Archicad 28 C++ API
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Attribute Management

Functions related to accessing and manipulating Attribute and the Attribute-related data of elements. More...


struct  API_LayerType
 Layer attribute representation. More...
struct  API_LineItems
 Describes the details of a symbol line. More...
struct  API_DashItems
 Describes one segment of a dashed line. More...
struct  API_LinetypeType
 Line type attribute representation. More...
struct  API_FillLine
 Describes the details of a vectorial fill. More...
struct  API_SFill_Line
 Describes a line item in a symbol fill. More...
struct  API_SFill_Arc
 Describes an arc item in a symbol fill. More...
struct  API_FilltypeType
 Fill type attribute representation. More...
struct  API_CWallComponent
 Describes the simple fills contained in composite structures. More...
struct  API_CWallLineComponent
 Describes the lines separate the simple fills contained in composite structures. More...
struct  API_CompWallType
 Composite fill attribute representation. More...
struct  API_LayerStat
 Describes one layer's characteristics in a layer combination. More...
struct  API_LayerCombType
 Layer combination attribute representation. More...
struct  API_ZoneCatType
 Zone category attribute representation. More...
struct  API_ProfileAttrType
 Attribute representing the custom profiles for walls, beams, and columns. More...
struct  API_PenTableType
 Pen table attribute. More...
struct  API_MEPSystemType
 MEP System attribute representation. More...
struct  API_HourlyProfile
 Describes coverage of an hour of an Operation Profile. More...
struct  API_DailyProfile
 Describes a daily profile contained in Operation Profile. More...
struct  API_DailyProfileUsage
 Describes a daily profile usage contained in Operation Profile. More...
struct  API_OperationProfileType
 An Energy Evaluation operation profile. More...
struct  API_BuildingMaterialType
 Building Material type attribute representation. More...
union  API_Attribute
 Describes the different attributes. More...
struct  API_SymbolHatchDef
 Describes the details of a symbol fill. More...
struct  API_AttributeDef
 Describes the extended information for different attributes. More...
struct  API_AttributeDefExt
 Describes the extended information for different attributes. More...
struct  API_AttributeFolder
 An attribute folder. More...
struct  API_AttributeFolderContent
 Content of an attribute folder. Contains direct subfolders and attributes. More...
struct  API_Pen
 Pen attribute representation. More...
class  API_AttributePickerParams
 Describes the type and the push check for creating an attribute picker in ACAPI_Dialog_CreateAttributePicker. More...
class  API_AttributePicker
 Describes an attribute picker created in ACAPI_Dialog_CreateAttributePicker, with getter and setter for the selected attribute and the hanlder of push check click event. More...
struct  API_AttributeFolderPickerParams
 Describes the type and the push check for creating an attribute folder picker in ACAPI_Attribute_CreateAttributeFolderPicker. More...
class  API_AttributeFolderPicker
 Describes an attribute folder picker created in ACAPI_Attribute_CreateAttributeFolderPicker, with getter and setter for the selected attribute folder and the hanlder of push check click event. More...


typedef GSErrCode APIAttributeReplacementHandlerProc(const API_AttributeReplaceIndexTable &table)
 User supplied callback procedure for handling attribute replacements.
using API_AttributeUserData = API_UserData
 A UserData attached to an Attribute.
typedef GS::HashTable< API_AttrTypeID, GS::HashTable< API_AttributeIndex, API_AttributeIndex > > API_AttributeReplaceIndexTable
 Contains the deleted and replaced attribute indices grouped by attribute type.


enum  API_LtypItemID {
  APILine_IllegalItemType , APILine_SeparatorItemType , APILine_CenterDotItemType , APILine_CenterLineItemType ,
  APILine_DotItemType , APILine_RightAngleItemType , APILine_ParallelItemType , APILine_LineItemType ,
  APILine_CircItemType , APILine_ArcItemType
 Describes the various item types of a symbol line. More...
enum  API_OccupancyTypeID { APIOccupancyType_Residential = 1 , APIOccupancyType_NonResidential = 2 }
 Occupancy type of the Operation Profile.
enum  API_FillOrientationID { APIFillOrientation_ProjectOrigin = 0 , APIFillOrientation_ElementOrigin = 1 , APIFillOrientation_FitToSkin = 2 }
 Determines the orientation of the fill pattern.


GSErrCode ACAPI_Attribute_GetCurrPenSet (API_AttributeIndex *penSetIndex)
 Get current pen set index.
GSErrCode ACAPI_AddOnIntegration_InstallAttrManagerImportMethod (const GS::UniString &fileExtension, ImportAttrProc *importProc)
 Installs the import method for the Attribute Manager.
GSErrCode ACAPI_DisposeAttrDefsHdls (API_AttributeDef *defs)
 Frees the memory occupied by all of the attribute definition handles.
GSErrCode ACAPI_DisposeAttrDefsHdlsExt (API_AttributeDefExt *defs)
 Frees the memory occupied by all of the attribute definition handles.
GSErrCode ACAPI_Attribute_ModifyPen (const API_Pen &pen)
 Modify a pen by index in the active pentable.
GSErrCode ACAPI_Attribute_GetPen (API_Pen &pen)
 Returns a pen by index from the active pentable.
GSErrCode ACAPI_Attribute_GetPenNum (UInt32 &count)
 Get the number of pens in the active pentable.
GSErrCode ACAPI_Attribute_GetNum (API_AttrTypeID typeID, UInt32 &count)
 Returns the number of instances of a given type of attribute.
GSErrCode ACAPI_Attribute_Get (API_Attribute *attribute)
 Retrieves an attribute from the database.
GSErrCode ACAPI_Attribute_GetAttributesByType (API_AttrTypeID typeID, GS::Array< API_Attribute > &attributes)
 Returns the instances of a given attribute type in the database.
GSErrCode ACAPI_Attribute_EnumerateAttributesByType (API_AttrTypeID typeID, const std::function< void(API_Attribute &)> &processor)
 Iterates the instances of a given attribute type in the database.
GSErrCode ACAPI_Attribute_GetDef (API_AttrTypeID typeID, API_AttributeIndex index, API_AttributeDef *defs)
 Retrieves extended information for an attribute.
GSErrCode ACAPI_Attribute_GetDefExt (API_AttrTypeID typeID, API_AttributeIndex index, API_AttributeDefExt *defs)
 Retrieves extended information for an attribute.
GSErrCode ACAPI_Attribute_Create (API_Attribute *attribute, API_AttributeDef *defs)
 Creates an attribute.
GSErrCode ACAPI_Attribute_CreateExt (API_Attribute *attribute, API_AttributeDefExt *defs)
 Creates an attribute.
GSErrCode ACAPI_Attribute_Modify (API_Attribute *attribute, API_AttributeDef *defs)
 Modifies an attribute.
GSErrCode ACAPI_Attribute_ModifyExt (API_Attribute *attribute, API_AttributeDefExt *defs)
 Modifies an attribute.
GSErrCode ACAPI_Attribute_Search (API_Attr_Head *attrHead)
 Searches for an attribute by name.
GSErrCode ACAPI_Attribute_Delete (const API_Attr_Head &attrHead)
 Deletes an attribute.
GSErrCode ACAPI_Attribute_DeleteMore (API_AttrTypeID attrTypeID, const GS::Array< API_AttributeIndex > &attrIndexList)
 Deletes more attributes of the same type.
GSErrCode ACAPI_UserData_GetUserData (API_Attr_Head *attrHead, API_AttributeUserData *userData)
 Obtains the user data attached to an attribute.
GSErrCode ACAPI_UserData_SetUserData (API_Attr_Head *attrHead, const API_AttributeUserData *userData)
 Attaches user data to an attribute, or deletes the attached data.
GSErrCode ACAPI_Attribute_GetAttributesFromProject (const IO::Location &location, API_AttrTypeID typeID, GS::Array< GS::Pair< API_Attribute, API_AttributeDefExt > > *resultArray)
 Loads the given attributes from a project file.
Modeler::IAttributeReader * ACAPI_Attribute_GetCurrentAttributeSetReader ()
 Returns an attribute reader for the currently used attribute set.
GSErrCode ACAPI_Attribute_GetFolder (API_AttributeFolder &folder)
 Retrieves an existing attribute folder by it's path or guid.
GSErrCode ACAPI_Attribute_CreateFolder (API_AttributeFolder &folder)
 Creates attribute folders. To create a folder, its full path has to be provided. The command will create all folders along the path, if they do not exist.
GSErrCode ACAPI_Attribute_Move (const GS::Array< API_AttributeFolder > &foldersToMove, const GS::Array< GS::Guid > &attributesToMove, const API_AttributeFolder &targetFolder)
 Moves attributes and attribute folders.
GSErrCode ACAPI_Attribute_GetFolderContent (const API_AttributeFolder &folder, API_AttributeFolderContent &result)
 Returns all folders and attributes of an attribute type.
GSErrCode ACAPI_Attribute_DeleteFolder (const API_AttributeFolder &folder)
 Deletes an attribute folder and all the folders and attributes it contains.
GSErrCode ACAPI_Attribute_RenameFolder (const API_AttributeFolder &folder, const GS::UniString &newName)
 Deletes an attribute folder and all the folders and attributes it contains.
GSErrCode ACAPI_Attribute_CreateAttributeFolderPicker (const API_AttributeFolderPickerParams &attributeFolderPickerParams, GS::Owner< API_AttributeFolderPicker > &attributeFolderPicker)
 Enables the attribute folder picker functionality for a push check, if the user clicks the push check, the picker will open. Attributes folder pickers can be used to choose an attribute folder.
API_AttributeIndex ACAPI_Attribute_GetFirstValidAttribute (API_AttrTypeID typeID)
 Returns the first valid attribute index.
GSErrCode ACAPI_Attribute_GetClassificationItems (const API_Attr_Head &attrHead, GS::Array< GS::Pair< API_Guid, API_Guid > > &systemItemPairs)
 Retrieves all of the classifications of an attribute.
GSErrCode ACAPI_Attribute_GetClassificationInSystem (const API_Attr_Head &attrHead, const API_Guid &systemGuid, API_ClassificationItem &item)
 Retrieves a classification of an attribute in a given classification system.
GSErrCode ACAPI_Attribute_AddClassificationItem (const API_Attr_Head &attrHead, const API_Guid &itemGuid)
 Classifies an attribute.
GSErrCode ACAPI_Attribute_RemoveClassificationItem (const API_Attr_Head &attrHead, const API_Guid &itemGuid)
 Removes a classification from an attribute.
bool ACAPI_Attribute_IsClassificationItemVisible (const API_Attr_Head &attrHead, const API_Guid &classificationGuid)
 Tells whether a classification item is visible for an attribute.
GSErrCode ACAPI_Attribute_GetPropertyDefinitions (const API_Attr_Head &attrHead, API_PropertyDefinitionFilter filter, GS::Array< API_PropertyDefinition > &definitions)
 Retrieves all of the built-in property definitions that are available for an attribute.
GSErrCode ACAPI_Attribute_GetPropertyValue (const API_Attr_Head &attrHead, const API_Guid &propertyDefinitionGuid, API_Property &property)
 Retrieves the property value of the property definition.
GSErrCode ACAPI_Attribute_GetPropertyValues (const API_Attr_Head &attrHead, const GS::Array< API_PropertyDefinition > &propertyDefinitions, GS::Array< API_Property > &properties)
 Retrieves the property values of the property definitions.
GSErrCode ACAPI_Attribute_GetPropertyValuesByGuid (const API_Attr_Head &attrHead, const GS::Array< API_Guid > &propertyDefinitions, GS::Array< API_Property > &properties)
 Retrieves the property values of the property definitions.
GSErrCode ACAPI_Attribute_SetProperty (const API_Attr_Head &attrHead, const API_Property &property)
 Sets the property value of the property definition.
GSErrCode ACAPI_Attribute_SetProperties (const API_Attr_Head &attrHead, const GS::Array< API_Property > &properties)
 Sets the specified built-in properties for the given values on an attribute.
bool ACAPI_Attribute_IsPropertyDefinitionValueEditable (const API_Attr_Head &attrHead, const API_Guid &propertyGuid)
 Tells whether a property definition is editable for an attribute.
bool ACAPI_Attribute_IsPropertyDefinitionAvailable (const API_Attr_Head &attrHead, const API_Guid &propertyGuid)
 Tells whether a property definition is available for an attribute.
bool ACAPI_Attribute_IsPropertyDefinitionVisible (const API_Attr_Head &attrHead, const API_Guid &propertyGuid)
 Tells whether a property definition is visible for an attribute.
GSErrCode ACAPI_Attribute_ModifyPropertyValue (const API_Property &property, const GS::Array< API_Attr_Head > &attrHeaders)
 Sets the value of a property for multiple attributes. If the property is not available for at least one of the given attribute then returns with an error without changing any property value.
GSErrCode ACAPI_Notification_CatchAttributeReplacement (APIAttributeReplacementHandlerProc *handlerProc)
 Register or unregister your add-on to be notified if some attributes are deleted and replaced by other attributes.
ADB::AttributeIndex API2AC_AttrIndex (const API_AttributeIndex &apiIndex)
 Converts an API_AttributeIndex to ADB::AttributeIndex.
API_AttributeIndex AC2API_AttrIndex (const ADB::AttributeIndex &acIndex)
 Converts an ADB::AttributeIndex to API_AttributeIndex.
API_AttributeIndex ACAPI_CreateAttributeIndex (Int32 index)
 A wrapper function to create an API_AttributeIndex from its GS equivalent.

