoError - The function has completed with success.
This function should be called from the RegisterInterface routine in your add-on.
// Interface definitions
GSErrCode RegisterInterface (void)
ACAPI_MenuItem_RegisterMenu (MenuResId, MenuTextResId, MenuCode_Calculate, MenuFlag_Default);
return NoError;
} // RegisterInterface
GSErrCode RegisterInterface(void)
In this function the add-on can register its services, and menu commands.
GSErrCode ACAPI_MenuItem_RegisterMenu(short menuStrResID, short promptStrResID, APIMenuCodeID menuPosCode, GSFlags menuFlags)
Registers the menu items of the add-on.
GSErrCode ACAPI_Property_RegisterPropertyObjectHandler(short assignStrResID)
Registers a property handler.

◆ ACAPI_Property_RegisterPropertyVisibilityHandler()

GSErrCode ACAPI_Property_RegisterPropertyVisibilityHandler ( void  )

Tells Archicad that your add-on wants to modify property visibility.

  • NoError - The function has completed with success.
This function should be called from the RegisterInterface routine in your add-on.
// Interface definitions
GSErrCode RegisterInterface (void)
GSErrCode err = ACAPI_MenuItem_RegisterMenu (32500, 32600, MenuCode_UserDef, MenuFlag_Default);
if (err != NoError) {
return err;
if (err != NoError) {
return err;
return NoError;
} // RegisterInterface
GSErrCode ACAPI_Property_RegisterPropertyVisibilityHandler(void)
Tells Archicad that your add-on wants to modify property visibility.

◆ ACAPI_Property_SetPropertyValueFromString()

GSErrCode ACAPI_Property_SetPropertyValueFromString ( const GS::UniString &  propertyValueString,
const API_PropertyConversionUtilsInterface conversionUtils,
API_Property property 

Sets the value of a property value from a passed string.

Archicad 25
propertyValueString[in] The string from which the new value will be generated.
conversionUtils[in] The implementation of API_PropertyConversionUtilsInterface.
property[in/out] The property whose value we want to set.
  • NoError - The function has completed with success.
  • APIERR_BADPARS - The API_Property is nullptr, the property definition does not exist or the value creation from the string failed.
  • APIERR_BADVALUE - The property definition is invalid.
This function doesn't modify the database, only fills the API_Property structure with the appropriate values. In order to introduce the new values to the database the add-on has to call ACAPI_Element_SetProperty or ACAPI_Element_SetProperties.
class PropertyConversionUtils : public API_PropertyConversionUtilsInterface {
const GS::UniString degreeSymbol = " ";
const GS::UniString minuteSymbol = "'";
const GS::UniString secondSymbol = "\"";
const GS::UniString gradientSymbol = "G";
const GS::UniString radianSymbol = "R";
const GS::UniString northSymbol = "N";
const GS::UniString southSymbol = "S";
const GS::UniString eastSymbol = "E";
const GS::UniString westSymbol = "w";
virtual ~PropertyConversionUtils ();
virtual const GS::UniString& GetDegreeSymbol1 () const { return degreeSymbol; }
virtual const GS::UniString& GetDegreeSymbol2 () const { return degreeSymbol; }
virtual const GS::UniString& GetMinuteSymbol () const { return minuteSymbol; }
virtual const GS::UniString& GetSecondSymbol () const { return secondSymbol; }
virtual const GS::UniString& GetGradientSymbol () const { return gradientSymbol; }
virtual const GS::UniString& GetRadianSymbol () const { return radianSymbol; }
virtual const GS::UniString& GetNorthSymbol () const { return northSymbol; }
virtual const GS::UniString& GetSouthSymbol () const { return southSymbol; }
virtual const GS::UniString& GetEastSymbol () const { return eastSymbol; }
virtual const GS::UniString& GetWestSymbol () const { return westSymbol; }
virtual GS::uchar_t GetDecimalDelimiterChar () const { return '.'; }
virtual GS::Optional<GS::UniChar> GetThousandSeparatorChar () const { return ' '; }
virtual API_LengthTypeID GetLengthType () const { return API_LengthTypeID::Meter; }
virtual API_AreaTypeID GetAreaType () const { return API_AreaTypeID::SquareMeter; }
virtual API_VolumeTypeID GetVolumeType () const { return API_VolumeTypeID::CubicMeter; }
virtual API_AngleTypeID GetAngleType () const { return API_AngleTypeID::DecimalDegree; }
GSErrCode SetPropertyValue ()
API_Property property = CreateIntPropertyDefinition ();
const PropertyConversionUtils conversionUtils;
Definition: APIdefs_Properties.h:942
Possible values for angle unit preferences.
Definition: APIdefs_Environment.h:1942
Possible values for length unit preferences.
Definition: APIdefs_Environment.h:1886
Possible values for area unit preferences.
Definition: APIdefs_Environment.h:1907
Possible values for volume unit preferences.
Definition: APIdefs_Environment.h:1924
virtual API_VolumeTypeID GetVolumeType() const =0
virtual const GS::UniString & GetWestSymbol() const =0
virtual API_AreaTypeID GetAreaType() const =0
virtual const GS::UniString & GetDegreeSymbol1() const =0
virtual GS::Optional< GS::UniChar > GetThousandSeparatorChar() const =0
virtual const GS::UniString & GetGradientSymbol() const =0
virtual const GS::UniString & GetEastSymbol() const =0
virtual API_LengthTypeID GetLengthType() const =0
virtual const GS::UniString & GetNorthSymbol() const =0
virtual const GS::UniString & GetMinuteSymbol() const =0
virtual const GS::UniString & GetSecondSymbol() const =0
virtual API_AngleTypeID GetAngleType() const =0
GSErrCode ACAPI_Property_SetPropertyValueFromString(const GS::UniString &propertyValueString, const API_PropertyConversionUtilsInterface &conversionUtils, API_Property *property)
Sets the value of a property value from a passed string.
virtual const GS::UniString & GetRadianSymbol() const =0
virtual GS::uchar_t GetDecimalDelimiterChar() const =0
virtual const GS::UniString & GetDegreeSymbol2() const =0
virtual const GS::UniString & GetSouthSymbol() const =0

