Archicad 27 C++ API
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API_BeamType Struct Reference

Represents a beam element. More...

#include <APIdefs_Elements.h>

Public Attributes

API_Elem_Head head
 General element header.
short aboveViewLinePen
 Pen index of the overhead lines.
API_AttributeIndex aboveViewLineType
 Linetype of the overhead lines.
API_AttributeIndex refLtype
 The linetype index of the reference line.
short refPen
 The pen index of the reference line.
short cutContourLinePen
 The pen index of the cut lines of the beam.
API_AttributeIndex cutContourLineType
 The line type index of the beam section contour line.
Int32 sequence
 Sequence is required when two beams meet with the same priority or when 3 or more beams meet in a junction. Its values can be between 0 and 999.
API_OverriddenPen cutFillPen
 Cut fill pens set in the used structure (building material, complex profile) can be overridden on the element level.
API_OverriddenPen cutFillBackgroundPen
 Cut fill pens set in the used structure (building material, complex profile) can be overridden on the element level.
API_StoryVisibility visibility
 The option to define on which stories display the beam.
API_LinkToSettings linkToSettings
 Mode of linking to home story.
API_BHoleTypeID holeType
 The shape of the beam hole (see API_BHoleTypeID).
bool holeContureOn
 Show the hole's contour on the plan.
bool isAutoOnStoryVisibility
 Recalculate the story visibility automatically according to the actual elevation of the beam.
double holeWidth
 The default width of the holes.
double holeHeight
 The default height of the holes (effective only for the rectangle type - holeType is APIBHole_Rectangular).
double holeLevel
 The default level of the holes: the distance between the center of the hole and the top of the beam.
double offset
 The offset of beam's reference line from the center.
double level
 The top height of the beam relative to the floor level.
API_BeamVisibleLinesID showContourLines
 Show the contour lines of the beam.
API_BeamVisibleLinesID showReferenceAxis
 Show the reference axis of the beam.
API_Coord begC
 The beginning (start) coordinate of the beam.
API_Coord endC
 The end coordinate of the beam.
double curveAngle
 The arc angle of the curved beam between begC and endC (negative value results an arc on the opposite side). This value is always zero for straight beams.
double verticalCurveHeight
 The height of the vertical curvature of the beam.
API_AttributeIndex hiddenLineType
 Hidden line type.
short hiddenLinePen
 Hidden line pen.
short anchorPoint
 Anchor point of the beam. |0|1|2| |3|4|5| |6|7|8|.
API_AttributeIndex belowViewLineType
 Linetype of the uncut lines.
short belowViewLinePen
 Pen index of the uncut lines.
bool isFlipped
 Defines whether the beam is mirrored. Applies to profiled beams only.
bool isSlanted
 Defines whether the beam is slanted.
double slantAngle
 Slant angle.
double profileAngle
 Profile rotating angle around it's center line.
API_BeamShapeTypeID beamShape
 Type to define if beam is straight, horizontally or vertically curved.
API_ElemDisplayOptionsID displayOption
 Display options of the element on the floor plan.
API_ElemViewDepthLimitationsID viewDepthLimitation
 Defines the range within the element is shown on the floor plan.
API_ElemProjectionModesID uncutProjectionMode
 Uncut projection mode.
API_ElemProjectionModesID overheadProjectionMode
 Overhead projection mode.
UInt32 nSegments
 Number of segments.
UInt32 nCuts
 Number of cuts.
UInt32 nSchemes
 Number of schemes.
UInt32 nProfiles
 Number of profiles.
bool useCoverFill
 Use Floor plan fill.
bool useCoverFillFromSurface
 Use the fill attribute assigned to the surface material of the element.
bool coverFillOrientationComesFrom3D
 Use cover fill orientation from 3D element view.
API_AttributeIndex coverFillType
 Type of the cover fill.
short coverFillForegroundPen
 Foreground pen of the cover fill.
short coverFillBackgroundPen
 Background pen of the cover fill.
API_CoverFillTransformationTypeID coverFillTransformationType
 TransformationType of the fill.
API_CoverFillTransformation coverFillTransformation
 Orientation and distortion parameters of the cover fill.

Detailed Description

Represents a beam element.

The elements' structure type is defined with the new modelElemStructureType member. The related attribute indices are separated into buildingMaterial and profileAttr. The elements' cut fill foreground and background pens inherit from the element structure and can be overridden on the element level. The elements' surface materials inherit from the element structure and can be overridden on the element level. For beam-related memo data see the ACAPI_Element_GetMemo function.