Detailed Description

Functions related to accessing and manipulating Attribute and the Attribute-related data of elements.

Attribute Overview

Available types of attributes are enumerated in the API_AttrTypeID structure. The definition of an attribute is described in the API_Attribute structure, which is in fact a union of all types of attributes. All of the attribute structures begin with a common header structure, named [APIAPI_Attr_Head

Many attribute related functions use the API_Attribute structure on the parameter list. As a general rule, you have to fill the required fields in the union, then Archicad parses the request based on the values and passes the return parameters in the same parameter. This is why most of the functions do not have the const directive in the prototypes.

Retrieving an attribute

Let's see a simple example. Assume you are interested in the definition of the second line type of the data structure. In this case you should use a variable with the type API_Attribute structure.

API_Attribute attrib = {};
GSErrCode err;
attrib.header.typeID = API_LinetypeID;
attrib.header.index = 2;
err = ACAPI_Attribute_Get (&attrib);
GSErrCode ACAPI_Attribute_Get(API_Attribute *attribute)
Retrieves an attribute from the database.
API_AttrTypeID typeID
Type of the attribute; this identifies the attribute along with the index field. Refer to the API_Att...
Definition: APIdefs_Attributes.h:86
API_AttributeIndex index
The attribute index is the current database index of the given attribute. References to any attribute...
Definition: APIdefs_Attributes.h:94
Describes the different attributes.
Definition: APIdefs_Attributes.h:1855
API_Attr_Head header
A common header for all the attribute types. It contains information which applies to all the attribu...
Definition: APIdefs_Attributes.h:1861

The description of the attribute is returned in the attrib.linetype part of the union. With this function call, you get the basic data of the given attribute, such as the name, the flags, the defined scale, etc., but you do not get the definition of the actual shape of the line type. Since producing this data may be a relatively a long conversion process, this information can be obtained with an additional function call.

err = ACAPI_Attribute_GetDef (API_LinetypeID, 2, &defs);
GSErrCode ACAPI_Attribute_GetDef(API_AttrTypeID typeID, API_AttributeIndex index, API_AttributeDef *defs)
Retrieves extended information for an attribute.
Describes the extended information for different attributes.
Definition: APIdefs_Attributes.h:2005

In this case, you have all of the additional data related to the particular attribute. The API_AttributeDef structure is a collection of several handles (dynamic memory). If any of them are allocated it contains data. If you do not need the data any more, you have to free the allocated memory blocks to avoid memory leaks. The suggested way is the following:

GSErrCode ACAPI_DisposeAttrDefsHdls(API_AttributeDef *defs)
Frees the memory occupied by all of the attribute definition handles.

If you use this function, it is ensured that all of the dynamic data will be freed, and also that there will be no compatibility problems if your add-on is installed to a newer version of Archicad.

It is very important to examine the error codes returned by the API functions, and parse the returned value.

A typical situation is when you want to go through the instances of a particular attribute type in the database. The following example gives a good template to do that.

API_Attribute attrib = {};
short nLin, i;
GSErrCode err;
attrib.header.typeID = API_LinetypeID;
err = ACAPI_Attribute_GetNum (API_LinetypeID, &nLin);
for (i = 1; i <= nLin && err == NoError; i++) {
attrib.header.index = i;
err = ACAPI_Attribute_Get (&attrib);
if (err == NoError) {
/* do what you want */
if (err == APIERR_DELETED)
err = NoError;
GSErrCode ACAPI_Attribute_GetNum(API_AttrTypeID typeID, UInt32 &count)
Returns the number of instances of a given type of attribute.

First you need to get the number of line types in the database. You can do that with the ACAPI_Attribute_GetNum function, but be careful. This function returns the largest index used in the database, not the number of installed attributes, because instances may be deleted. Deleted attributes are not purged from the database immediately, which means that the valid index range is not (always) continuous. This is why the APIERR_DELETED return code has to be handled.

Creating an attribute

The attribute creation process is also fairly simple. All you have to do is to fill the appropriate part of the API_Attribute, and optionally the API_AttributeDefExt structure. The ACAPI_Attribute_CreateExt function does the following:

It is very important that Archicad does not free any dynamic data structure you have allocated and passed to Archicad. They must be freed by your code.

Another important note is the following. Every data structure filled by you must be initialized to zero, for forward compatibility. Fillers may become real data fields in the later versions of the API, so if they are not initialized to zero, the result may be unpredictable.

The template to create an attribute is the following:

API_Attribute attrib = {};
API_AttributeDefsExt defs = {};
short ltypeIndex;
GSErrCode err;
attrib.header.typeID = API_LinetypeID;
/* fill attrib.linetype */
/* fill defs for dashed and symbol line types */
err = ACAPI_Attribute_CreateExt (&attrib, &defs);
ltypeIndex = attrib.header.index;
GSErrCode ACAPI_DisposeAttrDefsHdlsExt(API_AttributeDefExt *defs)
Frees the memory occupied by all of the attribute definition handles.
GSErrCode ACAPI_Attribute_CreateExt(API_Attribute *attribute, API_AttributeDefExt *defs)
Creates an attribute.

Handler Functions

All of the attribute handler functions begins with the ACAPI_Attribute_ prefix. This function family gives support to query the attribute database, to modify the existing items, and also to create new instances. Refer to the functions below to have details on these topics.

Controlling the user data assigned to an attribute:

Controlling the classifications and properties assigned to an attribute:

Handling attribute folders:

Controlling attribute user interface controls:

General Error Codes


invalid reference;
the attribute type is invalid or the operation cannot apply that type


invalid reference;
the supplied attribute index is out of range


invalid reference;
the attribute does not exist in the database (deleted)


permission denied;
the attribute is out of the users workspace


There are certain rules which effect the attribute operations; i.e. they may be refused for some reason. The most important rules are:

Typedef Documentation

◆ API_AttributeReplaceIndexTable

Contains the deleted and replaced attribute indices grouped by attribute type.

Archicad 25

◆ APIAttributeReplacementHandlerProc

typedef GSErrCode APIAttributeReplacementHandlerProc(const API_AttributeReplaceIndexTable &table)

User supplied callback procedure for handling attribute replacements.

Archicad 25
table[in] List of attributes replaced. The hash key in the hash table is the type of attribute (material, profile etc.), the paired value is another hash table, which holds the old (deleted) attribute indices as keys, and the replacement attribute indices as values.
  • NoError - The function has completed with success.
This callback function should be implemented and set with ACAPI_Notification_CatchAttributeReplacement in order to receive notifications of attribute replacements.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ API_LtypItemID

Describes the various item types of a symbol line.

These are the item types you can use to describe a symbol line.

