Archicad 27 C++ API
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Analytical Model

Functions related to the Analytical Model. More...


class  API_InternalAnalyticalMemberPartId
 Describes a Structural Analytical Model Analytical Member part. More...
struct  API_AMPartRefCustomVertexData
 Describes a vertex when the analytical member part has custom vertex type. More...
struct  API_AMPartRefRatioEdgeData
 Describes the ratios when the analytical member part has ratio edge type. More...
struct  API_AnalyticalMemberPartRef
 Describes a Structural Analytical Model Analytical Member part. More...
struct  API_AnalyticalSupport_SupportValues
 Contains the Structural Analytical Model Analytical Support values. More...
struct  API_AnalyticalSupport_Settings
 Describes the Structural Analytical Model Analytical Support settings. More...
struct  API_AnalyticalSupportType
 Describes a Structural Analytical Model Member Support. More...
struct  API_AnalyticalSupportGeometry
 Describes a Structural Analytical Model Analytical Support Geometry. More...
struct  API_AnalyticalLink_Translation
 Describe the translation of an analitycal link. More...
struct  API_AnalyticalLink_Rotation
 Contains the Structural Analytical Model Analytical Link Rotation values. More...
struct  API_AnalyticalLink_RigidSettings
 Describes the rigidity settings on both sides of the Structural Analytical Model Analytical Link element. More...
struct  API_AnalyticalLink_SpringSettings
 Describes the spring settings of the Structural Analytical Model Analytical Link element. More...
struct  API_AnalyticalLink_Settings
 Describes the Structural Analytical Model Analytical Link settings. More...
struct  API_AnalyticalLinkType
 Describes a Structural Analytical Model Analytical Link. More...
struct  API_AnalyticalLinkGeometry
 Describes a Structural Analytical Model Analytical Link Geometry. More...
struct  API_AnalyticalPointLoad_Settings
 Describes the Structural Analytical Model Analytical Point Load settings. More...
struct  API_AnalyticalPointLoadType
 Describes a Structural Analytical Model Member Point Load. More...
struct  API_AnalyticalPointLoadGeometry
 Describes a Structural Analytical Model Analytical Point Load Geometry. More...
struct  API_AnalyticalEdgeLoad_Settings
 Describes the Structural Analytical Model Analytical Edge Load settings. More...
struct  API_AnalyticalEdgeLoadType
 Describes a Structural Analytical Model Member Edge Load. More...
struct  API_AnalyticalSurfaceLoad_Settings
 Describes the Structural Analytical Model Analytical Surface Load settings. More...
struct  API_AnalyticalSurfaceLoadType
 Describes a Structural Analytical Model Member Surface Load. More...
struct  API_EdgeLoadCustomData
 Describes a Structural Analytical Model Analytical Edge Load Geometry. More...
struct  API_AnalyticalModelVariation
 Describes the Model Variation that is used for creating the Structural Analytical Model. More...
struct  API_AnalyticalCrossSection
 Describes or references an Structural Analytical Model Cross Section for Curve Members. More...
struct  API_AnalyticalVaryingSegment
 Describes a Structural Analytical Model Varying Segment for Curve Members. More...
struct  API_AnalyticalCurveMember
 Describes an Structural Analytical Model Curve Member. More...
struct  API_AnalyticalPlaneSurface
 TBD. More...
struct  API_AnalyticalCylinderSurface
 TBD. More...
struct  API_AnalyticalSurface
 Describes the Structural Analytical Model Surface of a Structural Analytical Model Surface Member. More...
struct  API_AnalyticalSurfaceMember
 Describes a Structural Analytical Model Surface Member. More...
struct  API_CoordinateSystem
 Describes a coordinate system. More...
class  API_AnalyticalElemPartId
 Describes the guid, contour and edge/vertex id triplet that is used for creating the API_ExportIdMappingType. More...
struct  API_ExportIdMappingType
 Describes the connection between the unsegmented surface member's and the created segment's edges and vertices. More...
struct  API_ImportIdMappingType
 Describes the connection between the (un)segmented surface segments and the created member's edges and vertices. More...
struct  API_AnalyticalReleaseDescription
 Contains the Structural Analytical Model Analytical Member Release values. More...
struct  API_AnalyticalReleaseType
 Describes a Structural Analytical Model Member release. More...
struct  API_AnalyticalLoadCase
 Describes a Structural Analytical Load Case. More...
struct  API_AnalyticalLoadGroup
 Describes a Structural Analytical Load Group. More...
struct  API_AnalyticalLoadFactor
 Describes how a Load Case belongs to a Load Combination. More...
struct  API_AnalyticalLoadCombination
 Describes a Structural Analytical Load Combination. More...
struct  API_AM_VisibilitySettings
 Describes the Analytical Model Visiblity Settings. More...


