Archicad 27 C++ API
No Matches
API_SectionSegment Struct Reference

Represents one segment of a section/elevation/interior elevation. More...

#include <APIdefs_Elements.h>

Public Attributes

short linePen
 Pen attribute index of the line.
short textPen
 Pen attribute index of the text.
API_AttributeIndex ltypeInd
 Line type attribute index.
short sectPen
 Pen attribute index to be used in sections for contours (when not overridden by useElemPens).
short sectFillPen
 Pen attribute index to be used in sections for fills (when not overridden by useElemPens)
short sectFillBGPen
 Pen attribute index of the background fill of the cut elements (when not overridden by useElemPens)
short verticalRangeStoryBaseNumber
 The story number to which vertMin and vertMax is relative to, when relativeToStory is true.
API_SegmentHorizontalRange horizRange
 Horizontal range of the segment:
API_SegmentVerticalRange vertRange
 Vertical range of the segment:
double markerSize
 Marker size.
bool begMark
 Put marker on the beginning point.
bool endMark
 Put marker on the end point.
bool relativeToStory
 Vertical limited range is relative to the home story or absolute to project zero.
bool useElemPens
 Use the pens defined in the elements.
bool begLine
 Show line at beginning point.
bool middleLine
 Show line at midlle point.
bool endLine
 Show line at end point.
double lineLength
 Length of the line.
double vertMin
 Vertical limitation - minimum height.
double vertMax
 Vertical limitation - maximum height.
GS::uchar_t cutPlName [API_UniLongNameLen]
 Name of the section as a Unicode string.
GS::uchar_t cutPlIdStr [API_UniLongNameLen]
 The reference ID of the section in Unicode. If the text contains a '/' character, then the text is split between the beginning and end marks.
double textSize
 Text size [mm] of marker text.
short font
 Font attribute index for the marker text.
short effectBits
 The settings of the 3D view. It can take the following values:
API_AttributeIndex shadFill
 Fill attribute index of the shadow's fill.
short shadFillPen
 Pen attribute index of the shadow's fill.
short shadFillBGPen
 Background pen attribute index of the shadow's fill.
API_AttributeIndex limitLtypeInd
 Line type of the horizontal limit line.
short limitLinePen
 Line pen of the horizontal limit line.
bool continuous
 Continuous if true, otherwise is segmented.
double sunAngXY
 Custom sun azimuth relative to the cut plane.
double sunAngZ
 Custom sun altitude relative to the cut plane.
API_Guid begMarkerId
 Guid of the Section Marker object at the starting point of the section line.
API_Guid midMarkerId
 Guid of the Section Marker object at the center point of the section line.
API_Guid endMarkerId
 Guid of the Section Marker object at the end point of the section line.
bool modelUseElemPen
 Use one pen for all elements in the Section/Elevation view.
bool distAreaUseElemPen
 Use one pen for all elements in distant area of the Section/Elevation view.
short modelElemPen
 Foreground pen of model uncut surface fill.
short distAreaElemPen
 Pen attribute index of elements in distant area of the Section/Elevation view.
API_AttributeIndex distAreaShadFill
 Fill attribute index for Shadow Polygons used in the Section/Elevation view.
short distAreaShadFillPen
 Fill pen index for Shadow Polygons used in the Section/Elevation view.
short distAreaShadFillBGPen
 Fill background pen index for Shadow Polygons used in the Section/Elevation view.
API_CutPlaneUncutSurfaceFillID distAreaUncutSurfFillType
 The method for displaying fills of uncut surfaces in the distant area of the Section/Elevation (effective if distAreaUseUncutSurfFill is true)
short distAreaUncutSurfBGPen
 Pencolor to apply to the fills of all uncut surfaces in the distant area of the Section/Elevation (if uniform pencolor is selected in the Distant Area Options).
bool distAreaUseUncutSurfFill
 Apply fills to uncut surfaces displayed in the distant area of the Section/Elevation.
bool markedDistArea
 Mark distant area.
API_CutPlaneUncutSurfaceFillID modelUncutSurfFillType
 The method for displaying fills of uncut surfaces (Model Effects) of the Section/Elevation (effective if modelUseUncutSurfFill is true). See the API_CutPlaneUncutSurfaceFillID values at the distAreaUncutSurfFillType parameter.
short modelUncutSurfBGPen
 Pencolor to apply to the fills of all uncut surfaces in the Section/Elevation (if uniform pencolor is selected in the Model Effects panel).
bool modelUseUncutSurfFill
 Apply fills to uncut surfaces displayed in the Section/Elevation.
bool transparency
 Set transparency of the Section/Elevation.
UInt32 nMainCoord
 Number of main line coordinates in memo.
UInt32 nDistCoord
 Number of marked distant area line coordinates in memo.
UInt32 nDepthCoord
 Number of depth line coordinates in memo.
bool drawingModeON
 Section is in drawing mode.
bool windOpened
 The section/elevation/interior elevation window is opened.
bool active
 Turned off or active.
bool sourceMarker
 Is this segment a source marker? (output only/no default)
API_DatabaseUnId databaseID
 Database ID to switch to (see API_DatabaseUnId).
API_CutPlanePlanConn currPlanConn
 Current plan connectivity (read only). Show the state of the Section/Elevation window. This member will pick up the value of intPlanConn when the Section/Elevation window was activated. The Section/Elevation will be regenerated from the model if it's necessary.
API_CutPlanePlanConn intPlanConn
 Intended plan connectivity. Show the state of the element on the plan. It could be different from the state of its Section/Elevation window (currPlanConn).
bool solidOperationsOnZones
 Use the solid operations on zones (for interior elevations only).
bool exclBlockWalls
 Exclude view blocking walls (for interior elevations only).
bool showCutElements
 Show cut elements (for interior elevations only).
bool byLimitLines
 Relevant elems are detected only by limit lines (used only for Interior Elevation segments).
API_StoryHandleAppearance shAppearance
 Options for displaying story lines on the Section/Elevation.
API_AttributeIndex shLineType
 Line type index of the Story Level lines.
short shLinePen
 Pencolor index of the Story Level lines.
short shMarkerPen
 Pencolor index of the Story Handle Markers (effective when not overridden by shUseSymbolPens).
bool shUseSymbolPens
 Use own colors of the Story Handle Marker object.
bool shLeftMarkerOn
 Display the Story Handle Markers on the left side.
bool shRightMarkerOn
 Display the Story Handle Markers on the right side.
bool shLineOn
 Story handle line is on or off.
double shLeftMarkerOffset
 The offset of the Story Level line beyond the limits of the Section/Elevation on the left side.
double shRightMarkerOffset
 The offset of the Story Level line beyond the limits of the Section/Elevation on the right side.
API_Guid shSymbolId
 The guid of the Story Handle Marker object element instance (API_ObjectType).
short shMarkerFont
 The font index of the Story Handle Marker.
unsigned short shMarkerFaceBits
 The text style of the Story Handle Marker.
double shMarkerTextSize
 The text size of the Story Handle Marker in mm.
double shMarkerSize
 The size of the Story Handle Marker in mm.
API_BoundaryDisplay boundaryDisplay
 Boundary contour display mode. The possible values are: APIBound_UncutContours, APIBound_NoContours, and APIBound_OverrideContours.
short boundaryPen
 Boundary contour pen.
API_AttributeIndex boundaryLineType
 Boundary contour line type.
API_Sector iePolygonEdge
 Used for link the segment to an edge of the Interior Elevation.
double ieCreationSegmentHorizontalOffset
 Used only for Interior Elevation creation.
double ieCreationSegmentDepth
 Used only for Interior Elevation creation.