Function Documentation

◆ AC2API_AttrIndex()

API_AttributeIndex AC2API_AttrIndex ( const ADB::AttributeIndex &  acIndex)

Converts an ADB::AttributeIndex to API_AttributeIndex.

Archicad 27

◆ ACAPI_AddOnIntegration_InstallAttrManagerImportMethod()

GSErrCode ACAPI_AddOnIntegration_InstallAttrManagerImportMethod ( const GS::UniString &  fileExtension,
ImportAttrProc *  importProc 

Installs the import method for the Attribute Manager.

Archicad 26
fileExtensionThe unique file extension which identifies the new import format.
importProcCallback function, called when import a file with the registered extension.
  • NoError - The function has completed with success.
This function installs the callback function for the new attribute import format. The Attribute Manager will call the registered function, during the import command. Example Refer to the Attribute Test example project of the API Development Kit.

◆ ACAPI_Attribute_AddClassificationItem()

GSErrCode ACAPI_Attribute_AddClassificationItem ( const API_Attr_Head attrHead,
const API_Guid itemGuid 

Classifies an attribute.

attrHead[in] Header of the attribute. The attribute is identified by typeID and index
itemGuid[in] The guid of the classification item, that should be added to the element.
  • NoError - The function has completed with success.
  • APIERR_BADINDEX - The attrHead did not refer to a valid attribute.
  • APIERR_READONLY - The attribute can not be modified (i.e. from a hotlink) or you do not have the right to classify attributes in the current teamwork plan.
  • APIERR_BADID - Inexistent classification item.
  • APIERR_BADCLASSIFICATION - The classification item is not available for the given attribute.

◆ ACAPI_Attribute_Create()

GSErrCode ACAPI_Attribute_Create ( API_Attribute attribute,
API_AttributeDef defs 

Creates an attribute.

Archicad 26
attribute[in/out] Parameters of the attribute. The type of the attribute must be passed in the typeID field in the attribute header. The index field of the attribute header is used as an output parameter to return the reference index to the newly created attribute.
defs[in] Additional parameters of the attribute. It is required or optional to pass depending on the type of the attribute.
  • NoError - The function has completed with success.
  • APIERR_ATTREXIST - An attribute with the same name already exists.
  • APIERR_BADID - Invalid attribute type was passed, or a pen or font attribute type was given.
  • APIERR_BADPARS - A nullptr attribute pointer was passed.
  • APIERR_NOTMINE - You are in view-only mode for a teamwork project.
This function is used to create an attribute, defined by the typeID field of the attribute header. The reference index of the newly created attribute is returned in the index field of the attribute header. You cannot create pen and font attributes. The function also checks the data for possible inconsistency. If a problem is encountered it may be corrected automatically, or an error code is generated. If an attribute with the same name exists in the database, the existing index will be returned. The matching procedure ignores the differences of the attribute definition. Multiple attributes with the same name are not allowed. When creating the attribute, the applicable fields should be filled. API_Attr_Head typeID required index ignored flags required where applicable name required API_AttributeTypeID defs API_LayerID - API_LinetypeID ltype_dashItems (for dashed line type) ltype_lineItems(for symbol line type) API_FilltypeID fill_lineItems (for vector fill type) fill_lineLength (for vector fill type) sfill_Items (for symbol fill type) API_CompWallID cwall_compItems API_MaterialID - API_LayerCombID layer_statItems API_ZoneCatID zone_addParItems API_MEPSystemID - It is important that Archicad does not free any dynamic data structure you have allocated and passed to Archicad. It is your responsibility to dispose the handles passed in the defs parameter, when they are no longer needed. It is advised to use the ACAPI_DisposeAttrDefsHdls function for compatibility reasons. This function is a non-undoable data structure modifier function. See more details on this topic at Command Overview. You cannot create pen and font attributes. The function also checks the data for possible inconsistency. If a problem is encountered it may be corrected automatically, or an error code is generated. If an attribute with the same name exists in the database, the existing index will be returned. The matching procedure ignores the differences of the attribute definition. Multiple attributes with the same name are not allowed. When creating the attribute, the applicable fields should be filled. Use this function instead of ACAPI_Attribute_Create function because API_AttributeDefExt structure contains more fields - detailed information for composite wall attribute - than API_AttributeDef.
typeID required
index ignored
flags required where applicable
name required
API_AttributeTypeID defs
API_LayerID -
API_LinetypeID ltype_dashItems (for dashed line type)
ltype_lineItems(for symbol line type)
API_FilltypeID fill_lineItems (for vector fill type)
fill_lineLength (for vector fill type)
sfill_Items (for symbol fill type)
API_CompWallID cwall_compItems
API_MaterialID -
API_LayerCombID layer_statItems
API_ZoneCatID zone_addParItems

It is important that Archicad does not free any dynamic data structure you have allocated and passed to Archicad. It is your responsibility to dispose of the handles passed in the defs parameter, when they are no longer needed. It is advised to use the ACAPI_DisposeAttrDefsHdlsExt function for compatibility reasons. This function is a non-undoable data structure modifier function. See more details on this topic at Command Overview.

API_AttributeDefs defs;
short ltypeIndex;
GSErrCode err;
BNZeroMemory (&attrib, sizeof (API_Attribute));
BNZeroMemory (&defs, sizeof (API_AttributeDefs));
attrib.header.typeID = API_LinetypeID;
/* fill attrib.linetype */
/* fill defs for non solid linetypes */
err = ACAPI_Attribute_Create (&attrib, &defs);
ltypeIndex = attrib.header.index;
GSErrCode ACAPI_Attribute_Create(API_Attribute *attribute, API_AttributeDef *defs)
Creates an attribute.

◆ ACAPI_Attribute_CreateAttributeFolderPicker()

GSErrCode ACAPI_Attribute_CreateAttributeFolderPicker ( const API_AttributeFolderPickerParams attributeFolderPickerParams,
GS::Owner< API_AttributeFolderPicker > &  attributeFolderPicker 

Enables the attribute folder picker functionality for a push check, if the user clicks the push check, the picker will open. Attributes folder pickers can be used to choose an attribute folder.

Archicad 26
attributeFolderPickerParams[in] Parameters of attribute folder picker (type of the attribute, the parameters of push check).
attributeFolderPicker[out] The constructed picker.
  • NoError - The function has completed with success.
  • APIERR_BADPARS - Incorrect attributeFolderPickerParams was specified.

◆ ACAPI_Attribute_CreateExt()

GSErrCode ACAPI_Attribute_CreateExt ( API_Attribute attribute,
API_AttributeDefExt defs 

Creates an attribute.

Archicad 26
attribute[in/out] Parameters of the attribute. The type of the attribute must be passed in the typeID field in the attribute header. The index field of the attribute header is used as an output parameter to return the reference index to the newly created attribute.
defs[in] Additional parameters of the attribute. It is required or optional to pass depending on the type of the attribute.
  • NoError - The function has completed with success.
  • APIERR_ATTREXIST - An attribute with the same name already exists.
  • APIERR_BADID - Invalid attribute type was passed, or a pen or font attribute type was given.
  • APIERR_BADPARS - A nullptr attribute pointer was passed.
  • APIERR_NOTMINE - You are in view-only mode for a teamwork project.
This function is used to create an attribute, defined by the typeID field of the attribute header. The reference index of the newly created attribute is returned in the index field of the attribute header. You cannot create pen and font attributes. The function also checks the data for possible inconsistency. If a problem is encountered it may be corrected automatically, or an error code is generated. If an attribute with the same name exists in the database, the existing index will be returned. The matching procedure ignores the differences of the attribute definition. Multiple attributes with the same name are not allowed. When creating the attribute, the applicable fields should be filled. API_Attr_Head typeID required index ignored flags required where applicable name required API_AttributeTypeID defs API_LayerID - API_LinetypeID ltype_dashItems (for dashed line type) ltype_lineItems(for symbol line type) API_FilltypeID fill_lineItems (for vector fill type) fill_lineLength (for vector fill type) sfill_Items (for symbol fill type) API_CompWallID cwall_compItems API_MaterialID - API_LayerCombID layer_statItems API_ZoneCatID zone_addParItems API_MEPSystemID - It is important that Archicad does not free any dynamic data structure you have allocated and passed to Archicad. It is your responsibility to dispose the handles passed in the defs parameter, when they are no longer needed. It is advised to use the ACAPI_DisposeAttrDefsHdls function for compatibility reasons. This function is a non-undoable data structure modifier function. See more details on this topic at Command Overview. You cannot create pen and font attributes. The function also checks the data for possible inconsistency. If a problem is encountered it may be corrected automatically, or an error code is generated. If an attribute with the same name exists in the database, the existing index will be returned. The matching procedure ignores the differences of the attribute definition. Multiple attributes with the same name are not allowed. When creating the attribute, the applicable fields should be filled. Use this function instead of ACAPI_Attribute_Create function because API_AttributeDefExt structure contains more fields - detailed information for composite wall attribute - than API_AttributeDef.
typeID required
index ignored
flags required where applicable
name required
API_AttributeTypeID defs
API_LayerID -
API_LinetypeID ltype_dashItems (for dashed line type)
ltype_lineItems(for symbol line type)
API_FilltypeID fill_lineItems (for vector fill type)
fill_lineLength (for vector fill type)
sfill_Items (for symbol fill type)
API_CompWallID cwall_compItems
API_MaterialID -
API_LayerCombID layer_statItems
API_ZoneCatID zone_addParItems

It is important that Archicad does not free any dynamic data structure you have allocated and passed to Archicad. It is your responsibility to dispose the handles passed in the defs parameter, when they are no longer needed. It is advised to use the ACAPI_DisposeAttrDefsHdlsExt function for compatibility reasons. This function is a non-undoable data structure modifier function. See more details on this topic at Command Overview.

API_AttributeDefsExt defs;
short ltypeIndex;
GSErrCode err;
BNZeroMemory (&attrib, sizeof (API_Attribute));
BNZeroMemory (&defs, sizeof (API_AttributeDefsExt));
attrib.header.typeID = API_LinetypeID;
/* fill attrib.linetype */
/* fill defs for non solid linetypes */
err = ACAPI_Attribute_CreateExt (&attrib, &defs);
ltypeIndex = attrib.header.index;

◆ ACAPI_Attribute_CreateFolder()

GSErrCode ACAPI_Attribute_CreateFolder ( API_AttributeFolder folder)

Creates attribute folders. To create a folder, its full path has to be provided. The command will create all folders along the path, if they do not exist.