◆ GetAngleType()

virtual API_AngleTypeID API_PropertyConversionUtilsInterface::GetAngleType ( ) const
pure virtual
Returns the value for angle unit preferences.

◆ GetAreaType()

virtual API_AreaTypeID API_PropertyConversionUtilsInterface::GetAreaType ( ) const
pure virtual
Returns the value for area unit preferences.

◆ GetDecimalDelimiterChar()

virtual GS::uchar_t API_PropertyConversionUtilsInterface::GetDecimalDelimiterChar ( ) const
pure virtual
Returns the character of the decimal delimiter.

◆ GetDegreeSymbol1()

virtual const GS::UniString & API_PropertyConversionUtilsInterface::GetDegreeSymbol1 ( ) const
pure virtual
Returns the degree symbol.

◆ GetDegreeSymbol2()

virtual const GS::UniString & API_PropertyConversionUtilsInterface::GetDegreeSymbol2 ( ) const
pure virtual
Returns the degree symbol.

◆ GetEastSymbol()

virtual const GS::UniString & API_PropertyConversionUtilsInterface::GetEastSymbol ( ) const
pure virtual
Returns the east symbol.

◆ GetGradientSymbol()

virtual const GS::UniString & API_PropertyConversionUtilsInterface::GetGradientSymbol ( ) const
pure virtual
Returns the gradient symbol.

◆ GetLengthType()

virtual API_LengthTypeID API_PropertyConversionUtilsInterface::GetLengthType ( ) const
pure virtual
Returns the value for length unit preferences.

◆ GetMinuteSymbol()

virtual const GS::UniString & API_PropertyConversionUtilsInterface::GetMinuteSymbol ( ) const
pure virtual
Returns the minute symbol.

◆ GetNorthSymbol()

virtual const GS::UniString & API_PropertyConversionUtilsInterface::GetNorthSymbol ( ) const
pure virtual
Returns the north symbol.

◆ GetRadianSymbol()

virtual const GS::UniString & API_PropertyConversionUtilsInterface::GetRadianSymbol ( ) const
pure virtual
Returns the radian symbol.

◆ GetSecondSymbol()

virtual const GS::UniString & API_PropertyConversionUtilsInterface::GetSecondSymbol ( ) const
pure virtual
Returns the second symbol.

◆ GetSouthSymbol()

virtual const GS::UniString & API_PropertyConversionUtilsInterface::GetSouthSymbol ( ) const
pure virtual
Returns the south symbol.

◆ GetThousandSeparatorChar()

virtual GS::Optional< GS::UniChar > API_PropertyConversionUtilsInterface::GetThousandSeparatorChar ( ) const
pure virtual
Returns the character of the thousands separator.

◆ GetVolumeType()

virtual API_VolumeTypeID API_PropertyConversionUtilsInterface::GetVolumeType ( ) const
pure virtual
Returns the value for volume unit preferences.

◆ GetWestSymbol()

virtual const GS::UniString & API_PropertyConversionUtilsInterface::GetWestSymbol ( ) const
pure virtual
Returns the west symbol.