Detailed Description

Represents one segment of a section/elevation/interior elevation.

Refer to the ACAPI_Database_ChangeCurrentDatabase function to access and operate on the corresponding Section/Elevation/Interior Elevation database. For cut plane element related memo data see the ACAPI_Element_GetMemo function. You can retrieve the Section Marker and the Story Handle Marker objects with the ACAPI_Element_Get and ACAPI_Element_GetMemo functions applying the corresponding marker indices stored in API_CutPlaneType, but you cannot create or modify them directly. You can define and change marker objects only together with the cut plane element using ACAPI_Element_CreateExt and ACAPI_Element_ChangeExt respectively. You can access to the default settings of the markers with the ACAPI_Element_GetDefaultsExt and ACAPI_Element_ChangeDefaultsExt functions. You can enumerate the drawing primitives of the Story Level lines of a given Section/Elevation database with the ACAPI_DrawingPrimitive_DrawStoryControl database function. From API 21 all 3 (main, depth, and marked distant) lines of a section segment can be "broken". The coordinates can be found in the element memo.

Member Data Documentation

◆ distAreaUncutSurfFillType


The method for displaying fills of uncut surfaces in the distant area of the Section/Elevation (effective if distAreaUseUncutSurfFill is true)

API_CutPlaneUncutSurfaceFillID Meaning
APICutPl_PenColor Apply uniform pencolor to the fills of all uncut surfaces
APICutPl_MaterialColorShaded Display uncut fills using own material colors of the elements with shading
APICutPl_MaterialColorNonShaded Display uncut fills using own material colors of the elements without shading

◆ effectBits


The settings of the 3D view. It can take the following values:

Effect Meaning
APICutPl_VectorHatch Create vectorial 3D hatching
APICutPl_VectorShadow Create vectorial Sun shadows
APICutPl_SunFrom3D The parameters of the Sun are the same as in the 3D window

◆ horizRange


Horizontal range of the segment:

API_SegmentHorizontalRange Meaning
APIHorRange_Infinite No limit on horizontal range.
APIHorRange_Limited Limit the horizontal range.
APIHorRange_ZeroDepth The depth of the section or elevation is 0.

◆ shAppearance


Options for displaying story lines on the Section/Elevation.

API_StoryHandleAppearance Meaning
APICutPl_SHANone Story lines are not displayed on the Section/Elevation
APICutPl_SHADisplayOnly Story lines appear only on-screen, but are not displayed on the printed output
APICutPl_SHAAll Story lines appear both on screen and on the printed output

◆ vertRange


Vertical range of the segment:

API_SegmentVerticalRange Meaning
APIVerRange_Infinite No limit on vertical range.
APIVerRange_Limited Limit the vertical range; the limits are in vertMin and vertMax
APIVerRange_FitToZoneRange If a zone is present, then use the top and bottom level of the zone as a limit (for interior elevations only).