Archicad 26
folder[in out] Type and path of the attribute folder to create.
  • NoError - The function has completed with success.
  • APIERR_BADID - Incorrect folder.typeID was specified, or folder.path is illegal, see remarks.
  • APIERR_NOPLAN - There is no open project.
  • APIERR_NOACCESSRIGHT - User has no permission to create folders under typeID.
  • APIERR_BADPARS - Folder creation is not available for folder.typeID.
older.path has to be legal, i.e. all names in the array must not be empty, and must not begin or end with whitespace. If a folder in folder.path already exists, it is not renamed or recreated. Name collision of folders is case insensitive. Examples:
  • If the folders A/B exist, and folder.path = a/b/c/d, two new folders, c/d under A/B are created. A and B are not renamed to a and b.
  • If the folders A/B/C exist, and folder.path = a/b/c, this has no effect. NoError will be returned. If a folder at folder.path was successfully created, it's unique identifier is set to folder.guid. It can be used later, even if the folder was moved or renamed since it's creation.
folder.typeID = API_CompWallID;
folder.path = { "A", "B", "C1" };
DBVERIFY (ACAPI_Attribute_CreateFolder (folder) == NoError);
GSErrCode ACAPI_Attribute_CreateFolder(API_AttributeFolder &folder)
Creates attribute folders. To create a folder, its full path has to be provided. The command will cre...
An attribute folder.
Definition: APIdefs_Attributes.h:2176
API_AttrTypeID typeID
Type of the attribute folder; this identifies the folder along with the path or guid field.
Definition: APIdefs_Attributes.h:2182

◆ ACAPI_Attribute_Delete()

GSErrCode ACAPI_Attribute_Delete ( const API_Attr_Head attrHead)

Deletes an attribute.

Archicad 26
attrHead[in] The typeID and index fields in the header identifies the attribute to delete.
  • NoError - The function has completed with success.
  • APIERR_BADPARS - The passed parameter (attrHead) is invalid.
  • APIERR_REFUSEDPAR - You tried to delete pens, fonts, a solid or an empty fill, or an attribute with index 1.
  • APIERR_NOTMINE - The attribute is out of the users workspace.
This function is used to delete an attribute, defined by the typeID and index field of the attribute header. Certain attributes in the database can not be deleted; see the return values. Note, that deleting an attribute do not effect any changes in the element database; they will refer to an attribute which is missing. That is not a problem, the server applications work in the same way when an attribute is deleted from the menus. The only exception is the layer attribute. Once a layer is deleted all the elements will be deleted; no matter in which database they are. The floor plan and all the section/elevations will be scanned to delete the elements which are on the given layer. You can delete more than one attribute of the same type with the ACAPI_Attribute_DeleteMore function. This function is a non-undoable data structure modifier function. See more details on this topic at Command Overview.
API_Attribute attrib = {};
attrib.header.typeID = API_LinetypeID;
attrib.header.index = 5;
GSErrCode err = ACAPI_Attribute_Delete (attrib.header);
GSErrCode ACAPI_Attribute_Delete(const API_Attr_Head &attrHead)
Deletes an attribute.

◆ ACAPI_Attribute_DeleteFolder()

GSErrCode ACAPI_Attribute_DeleteFolder ( const API_AttributeFolder folder)

Deletes an attribute folder and all the folders and attributes it contains.

Archicad 26
folder[in] The folder to delete.
  • NoError - The function has completed with success.
  • APIERR_BADPARS - Incorrect folder was specified.
  • APIERR_NOPLAN - There is no open project.
  • APIERR_NOACCESSRIGHT - User has no permission to delete folders under folder.typeID.
  • APIERR_NOTMINE - Attribute type folder.typeID is not reserved.
Folder has to be an existing folder identified by it's typeID, and path or guid.. Deletes all deletable attributes and folders the given folder contains. If an attribute is not deletable, the folders containing the attribute are not deleted. newName has to be legal, must not be empty, and must not begin or end with whitespace. Renames the specified folder (while preserving it's guid). The root folder can't be renamed, two folders in the same parent folder can't have the same name.
API_AttributeFolder lineFolder {};
lineFolder.typeID = API_LinetypeID;
lineFolder.path = { "A", "B", "C" };
API_AttributeFolder cwFolder {};
cwFolder.typeID = API_CompWallID;
cwFolder.guid = GS::Guid ("27075EFF-611F-4B11-9BBB-553AC8BDA922");
GSErrCode ACAPI_Attribute_DeleteFolder(const API_AttributeFolder &folder)
Deletes an attribute folder and all the folders and attributes it contains.

◆ ACAPI_Attribute_DeleteMore()

GSErrCode ACAPI_Attribute_DeleteMore ( API_AttrTypeID  attrTypeID,
const GS::Array< API_AttributeIndex > &  attrIndexList 

Deletes more attributes of the same type.

Archicad 26
attrTypeID[in] Identifies the type of the attributes to delete.
attrIndexList[in] List of attribute indices to be deleted.
  • NoError - The function has completed with success.
  • APIERR_BADPARS - The passed parameter attrTypeID is invalid or the given attrIndexList is empty.
  • APIERR_REFUSEDPAR - You tried to delete pens, fonts, a solid or an empty fill, or an attribute with index 1.
  • APIERR_NOTMINE - The attribute is out of the users workspace.
This function is the extension of ACAPI_Attribute_Delete. You can specify a list of attribute indices to be deleted. If you pass only one index in the attrIndexList parameter, this function works like ACAPI_Attribute_Delete. This function is a non-undoable data structure modifier function. See more details on this topic at Command Overview.
GSErrCode err = ACAPI_Attribute_DeleteMore (API_LinetypeID, { 3, 4, 5 });
if (err != NoError) {
// failed to delete the attributes
GSErrCode ACAPI_Attribute_DeleteMore(API_AttrTypeID attrTypeID, const GS::Array< API_AttributeIndex > &attrIndexList)
Deletes more attributes of the same type.

◆ ACAPI_Attribute_EnumerateAttributesByType()

GSErrCode ACAPI_Attribute_EnumerateAttributesByType ( API_AttrTypeID  typeID,
const std::function< void(API_Attribute &)> &  processor 

Iterates the instances of a given attribute type in the database.

October 18, 2022
typeID[in] Type of the attribute.
processor[in] The enumerator process on the API_Attribute as a lambda function.

◆ ACAPI_Attribute_Get()

GSErrCode ACAPI_Attribute_Get ( API_Attribute attribute)

Retrieves an attribute from the database.

Archicad 27
attribute[in/out] Parameters of the attribute. The type and the index or the name of the attribute must be passed in the typeID and index, or in the typeID and name fields in the attribute header. The data of the attribute is returned in the appropriate fields of the API_Attribute structure.
  • NoError - The function has completed with success.
  • APIERR_BADPARS - The passed parameter (attribute) is nullptr
  • APIERR_BADID - The attribute type is invalid
  • APIERR_BADINDEX - The attribute index is invalid; if referenced by index
  • APIERR_BADNAME - The attribute with the given name doesn't exist; if referenced by name
This function is used to retrieve one attribute's data from the database. Beside the typeID, you should specify either the index or the name field of the header. In the latter case, the index field should be set to zero, and the attribute database is searched by name. You may optionally call ACAPI_Attribute_GetDef to get extended information for certain attribute types. The index range is not always continuous; deleted attributes are not purged immediately from the database. Note: The received attributes can have dynamically allocated members depending on the typeID. They should be disposed when they are no more needed.
  • API_MaterialID : attribute.material.texture.fileLoc
  • API_ModelViewOptionsID : attribute.modelViewOpt.modelViewOpt.gdlOptions Note: Special pen IDs can be used:
  • 1000 : returns the color of the grid line
  • 1001 : returns the color of the zone stamp
  • 1002 : returns the color of the ghost story
/* Example I -- get an attribute */
GSErrCode err;
BNZeroMemory (&attrib, sizeof (API_Attribute));
/* get the "Wave" line type */
attrib.header.typeID = API_LinetypeID;
CHCopyC ("Wave",;
err = ACAPI_Attribute_Get (&attrib);
/* Example II -- loop through all attributes of a kind */
short nLin, i;
GSErrCode err;
BNZeroMemory (&attrib, sizeof (API_Attribute));
attrib.header.typeID = API_LinetypeID;
err = ACAPI_Attribute_GetNum (API_LinetypeID, &nLin);
for (i = 1; i <= nLin && err == NoError; i++) {
attrib.header.index = i;
err = ACAPI_Attribute_Get (&attrib);
if (err == NoError) {
/* do what you want */
err = NoError;
char name[API_AttrNameLen]
The name of the attribute as UTF-8 encoded C string, which appears in the appropriate dialogs.
Definition: APIdefs_Attributes.h:115

◆ ACAPI_Attribute_GetAttributesByType()

GSErrCode ACAPI_Attribute_GetAttributesByType ( API_AttrTypeID  typeID,
GS::Array< API_Attribute > &  attributes 

Returns the instances of a given attribute type in the database.

Archicad 27
typeID[in] Type of the attribute.
attributes[out] The attributes in the database for the given attribute type.

◆ ACAPI_Attribute_GetAttributesFromProject()

GSErrCode ACAPI_Attribute_GetAttributesFromProject ( const IO::Location &  location,
API_AttrTypeID  typeID,
GS::Array< GS::Pair< API_Attribute, API_AttributeDefExt > > *  resultArray 

Loads the given attributes from a project file.

location[in] The location of the project to load the attributes from.
typeID[in] The attribute type to load from the project.
resultArray[out] The list of attributes that has been loaded successfully.
  • NoError - The function has completed with success.
Be aware that certain attribute types (e.g., composite walls) refer to other attribute types as well.

