Archicad 27 C++ API
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API_StairType Struct Reference

Represents a Stair element. More...

#include <APIdefs_Elements.h>

Public Attributes

API_Elem_Head head
 General element header.
double totalHeight
 The height of the stairs relative to their bottom.
double topOffset
 The offset from top floor if the stairs are top linked.
API_LinkToSettings linkToSettings
 Mode of linking to home story.
short relativeTopStory
 The top linked story (relative to home story).
double flightWidth
 The width of the stairs.
UInt32 stepNum
 The number of steps (risers).
UInt32 nFPDMarkers
 The amount of markers associated to the Stair element on the Floor Plan display.
UInt32 nRCPDMarkers
 The amount of markers associated to the Stair element on the Reflected Ceilind Plan display.
UInt32 treadNum
 The number of treads in this stair.
double riserHeight
 The height of each riser.
double treadDepth
 The length of each going.
bool treadDepthLocked
 Going lengths are locked.
bool totalHeightLocked
 The total height of the Stair is locked.
double walkingLineOffset
 Offset of the walking line, if not centered.
API_LinePositionID walkingLinePosition
 Position of the walking line: |APILP_Left|Offset from the left side.| |APILP_Right|Offset from the right side.| |APILP_Center|Centered.| |APILP_Auto|Automatic (walking lines only).|.
bool extraTopTread
 Extra Top Tread is used to display the top tread.
bool extraBottomTread
 Extra Bottom Tread is used to display the top tread.
bool finishVisible
 Is visibile the Finishing.
API_LinePositionID baselinePosition
 Position of the baseline.
double baselineOffset
 Offset of the baseline, if not centered.
API_StairRulesData rules
 The rules and standards of the stairs.
API_StairTreadType tread [API_StairPartRoleNum]
 Default parameters of treads.
API_StairRiserType riser [API_StairPartRoleNum]
 Default parameters of risers.
API_StairStructureType structure [API_StairPartRoleNum][API_StairStructureSideNum]
 Default parameters of stair structures.
API_StairDisplayTypeID stairDisplayType
 Display type of the Stair: |APIStairDisplay_Custom|Custom display.| |APIStairDisplay_ByModelViewOptions|Display by Model View Options.|.
API_StairLayoutData fpdLayout
 The layout of the Stair element in Floor Plan Display.
API_StairLayoutData rcpdLayout
 The layout of the Stair element in Reflected Ceiling Plan Display.
API_StairNumberingID numberingType
 Type of numbering for each step of the Stair element: |APISN_Treads|Numbering on treads.| |APISN_Risers|Numbering on risers.|.
API_StairDirectionID inputDirection
 The walking direction of the Stair element: |APISD_Upward|Default walking direction (upwards).| |APISD_Inverse|Inverse walking direction (downwards).|.
API_Plane3D basePlane
 The base plane of the Stair subelements.
bool uniformFinish
 Uniform Finish on Flight and Landing.
bool uniformMonolithAttributes
 Uniform Monolithic on Flight and Landing.
bool uniformLeftRightSideSupports [API_StairPartRoleNum]
 Uniform Stringers on Left and Right.
bool uniformDrainings
 Uniform Drainings on Flight and Landing.
bool structureVisibility
 The Structure is visible.
API_StairStructureSymbolData structSymbData [API_StairStructSymbTypeNum][API_StairStructSymbViewNum]
 Stair Structure symbol data for 2D representations.
API_StairMonolithStructureSymbolData monolithStructureSymbolData [API_StairStructSymbViewNum][API_StairStructSymbPartNum]
 Monolith stair structure symbol data for 2D representations.
API_StairStructureComponentSettingsVisibility structureVisibilityOnStories [API_StairStructSymbViewNum]
 Stair Structure symbol visibility for 2D representations.
API_StairWalkLineSymbPosID walkLineSymbPos
 Position of the walking line symbol: |APISP_Auto|Automatic positioning.| |APISP_Center|Centered positioning.| |APISP_Custom|Custom positioning.|.
API_StairHeadroomData stairHeadroomData
 Data of the headroom.

Detailed Description

Represents a Stair element.

The Stair is a hierarchical element consisting of Tread, Riser, and Structure components: these are the members of the Stair, arranged on a base surface according to a pre-defined scheme. To create a Stair, one must provide its base line and position.

Member Data Documentation

◆ inputDirection


The walking direction of the Stair element: |APISD_Upward|Default walking direction (upwards).| |APISD_Inverse|Inverse walking direction (downwards).|.

◆ numberingType


Type of numbering for each step of the Stair element: |APISN_Treads|Numbering on treads.| |APISN_Risers|Numbering on risers.|.

◆ stairDisplayType


Display type of the Stair: |APIStairDisplay_Custom|Custom display.| |APIStairDisplay_ByModelViewOptions|Display by Model View Options.|.

◆ walkingLinePosition


Position of the walking line: |APILP_Left|Offset from the left side.| |APILP_Right|Offset from the right side.| |APILP_Center|Centered.| |APILP_Auto|Automatic (walking lines only).|.

◆ walkLineSymbPos


Position of the walking line symbol: |APISP_Auto|Automatic positioning.| |APISP_Center|Centered positioning.| |APISP_Custom|Custom positioning.|.