Archicad 27 C++ API
No Matches
API_MorphType Struct Reference

Represents a morph element. More...

#include <APIdefs_Elements.h>

Public Attributes

API_Elem_Head head
 General element header.
bool isAutoOnStoryVisibility
 Is Auto On Story Visibility.
API_StoryVisibility showContour
 The option to define which stories display the contour of the morph.
API_StoryVisibility showFill
 The option to define which stories display the fill of the morph.
API_LinkToSettings linkToSettings
 Mode of linking to home story.
API_ElemDisplayOptionsID displayOption
 Display options of the element on the floor plan (see API_ElemDisplayOptionsID).
API_ElemViewDepthLimitationsID viewDepthLimitation
 Defines the range within the element is shown on the floor plan (see API_ElemViewDepthLimitationsID).
API_AttributeIndex buildingMaterial
 Building Material index of morph's hatch.
API_OverriddenPen cutFillPen
 Cut fill pens set in the building material can be overridden on the element level.
API_OverriddenPen cutFillBackgroundPen
 Cut fill pens set in the building material can be overridden on the element level.
API_AttributeIndex cutLineType
 Line Type of the cut contour.
short cutLinePen
 Pen of the cut contour.
short uncutLinePen
 Pen of the contour.
API_AttributeIndex uncutLineType
 Line Type of the contour.
API_AttributeIndex overheadLineType
 Line Type of view above (Floor plan only).
short overheadLinePen
 Pen of view above (Floor plan only).
bool useCoverFillType
 Use Floor plan fill.
bool outlineContourDisplay
 Outline Contour Display.
API_AttributeIndex coverFillType
 Floor plan fill type.
short coverFillPen
 Floor plan fill pen.
short coverFillBGPen
 Floor plan fill background pen.
bool use3DHatching
 Floor plan fill from material.
API_HatchOrientation coverFillOrientation
 Floor plan local origo type of fill.
bool useDistortedCoverFill
 Show hatching as projected onto a plane.
API_OverriddenAttribute material
 Material override structure of non customized surfaces.
API_TextureProjectionTypeID textureProjectionType
 Projection type of texture.
API_Coord3D textureProjectionCoords [4]
 Texture projection coordinate system.
double level
 Z position of the free shape.
API_MorphBodyTypeID bodyType
 Type of the body (Solid, Surface).
API_MorphEdgeTypeID edgeType
 Type of the edge (Soft, Sharp).
bool castShadow
 Body casts shadow.
bool receiveShadow
 Body receives shadow.
API_Tranmat tranmat
 Tranmat of the morph element.

Detailed Description

Represents a morph element.

The elements' cut fill foreground and background pens inherit from the building material, and can be overridden on the element level. The elements' surface materials inherit from the building material, and can be overridden on the element level. For morph related memo data see the ACAPI_Element_GetMemo function. For mesh related memo data see the ACAPI_Element_GetMemo function. The elements' surface materials inherit from the building material, and can be overridden on the element level. For morph related memo data see the ACAPI_Element_GetMemo function.