◆ ACAPI_Attribute_GetClassificationInSystem()

GSErrCode ACAPI_Attribute_GetClassificationInSystem ( const API_Attr_Head attrHead,
const API_Guid systemGuid,
API_ClassificationItem item 

Retrieves a classification of an attribute in a given classification system.

attrHead[in] Header of the attribute. The attribute is identified by typeID and index
systemGuid[in] The guid of the classification system in which the classification item should be retrieved.
item[out] The retrieved classification item (empty with null guid if the elem doesn't have a classification in the given system).
  • NoError - The function has completed with success.
  • APIERR_BADINDEX - The attrHead did not refer to a valid attribute.
  • APIERR_BADID - Inexistent classification system.

◆ ACAPI_Attribute_GetClassificationItems()

GSErrCode ACAPI_Attribute_GetClassificationItems ( const API_Attr_Head attrHead,
GS::Array< GS::Pair< API_Guid, API_Guid > > &  systemItemPairs 

Retrieves all of the classifications of an attribute.

attrHead[in] Header of the attribute. The attribute is identified by typeID and index
systemItemPairs[out] A list of classification system and classification item guid pairs, that represent the attribute's classifications.
  • NoError - The function has completed with success.
  • APIERR_BADINDEX - The attrHead did not refer to a valid attribute.
  • APIERR_GENERAL - Internal error.

◆ ACAPI_Attribute_GetCurrentAttributeSetReader()

Modeler::IAttributeReader * ACAPI_Attribute_GetCurrentAttributeSetReader ( )

Returns an attribute reader for the currently used attribute set.

Archicad 25
Use this function when an attribute reader is required as a parameter of other functions. For example when retrieving the 3D model by using the EXPGetModel function. The returned attribute reader is allocated on the heap. Don't forget to delete it when it's not needed anymore!

◆ ACAPI_Attribute_GetCurrPenSet()

GSErrCode ACAPI_Attribute_GetCurrPenSet ( API_AttributeIndex penSetIndex)

Get current pen set index.

penSetIndex[out] Current pen set index.
  • NoError - The function has completed with success.
  • APIERR_BADPARS - Incorrect penSetIndex was specified.

◆ ACAPI_Attribute_GetDef()

GSErrCode ACAPI_Attribute_GetDef ( API_AttrTypeID  typeID,
API_AttributeIndex  index,
API_AttributeDef defs 

Retrieves extended information for an attribute.

Archicad 27
typeID[in] Type of the attribute.
index[in] Index of the attribute.
defs[out] The extended information for an attribute.
  • NoError - The function has completed with success.
  • APIERR_BADPARS - The passed parameter (defs) is nullptr
  • APIERR_BADID - The attribute type is invalid; see Remarks
  • APIERR_BADINDEX - The attribute index is invalid
This function is used to return detailed information on the specified attribute. This function is available only for lines, fills, composites, layers, and zone categories. Other type of attributes do not have extended information; all of the their data can be passed through the API_Attribute structure. See the ACAPI_Attribute_Get function to get the base parameters of an attribute. Do not forget to dispose the returned data handles if they are not needed any more. Use the ACAPI_DisposeAttrDefsHdls function for this purpose. This function is available only for lines, fills, composites, layers, and zone categories. Other type of attributes do not have extended information; all of the their data can be passed through the API_Attribute structure. See the ACAPI_Attribute_Get function to get the base parameters of an attribute. Do not forget to dispose the returned data handles if they are not needed any more. Use the ACAPI_DisposeAttrDefsHdlsExt function for this purpose. Use this function instead of ACAPI_Attribute_GetDef function because API_AttributeDefExt structure contains more fields - detailed information for composite wall attribute - than API_AttributeDef.
API_AttributeDefs defs;
GSErrCode err;
/* retrieve all information for the "Wave" linetype */
BNZeroMemory (&attrib, sizeof (API_Attribute));
BNZeroMemory (&defs, sizeof (API_AttributeDefs));
attrib.header.typeID = API_LinetypeID;
CHCopyC ("Wave",;
err = ACAPI_Attribute_Get (&attrib);
if (err == NoError)
err = ACAPI_Attribute_GetDef (attrib.header.typeID, attrib.header.index, &defs);

◆ ACAPI_Attribute_GetDefExt()

GSErrCode ACAPI_Attribute_GetDefExt ( API_AttrTypeID  typeID,
API_AttributeIndex  index,
API_AttributeDefExt defs 

Retrieves extended information for an attribute.

Archicad 27
typeID[in] Type of the attribute.
index[in] Index of the attribute.
defs[out] The extended information for an attribute.
  • NoError - The function has completed with success.
  • APIERR_BADPARS - The passed parameter (defs) is nullptr
  • APIERR_BADID - The attribute type is invalid; see Remarks
  • APIERR_BADINDEX - The attribute index is invalid
This function is used to return detailed information on the specified attribute. This function is available only for lines, fills, composites, layers, and zone categories. Other type of attributes do not have extended information; all of the their data can be passed through the API_Attribute structure. See the ACAPI_Attribute_Get function to get the base parameters of an attribute. Do not forget to dispose the returned data handles if they are not needed any more. Use the ACAPI_DisposeAttrDefsHdls function for this purpose. This function is available only for lines, fills, composites, layers, and zone categories. Other type of attributes do not have extended information; all of the their data can be passed through the API_Attribute structure. See the ACAPI_Attribute_Get function to get the base parameters of an attribute. Do not forget to dispose the returned data handles if they are not needed any more. Use the ACAPI_DisposeAttrDefsHdlsExt function for this purpose. Use this function instead of ACAPI_Attribute_GetDef function because API_AttributeDefExt structure contains more fields - detailed information for composite wall attribute - than API_AttributeDef.
API_AttributeDefsExt defs;
GSErrCode err;
/* retrieve all information for the "Comp Wall 0.6" composite */
BNZeroMemory (&attrib, sizeof (API_Attribute));
BNZeroMemory (&defs, sizeof (API_AttributeDefsExt));
attrib.header.typeID = API_CompWallID;
CHCopyC ("Comp Wall 0.6",;
err = ACAPI_Attribute_Get (&attrib);
if (err == NoError)
err = ACAPI_Attribute_GetDefExt (attrib.header.typeID, attrib.header.index, &defs);
GSErrCode ACAPI_Attribute_GetDefExt(API_AttrTypeID typeID, API_AttributeIndex index, API_AttributeDefExt *defs)
Retrieves extended information for an attribute.

◆ ACAPI_Attribute_GetFirstValidAttribute()

API_AttributeIndex ACAPI_Attribute_GetFirstValidAttribute ( API_AttrTypeID  typeID)

Returns the first valid attribute index.

typeIDtype of Attribute
Archicad 27
  • API_AttributeIndex - the index of the first valid attribute of type or APIInvalidAttributeIndex

◆ ACAPI_Attribute_GetFolder()

GSErrCode ACAPI_Attribute_GetFolder ( API_AttributeFolder folder)

Retrieves an existing attribute folder by it's path or guid.

Archicad 26
folder[in out] Set the typeID and the path or guid of the attribute folder to retrieve.
  • NoError - The function has completed with success.
  • APIERR_BADID - Incorrect folder.typeID was specified, or folder.path is illegal, see remarks.
  • APIERR_NOPLAN - There is no open project.
folder.path has to be legal, i.e. all names in the array must not be empty, and must not begin or end with whitespace. Besides folder.typeID, either folder.guid or folder.path is to be passed. If none of the latter is provided, the root folder is accessed.
folder.typeID = API_LinetypeID;
folder.guid = GS::Guid ("27075EFF-611F-4B11-9BBB-553AC8BDA922");
DBVERIFY (ACAPI_Attribute_GetFolder (folder) == NoError);
for (const auto& name : folder.path) {
// ...
GSErrCode ACAPI_Attribute_GetFolder(API_AttributeFolder &folder)
Retrieves an existing attribute folder by it's path or guid.

◆ ACAPI_Attribute_GetFolderContent()

GSErrCode ACAPI_Attribute_GetFolderContent ( const API_AttributeFolder folder,
API_AttributeFolderContent result 

Returns all folders and attributes of an attribute type.

Archicad 26
folder[in] Identifier of the folder to query.
result[out] Content of te queried folder.
  • NoError - The function has completed with success.
  • APIERR_BADID - Incorrect folder was specified.
  • APIERR_NOPLAN - There is no open project.

◆ ACAPI_Attribute_GetNum()

GSErrCode ACAPI_Attribute_GetNum ( API_AttrTypeID  typeID,
UInt32 &  count 

Returns the number of instances of a given type of attribute.

typeID[in] Type of the attribute.
count[out] The number of attributes in the database for the given attribute type.
  • NoError - The function has completed with success.
  • APIERR_BADPARS - The passed parameter is nullptr; count
  • APIERR_BADID - The attribute type is invalid
This function returns the actual number of the given attribute type. You should use ACAPI_Attribute_GetAttributesByType or ACAPI_Attribute_EnumerateAttributesByType to iterate on attributes!.
GSErrCode err;
/* find out how many linetypes we have */
err = ACAPI_Attribute_GetNum (API_LinetypeID, &ltypeNum);
Index reference to an attribute.
Definition: APIdefs_AttributeIndex.hpp:24

◆ ACAPI_Attribute_GetPen()

GSErrCode ACAPI_Attribute_GetPen ( API_Pen pen)

Returns a pen by index from the active pentable.

Archicad 27
pen[out] Reference of an API_Pen.
  • NoError - The function has completed with success.
  • APIERR_BADINDEX - bad pen index
  • APIERR_NOCURRATTRSET - no current attributeset

◆ ACAPI_Attribute_GetPenNum()

GSErrCode ACAPI_Attribute_GetPenNum ( UInt32 &  count)

Get the number of pens in the active pentable.

Archicad 27
count[out] Reference of a UInt32.
  • NoError - The function has completed with success.
  • APIERR_NOCURRATTRSET - no current attributeSet exists

◆ ACAPI_Attribute_GetPropertyDefinitions()

GSErrCode ACAPI_Attribute_GetPropertyDefinitions ( const API_Attr_Head attrHead,
API_PropertyDefinitionFilter  filter,
GS::Array< API_PropertyDefinition > &  definitions 

Retrieves all of the built-in property definitions that are available for an attribute.

attrHead[in] Header of the attribute. The attribute is identified by typeID and index
filter[in] Get the definition for user defined, fundamental or user-level built-in attributes.
definitions[out] Array of property definitions that are available for a classification of the given attribute.
  • NoError - The function has completed with success.
  • APIERR_BADINDEX - The attrHead did not refer to a valid attribute.
GSErrCode GetPropertyDefinitionNames (API_AttrTypeID attributeTypeID, short attributeIndex, GS::Array<GS::UniString>& names)
API_Attr_Head attributeHeader = {};
GS::Array<API_PropertyDefinition> definitions;
attributeHeader.typeID = attributeTypeID;
attributeHeader.index = attributeIndex;
GSErrCode error = ACAPI_Attribute_GetPropertyDefinitions (attributeHeader, definitions);
if (error == NoError) {
for (UInt32 i = 0; i < definitions.GetSize (); i++) {
return error;
GSErrCode ACAPI_Attribute_GetPropertyDefinitions(const API_Attr_Head &attrHead, API_PropertyDefinitionFilter filter, GS::Array< API_PropertyDefinition > &definitions)
Retrieves all of the built-in property definitions that are available for an attribute.
The type of an attribute.
Definition: APIdefs_Attributes.h:50
Contains common information related to all attribute types.
Definition: APIdefs_Attributes.h:80

◆ ACAPI_Attribute_GetPropertyValue()

GSErrCode ACAPI_Attribute_GetPropertyValue ( const API_Attr_Head attrHead,
const API_Guid propertyDefinitionGuid,
API_Property property 

Retrieves the property value of the property definition.

attrHead[in] Header of the attribute. The attribute is identified by typeID and index
propertyDefinitionGuid[in] Property definition.
property[out] Property value.
  • NoError - The function has completed with success.
  • APIERR_BADINDEX - The attrHead did not refer to a valid attribute.
  • APIERR_GENERAL - Every other case.
GSErrCode GetPropertyDefinitionNames (API_AttrTypeID attributeTypeID, short attributeIndex, GS::Array<GS::UniString>& names)
API_Attr_Head attributeHeader = {};
GS::Array<API_PropertyDefinition> definitions;
attributeHeader.typeID = attributeTypeID;
attributeHeader.index = attributeIndex;
GSErrCode error = ACAPI_Attribute_GetPropertyDefinitions (attributeHeader, definitions);
if (error == NoError) {
for (UInt32 i = 0; i < definitions.GetSize (); i++) {
API_Property property = {};
error = ACAPI_Attribute_GetPropertyValue (attributeHeader, definitions [i], property);
return error;
GSErrCode ACAPI_Attribute_GetPropertyValue(const API_Attr_Head &attrHead, const API_Guid &propertyDefinitionGuid, API_Property &property)
Retrieves the property value of the property definition.
A container that can store different types of data.
Definition: APIdefs_Properties.h:890

◆ ACAPI_Attribute_GetPropertyValues()

GSErrCode ACAPI_Attribute_GetPropertyValues ( const API_Attr_Head attrHead,
const GS::Array< API_PropertyDefinition > &  propertyDefinitions,
GS::Array< API_Property > &  properties 

Retrieves the property values of the property definitions.

attrHead[in] Header of the attribute. The attribute is identified by typeID and index
propertyDefinitions[in] List of property definitions.
properties[out] List of property values.
  • NoError - The function has completed with success.
  • APIERR_BADINDEX - The attrHead did not refer to a valid attribute.
  • APIERR_GENERAL - Every other case.
GSErrCode GetPropertyDefinitionNames (API_AttrTypeID attributeTypeID, short attributeIndex, GS::Array<GS::UniString>& names)
API_Attr_Head attributeHeader = {};
GS::Array<API_PropertyDefinition> definitions;
attributeHeader.typeID = attributeTypeID;
attributeHeader.index = attributeIndex;
GSErrCode error = ACAPI_Attribute_GetPropertyDefinitions (attributeHeader, definitions);
if (error == NoError) {
GS::Array<API_Property> properties;
error = ACAPI_Attribute_GetPropertyValues (attributeHeader, definitions, properties);
return error;
GSErrCode ACAPI_Attribute_GetPropertyValues(const API_Attr_Head &attrHead, const GS::Array< API_PropertyDefinition > &propertyDefinitions, GS::Array< API_Property > &properties)
Retrieves the property values of the property definitions.

◆ ACAPI_Attribute_GetPropertyValuesByGuid()

GSErrCode ACAPI_Attribute_GetPropertyValuesByGuid ( const API_Attr_Head attrHead,
const GS::Array< API_Guid > &  propertyDefinitions,
GS::Array< API_Property > &  properties 

Retrieves the property values of the property definitions.

attrHead[in] Header of the attribute. The attribute is identified by typeID and index
propertyDefinitions[in] List of property definitions identified by guid.
properties[out] List of property values.
  • NoError - The function has completed with success.
  • APIERR_BADINDEX - The attrHead did not refer to a valid attribute.
  • APIERR_GENERAL - Every other case.

◆ ACAPI_Attribute_IsClassificationItemVisible()

bool ACAPI_Attribute_IsClassificationItemVisible ( const API_Attr_Head attrHead,
const API_Guid classificationGuid 

Tells whether a classification item is visible for an attribute.

attrHead[in] Header of the attribute. The attribute is identified by typeID and index
classificationGuid[in] The classification item GUID to search for.
  • true - The given classification item is visible for the attribute. It can return true even if the parent of the classification item is hidden.
  • false - The given classification item is not visible for the attribute or invalid parameters.
GSErrCode GetVisibleClassificationItems (API_AttrTypeID attributeTypeID, short attributeIndex, GS::Array<API_ClassificationItem>& visibleClassifications)
API_Attr_Head attributeHeader = {};
GS::Array<API_ClassificationItem> definitions;
attributeHeader.typeID = attributeTypeID;
attributeHeader.index = attributeIndex;
GSErrCode error = ACAPI_Classification_GetClassificationItems (APINULLGuid, definitions);
if (error == NoError) {
for (UInt32 i = 0; i < definitions.GetSize (); ++i) {
if (ACAPI_Attribute_IsClassificationItemVisible (attributeHeader, definitions[i].guid)) {
visibleClassifications.Push (definitions[i]);
return error;
constexpr API_Guid APINULLGuid
Represents an empty API guid.
Definition: API_Guid.hpp:241
bool ACAPI_Attribute_IsClassificationItemVisible(const API_Attr_Head &attrHead, const API_Guid &classificationGuid)
Tells whether a classification item is visible for an attribute.

◆ ACAPI_Attribute_IsPropertyDefinitionAvailable()

bool ACAPI_Attribute_IsPropertyDefinitionAvailable ( const API_Attr_Head attrHead,
const API_Guid propertyGuid 

Tells whether a property definition is available for an attribute.

attrHead[in] Header of the attribute. The attribute is identified by typeID and index
propertyGuid[in] The property definition GUID to search for.
  • true - The given property definition is available for the attribute.
  • false - The given property definition is not available for the attribute or invalid parameters.
GSErrCode GetAvailablePropertyDefinitions (API_AttrTypeID attributeTypeID, short attributeIndex, GS::Array<API_PropertyDefinition>& availableProperties)
GS::Array<API_PropertyDefinition> definitions;
API_Attr_Head attributeHeader = {};
attributeHeader.typeID = attributeTypeID;
attributeHeader.index = attributeIndex;
GSErrCode error = ACAPI_Property_GetPropertyDefinitions (APINULLGuid, definitions);
if (error == NoError) {
for (UInt32 i = 0; i < definitions.GetSize (); ++i) {
if (ACAPI_Attribute_IsPropertyDefinitionAvailable (attributeHeader, definitions[i].guid)) {
availableProperties.Push (definitions[i]);
return error;
bool ACAPI_Attribute_IsPropertyDefinitionAvailable(const API_Attr_Head &attrHead, const API_Guid &propertyGuid)
Tells whether a property definition is available for an attribute.
GSErrCode ACAPI_Property_GetPropertyDefinitions(const API_Guid &groupGuid, GS::Array< API_PropertyDefinition > &definitions)
Retrieves all the property definitions from a given group.

◆ ACAPI_Attribute_IsPropertyDefinitionValueEditable()

bool ACAPI_Attribute_IsPropertyDefinitionValueEditable ( const API_Attr_Head attrHead,
const API_Guid propertyGuid 

Tells whether a property definition is editable for an attribute.

attrHead[in] Header of the attribute. The attribute is identified by typeID and index
propertyGuid[in] The property definition GUID to search for.
  • true - The given property definition is editable for the attribute.
  • false - The given property definition is not editable for the attribute or invalid parameters.
GSErrCode GetAvailablePropertyDefinitions (API_AttrTypeID attributeTypeID, short attributeIndex, GS::Array<API_PropertyDefinition>& availableProperties)
GS::Array<API_PropertyDefinition> definitions;
API_Attr_Head attributeHeader = {};
attributeHeader.typeID = attributeTypeID;
attributeHeader.index = attributeIndex;
GSErrCode error = ACAPI_Property_GetPropertyDefinitions (APINULLGuid, definitions);
if (error == NoError) {
for (UInt32 i = 0; i < definitions.GetSize (); ++i) {
if (ACAPI_Attribute_IsPropertyDefinitionAvailable (attributeHeader, definitions[i].guid)) {
availableProperties.Push (definitions[i]);
return error;

◆ ACAPI_Attribute_IsPropertyDefinitionVisible()

bool ACAPI_Attribute_IsPropertyDefinitionVisible ( const API_Attr_Head attrHead,
const API_Guid propertyGuid 

Tells whether a property definition is visible for an attribute.

attrHead[in] Header of the attribute. The attribute is identified by typeID and index
propertyGuid[in] The property definition GUID to search for.
  • true - The given property definition is visible for the attribute.
  • false - The given property definition is not visible for the attribute or invalid parameters.
GSErrCode GetVisiblePropertyDefinitions (API_AttrTypeID attributeTypeID, short attributeIndex, GS::Array<API_PropertyDefinition>& visibleProperties)
GS::Array<API_PropertyDefinition> definitions;
API_Attr_Head attributeHeader = {};
attributeHeader.typeID = attributeTypeID;
attributeHeader.index = attributeIndex;
GSErrCode error = ACAPI_Property_GetPropertyDefinitions (APINULLGuid, definitions);
if (error == NoError) {
for (UInt32 i = 0; i < definitions.GetSize (); ++i) {
if (ACAPI_Attribute_IsPropertyDefinitionVisible (attributeHeader, definitions[i].guid)) {
visibleProperties.Push (definitions[i]);
return error;
bool ACAPI_Attribute_IsPropertyDefinitionVisible(const API_Attr_Head &attrHead, const API_Guid &propertyGuid)
Tells whether a property definition is visible for an attribute.

◆ ACAPI_Attribute_Modify()

GSErrCode ACAPI_Attribute_Modify ( API_Attribute attribute,
API_AttributeDef defs 

Modifies an attribute.

Archicad 27
attribute[in] The attribute to be modified is defined by the typeID and index fields of the header.
defs[in] The extended information for the attribute where needed.
  • NoError - The function has completed with success.
  • APIERR_BADPARS - The passed parameter is nullptr; attribute, [defs]
  • APIERR_BADID - The attribute type is invalid
  • APIERR_BADINDEX - The attribute index is invalid
  • APIERR_REFUSEDPAR - For layers, fills and line types you cannot modify the attribute with index 1. Solid and empty fills are also unalterable.
This function is used to modify an attribute. The attribute to be modified is identified by the typeID and the index fields in the attribute header. You can either modify the parameters passed through the API_Attribute structure or the extended information given in API_AttributeDef. The attribute will be named according to uniStringNamePtr in API_Attribute, or name if the first was nullptr. This function is a non-undoable data structure modifier function. See more details on this topic at Command Overview. You can either modify the parameters passed through the API_Attribute structure or the extended information given in API_AttributeDefExt. Use this function instead of ACAPI_Attribute_Modify function because API_AttributeDefExt structure contains more fields - detailed information for composite wall attribute - than API_AttributeDef. This function is a non-undoable data structure modifier function. See more details on this topic at Command Overview.
API_AttributeDefs defs;
short ltypeIndex;
GSErrCode err;
BNClear (attrib);
BNClear (defs);
/* retrieve all information for the "Wave" line type */
attrib.header.typeID = API_LinetypeID;
CHCopyC ("Wave",;
err = ACAPI_Attribute_Get (&attrib);
if (err == NoError) {
err = ACAPI_Attribute_GetDef (attrib.header.typeID, attrib.header.index, &defs);
if (err == NoError) {
attrib.header.flags |= APILine_ScaleWithPlan;
attrib.lineType.defineScale = 100.0;
err = ACAPI_Attribute_Modify (&attrib, &defs);
GSErrCode ACAPI_Attribute_Modify(API_Attribute *attribute, API_AttributeDef *defs)
Modifies an attribute.
short flags
The attribute flags. Attribute type specific values are described in the individual attribute section...
Definition: APIdefs_Attributes.h:103

◆ ACAPI_Attribute_ModifyExt()

GSErrCode ACAPI_Attribute_ModifyExt ( API_Attribute attribute,
API_AttributeDefExt defs 

Modifies an attribute.

Archicad 27
attribute[in] The attribute to be modified is defined by the typeID and index fields of the header.
defs[in] The extended information for the attribute where needed.
  • NoError - The function has completed with success.
  • APIERR_BADPARS - The passed parameter is nullptr; attribute, [defs]
  • APIERR_BADID - The attribute type is invalid
  • APIERR_BADINDEX - The attribute index is invalid
  • APIERR_REFUSEDPAR - For layers, fills and line types you cannot modify the attribute with index 1. Solid and empty fills are also unalterable.
This function is used to modify an attribute. The attribute to be modified is identified by the typeID and the index fields in the attribute header. You can either modify the parameters passed through the API_Attribute structure or the extended information given in API_AttributeDef. The attribute will be named according to uniStringNamePtr in API_Attribute, or name if the first was nullptr. This function is a non-undoable data structure modifier function. See more details on this topic at Command Overview. You can either modify the parameters passed through the API_Attribute structure or the extended information given in API_AttributeDefExt. Use this function instead of ACAPI_Attribute_Modify function because API_AttributeDefExt structure contains more fields - detailed information for composite wall attribute - than API_AttributeDef. This function is a non-undoable data structure modifier function. See more details on this topic at Command Overview.
API_AttributeDefsExt defs;
short ltypeIndex;
GSErrCode err;
BNClear (attrib);
BNClear (defs);
/* retrieve all information for the "Comp Wall 0.6" composite */
attrib.header.typeID = API_CompWallID;
CHCopyC ("Comp Wall 0.6",;
err = ACAPI_Attribute_Get (&attrib);
if (err == NoError) {
err = ACAPI_Attribute_GetDefExt (attrib.header.typeID, attrib.header.index, &defs);
if (err == NoError) {
for (short i = 0; i < attrib.compWall.nComps + 1; i++) {
(*defs.cwall_compLItems)[i].ltypeInd = 3;
(*defs.cwall_compLItems)[i].linePen = 3;
err = ACAPI_Attribute_ModifyExt (&attrib, &defs);
GSErrCode ACAPI_Attribute_ModifyExt(API_Attribute *attribute, API_AttributeDefExt *defs)
Modifies an attribute.
short nComps
Contains the number of components (simple fills) for the composite. The number of separator lines is ...
Definition: APIdefs_Attributes.h:810
API_CompWallType compWall
A composite wall attribute.
Definition: APIdefs_Attributes.h:1885

◆ ACAPI_Attribute_ModifyPen()

GSErrCode ACAPI_Attribute_ModifyPen ( const API_Pen pen)

Modify a pen by index in the active pentable.

Archicad 27
pen[in] Reference of the API_Pen on which the modification is based.
  • NoError - The function has completed with success.
  • APIERR_NOACCESSRIGHT - no access right in teamwork
  • APIERR_NOTMINE - pen tables not reserved in teamwork
  • APIERR_General - general error
  • APIERR_BADINDEX - bad pen index
  • APIERR_NOCURRATTRSET - no current attributeset

◆ ACAPI_Attribute_ModifyPropertyValue()

GSErrCode ACAPI_Attribute_ModifyPropertyValue ( const API_Property property,
const GS::Array< API_Attr_Head > &  attrHeaders 

Sets the value of a property for multiple attributes. If the property is not available for at least one of the given attribute then returns with an error without changing any property value.

property[in] The new value of the property.
attrHeaders[in] The array of attributes, that the property should be available for.
  • NoError - The function has completed with success.
  • APIERR_BADID - Inexistent property item.
  • APIERR_NOACCESSRIGHT - The current user does not have the right to modify the properties of a specified attribute on a teamwork server.
  • APIERR_READONLY - Tried to modify a read-only property (for example a property coming from a hotlink).
  • APIERR_BADPROPERTY - The property definition is not available for one of the given attributes.

◆ ACAPI_Attribute_Move()

GSErrCode ACAPI_Attribute_Move ( const GS::Array< API_AttributeFolder > &  foldersToMove,
const GS::Array< GS::Guid > &  attributesToMove,
const API_AttributeFolder targetFolder 

Moves attributes and attribute folders.

Archicad 26
foldersToMove[in] List of folders to move.
attributesToMove[in] List of attributes to move.
targetFolder[in] Target folder, i.e. the new parent of the folders and attributes to move.
  • NoError - The function has completed with success.
  • APIERR_BADID - Incorrect typeID was specified.
All folders (items of foldersToMove and targetFolder) have to be existing folders. Handling name collisions:
  • If there are name collisions, the moved folders will be merged with the colliding folders in targetFolder, like in a filesystem.
  • Name collision of folders is case insensitive. An existing folder in targetFolder will not be renamed. E.g. merging 'foo' into an existing 'Foo' keeps the 'Foo' name.
  • Name collision between two moved folders will be handled in order of appearance in foldersToMove. E.g. moving 'A/foo' and 'B/Foo' (in this order) to 'Bar' will result in 'Bar/foo', because 'foo' is first created in 'Bar', and then it is not renamed to 'Foo'. foldersToMove and attributesToMove can contain repeated items. Repeated items will be handled as if only the first occurrence would be present in the list. foldersToMove and attributesToMove can contain items which are already under targetFolder. Such items will be left in place. foldersToMove and attributesToMove can contain items which are under a folder to move. Such items will be ignored, as if they would not be on the list, and only the outermost folder will be moved. A folder or attribute cannot be moved out of its attribute type.

◆ ACAPI_Attribute_RemoveClassificationItem()

GSErrCode ACAPI_Attribute_RemoveClassificationItem ( const API_Attr_Head attrHead,
const API_Guid itemGuid 

Removes a classification from an attribute.

attrHead[in] Header of the attribute. The attribute is identified by typeID and index
itemGuid[in] The guid of the classification item, that should be removed from the attribute.
  • NoError - The function has completed with success.
  • APIERR_BADINDEX - The attrHead did not refer to a valid attribute.
  • APIERR_READONLY - The attribute can not be modified (i.e. from a hotlink) or you do not have the right to remove classifications from attributes in the current teamwork plan.
  • APIERR_BADID - Inexistent classification item.
  • APIERR_BADPARS - The attribute did not have the specified classification.

◆ ACAPI_Attribute_RenameFolder()

GSErrCode ACAPI_Attribute_RenameFolder ( const API_AttributeFolder folder,
const GS::UniString &  newName 

Deletes an attribute folder and all the folders and attributes it contains.

Archicad 26
folder[in] The folder to rename.
newName[in] The new name for the folder.
  • NoError - The function has completed with success.
  • APIERR_BADPARS - Incorrect folder was specified.
  • APIERR_NOPLAN - There is no open project.
  • APIERR_NOACCESSRIGHT - User has no permission to rename folders under folder.typeID.
  • APIERR_NOTMINE - Attribute type folder.typeID is not reserved.
Folder has to be an existing folder identified by it's typeID, and path or guid.. Deletes all deletable attributes and folders the given folder contains. If an attribute is not deletable, the folders containing the attribute are not deleted. newName has to be legal, must not be empty, and must not begin or end with whitespace. Renames the specified folder (while preserving it's guid). The root folder can't be renamed, two folders in the same parent folder can't have the same name.

◆ ACAPI_Attribute_Search()

GSErrCode ACAPI_Attribute_Search ( API_Attr_Head attrHead)

Searches for an attribute by name.

attrHead[in/out] The attribute to search for, identified by the typeID and name or the guid fields of the header.
  • NoError - The function has completed with success.
  • APIERR_BADPARS - The passed parameter is nullptr; attrHead
  • APIERR_BADID - The attribute type is invalid
  • APIERR_BADGUID - The attribute with the given guid doesn't exist
  • APIERR_BADNAME - The attribute with the given name doesn't exist
This function is used to search for an attribute by name or by GUID. Upon return, the index and other applicable fields of the header are set. The primary search criteria is the GUID, then the Unicode name (if present), then the name field of the header. This function cannot be used to search for pens; they don't have any name or GUID.
BNZeroMemory (&attrib, sizeof (API_Attribute));
/* find out the index of the "Wave" line type */
attrib.header.guid = GSGuid2APIGuid (GS::Guid ("35DE8210-A51E-43AE-9837-8CF3A01E8F63"));
GSErrCode err = ACAPI_Attribute_Search (&attrib.header);
if (err == NoError) {
char msgStr[512];
sprintf (msgStr, "[%d] %s", attrib.header.index,;
ACAPI_WriteReport (msgStr, true);
GSErrCode ACAPI_Attribute_Search(API_Attr_Head *attrHead)
Searches for an attribute by name.
API_Guid & GSGuid2APIGuid(GS::Guid &guid)
Converting from GS::Guid to API_Guid.
Definition: API_Guid.hpp:95
void ACAPI_WriteReport(const GS::UniString &format, bool withDial,...)
Writes a report string into the Report Windowot into a custom alert window.
API_Guid guid
The globally unique identifier (GUID) of the attribute; can be used for identifying attributes with A...
Definition: APIdefs_Attributes.h:121

◆ ACAPI_Attribute_SetProperties()

GSErrCode ACAPI_Attribute_SetProperties ( const API_Attr_Head attrHead,
const GS::Array< API_Property > &  properties 

Sets the specified built-in properties for the given values on an attribute.

attrHead[in] Header of the attribute. The attribute is identified by typeID and index
properties[in] Specifies the properties to be set.
  • NoError - The function has completed with success.
  • APIERR_BADID - Incorrect attributeTypeID or attributeIndex was specified or one of the property definitions' guid did not refer to a valid object.
  • APIERR_NOACCESSRIGHT - The current user does not have the right to modify the properties of the specified attribute on a teamwork server.
  • APIERR_READONLY - Tried to modify a read-only property (for example a property coming from a hotlink).
  • APIERR_BADPROPERTY - The property definition is not available for the given attribute.
GSErrCode SetAllPropertyValuesToDefault (API_AttrTypeID attributeTypeID, short attributeIndex)
API_Attr_Head attributeHeader = {};
GS::Array<API_PropertyDefinition> definitions;
attributeHeader.typeID = attributeTypeID;
attributeHeader.index = attributeIndex;
GSErrCode error = ACAPI_Attribute_GetPropertyDefinitions (attributeHeader, definitions);
if (error == NoError) {
GS::Array<API_Property> properties;
for (UInt32 i = 0; i < definitions.GetSize (); i++) {
API_Property property;
property.definition = definitions[i];
properties.Push (property);
error = ACAPI_Attribute_GetProperties (attributeHeader, properties);
if (error == NoError) {
for (UInt32 i = 0; i < properties.GetSize (); i++) {
properties[i].isDefault = true;
error = ACAPI_Attribute_SetProperties (attributeHeader, properties);
return error;
GSErrCode ACAPI_Attribute_SetProperties(const API_Attr_Head &attrHead, const GS::Array< API_Property > &properties)
Sets the specified built-in properties for the given values on an attribute.
API_PropertyDefinition definition
The definition of the property.
Definition: APIdefs_Properties.h:896

◆ ACAPI_Attribute_SetProperty()

GSErrCode ACAPI_Attribute_SetProperty ( const API_Attr_Head attrHead,
const API_Property property 

Sets the property value of the property definition.

attrHead[in] Header of the attribute. The attribute is identified by typeID and index
property[in] Property.
  • NoError - The function has completed with success.
  • APIERR_BADINDEX - The attrHead did not refer to a valid attribute.
  • APIERR_NOACCESSRIGHT - The property can not be modified because you do not have the right to classify attributes in the current teamwork plan.
  • APIERR_READONLY - The proeprty can not be modified because it is readonly.
  • APIERR_BADID - Inexistent propert item.
  • APIERR_GENERAL - Every other case.

◆ ACAPI_CreateAttributeIndex()

API_AttributeIndex ACAPI_CreateAttributeIndex ( Int32  index)

A wrapper function to create an API_AttributeIndex from its GS equivalent.

Archicad 27
index[in] The attribute index to convert.
The API equivalent.

◆ ACAPI_DisposeAttrDefsHdls()

GSErrCode ACAPI_DisposeAttrDefsHdls ( API_AttributeDef defs)

Frees the memory occupied by all of the attribute definition handles.

defs[in] Points to an API_AttributeDef structure which contains handles used for previous operations and not needed any more.
This is the recommended way of disposing the attribute definition handles for compatibility reasons, as in a later version of the API the API_AttributeDef structure might change.

◆ ACAPI_DisposeAttrDefsHdlsExt()

GSErrCode ACAPI_DisposeAttrDefsHdlsExt ( API_AttributeDefExt defs)

Frees the memory occupied by all of the attribute definition handles.

defs[in] Points to an API_AttributeDefExt structure which contains handles used for previous operations and not needed any more.
This is the recommended way of disposing the attribute definition handles for compatibility reasons, as in a later version of the API the API_AttributeDefExt structure might change.

◆ ACAPI_Notification_CatchAttributeReplacement()

GSErrCode ACAPI_Notification_CatchAttributeReplacement ( APIAttributeReplacementHandlerProc handlerProc)

Register or unregister your add-on to be notified if some attributes are deleted and replaced by other attributes.

Archicad 25
handlerProc[in] The callback procedure to call when notifications are sent out on replacement of attributes. Specifying nullptr here means you don't need the notifications any more.
  • NoError - The required operation finished successfully.
This function enables the API tool add-on to catch the deletion and replacement of the attributes in the project. This operation can be done with the Delete and Replace option in the Attribute Manager dialog. If you do not need to catch the changes of default settings any longer, please remember to unregister by calling ACAPI_Notification_CatchAttributeReplacement for the required element type with nullptr in the handlerProc parameter.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Attribute replacement handler function
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
GSErrCode HandleAttributeReplacement (const API_AttributeReplaceIndexTable& table)
char msgStr[256];
if (table.ContainsKey (API_AttrTypeID::API_BuildingMaterialID)) {
for (const auto& entry : table[API_AttrTypeID::API_BuildingMaterialID]) {
sprintf (msgStr, "Changed Material: old index = %d, new index = %d", *entry.key, *entry.value);
ACAPI_WriteReport (msgStr, false);
return NoError;
} // HandleAttributeReplacement
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Called after the Add-On has been loaded into memory
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
GSErrCode Initialize (void)
GSErrCode err = ACAPI_Notification_CatchAttributeReplacement (HandleAttributeReplacement);
return err;
} // Initialize
GSErrCode Initialize(void)
The main entry point of the add-on.
GS::HashTable< API_AttrTypeID, GS::HashTable< API_AttributeIndex, API_AttributeIndex > > API_AttributeReplaceIndexTable
Contains the deleted and replaced attribute indices grouped by attribute type.
Definition: APIdefs_Attributes.h:2229
GSErrCode ACAPI_Notification_CatchAttributeReplacement(APIAttributeReplacementHandlerProc *handlerProc)
Register or unregister your add-on to be notified if some attributes are deleted and replaced by othe...

◆ ACAPI_UserData_GetUserData()

GSErrCode ACAPI_UserData_GetUserData ( API_Attr_Head attrHead,
API_AttributeUserData userData 

Obtains the user data attached to an attribute.

Archicad 27
attrHead[in] Header of the attribute (only fields typeID and index are used).
userData[in/out] Pointer to the user data.
  • NoError - The function has completed with success.
  • APIERR_BADPARS - Any of the passed parameters is nullptr
  • APIERR_BADPLATFORMSIGN - The user data contained platform sign is invalid (out of range)
  • APIERR_MEMFULL - Out of memory
  • APIERR_NOUSERDATA - No user data attached by the caller module
This function is used to get the user attached data from an atribute. The typeID and index fields of the DDD record has to be filled to get the data attached to the attribute. The caller should not allocate the userData->dataHdl field. It's allocated by the function itself but should be destroyed after use by the caller! Use the ACAPI_UserData_SetUserData functions to push data into the attribute record.

◆ ACAPI_UserData_SetUserData()

GSErrCode ACAPI_UserData_SetUserData ( API_Attr_Head attrHead,
const API_AttributeUserData userData 

Attaches user data to an attribute, or deletes the attached data.

attrHead[in] The attribute to attach the user data to is defined by the typeID and index fields of the header.
userData[in] The user data to store. If dataHdl is nullptr, then the function deletes the user data.
  • NoError - The function has completed with success.
  • APIERR_BADPARS - A nullptr attrHead or userData pointer was passed.
  • APIERR_BADPLATFORMSIGN - The platform sign in the user data is invalid (out of range).
This function is used to attach user data to an an atribute, or to delete the attached information (if userData->dataHdl is nullptr. The caller is responsible for allocating and deleting the userData->dataHdl. You can safely destroy the passed handle after use, as it is copied into the internal database. This function is a non-undoable data structure modifier function. See more details on this topic at Command Overview.

◆ API2AC_AttrIndex()

ADB::AttributeIndex API2AC_AttrIndex ( const API_AttributeIndex apiIndex)

Converts an API_AttributeIndex to ADB::AttributeIndex.

Archicad 27
  • ADB::AttributeIndex