enum  API_AnalyticalMemberPartRefType : UInt16 {
  API_AMPartRef_BegVertex = 1 , API_AMPartRef_BegVertex = 1 , API_AMPartRef_EndVertex = 2 , API_AMPartRef_EndVertex = 2 ,
  API_AMPartRef_CustomVertex = 3 , API_AMPartRef_CustomVertex = 3 , API_AMPartRef_Edge = 4 , API_AMPartRef_Edge = 4 ,
  API_AMPartRef_RatioEdge = 5 , API_AMPartRef_RatioEdge = 5 , API_AMPartRef_Surface = 6 , API_AMPartRef_Surface = 6 ,
  API_AMPartRef_CustomSurface = 7 , API_AMPartRef_CustomSurface = 7 , API_AMPartRef_CustomEdge = 8 , API_AMPartRef_CustomEdge = 8
 Describes the type of the Structural Analytical Model Member Part Ref. More...
enum  API_AnalyticalCoordSysDirection : UInt16 { API_Global = 1 , API_Global = 1 , API_Local = 2 , API_Local = 2 }
 Describes the type of the Structural Analytical Model coordinate system. More...
enum  API_AnalyticalRigidityType : UInt16 {
  API_FreeType = 1 , API_FreeType = 1 , API_RigidType = 2 , API_RigidType = 2 ,
  API_CustomType = 3 , API_CustomType = 3 , API_RigidCompressionOnlyType = 4 , API_RigidCompressionOnlyType = 4 ,
  API_RigidTensionOnlyType = 5 , API_RigidTensionOnlyType = 5 , API_CustomCompressionOnlyType = 6 , API_CustomCompressionOnlyType = 6 ,
  API_CustomTensionOnlyType = 7 , API_CustomTensionOnlyType = 7
 Describes the type of the Structural Analytical Model rigidity class type. More...
enum  API_AnalyticalSupport_SupportType : UInt16 {
  API_SimplePoint = 1 , API_SimplePoint = 1 , API_SingleLine = 2 , API_SingleLine = 2 ,
  API_Surface = 3 , API_Surface = 3
 Describes the type of the Structural Analytical Model Analytical Support type. More...
enum  API_AnalyticalLink_LinkType : UInt16 { API_Rigid = 1 , API_Rigid = 1 , API_Spring = 2 , API_Spring = 2 }
 Describes the type of the Structural Analytical Model Analytical Link. More...
enum  API_AnalyticalLink_LinkGeometry : UInt16 { API_Link1D = 1 , API_Link1D = 1 , API_Link2D = 2 , API_Link2D = 2 }
 Describes the geometry of the Structural Analytical Model Analytical Link. More...
enum  API_AnalyticalLink_RigidLinkConnectionType : UInt16 { API_RigidConnection = 1 , API_RigidConnection = 1 , API_HingeConnection = 2 , API_HingeConnection = 2 }
 Describes the type of the Structural Analytical Model Analytical Rigid Link connection. More...
enum  API_AnalyticalLoad_LoadDistributionType : UInt16 { API_Uniform = 1 , API_Uniform = 1 , API_Trapezoid = 2 , API_Trapezoid = 2 }
 Describes the distribution type of the Structural Analytical Edge Load. The load may be either constant along the 1D member or linearly variable (trapezoidal). More...
enum class  API_AnalyticalMemberType : UInt16 {
  Unknown , Beam , Column , Roof ,
  Slab , Wall
 Describes the Structural Analytical Model Member type. More...
enum class  API_AnalyticalAlignmentType {
  TopLeft , Top , TopRight , Left ,
  Center , Right , BottomLeft , Bottom ,
  BottomRight , None
 Describes the alignment of a Cross Section. More...
enum  API_AnalyticalSurfaceType { API_AnalyticalSurface_PlaneType , API_AnalyticalSurface_CylinderType }
 Describes the Structural Analytical Model Surface type. More...
enum  API_AnalyticalLoadCaseActionType { API_AnalyticalLoadCase_PermanentAction , API_AnalyticalLoadCase_VariableAction , API_AnalyticalLoadCase_AccidentalAction }
 Describes the Structural Analytical Load Case Action type. More...
enum  API_AnalyticalLoadCaseLoadType {
  API_AnalyticalLoadCase_SelfWeightLoad , API_AnalyticalLoadCase_PrestressLoad , API_AnalyticalLoadCase_DynamicLoad , API_AnalyticalLoadCase_StaticLoad ,
  API_AnalyticalLoadCase_TemperatureLoad , API_AnalyticalLoadCase_WindLoad , API_AnalyticalLoadCase_SnowLoad , API_AnalyticalLoadCase_MaintenanceLoad ,
  API_AnalyticalLoadCase_FireLoad , API_AnalyticalLoadCase_MovingLoad , API_AnalyticalLoadCase_SeismicLoad , API_AnalyticalLoadCase_StandardLoad ,
 Describes the Structural Analytical Load Case Load type. More...
enum  API_AnalyticalLoadCaseDuration { API_AnalyticalLoadCase_LongDuration , API_AnalyticalLoadCase_MediumDuration , API_AnalyticalLoadCase_ShortDuration , API_AnalyticalLoadCase_InstantaneousDuration }
 Describes the Structural Analytical Load Case duration. More...
enum  API_AnalyticalLoadGroupType {
  API_AnalyticalLoadGroup_PermanentLoad , API_AnalyticalLoadGroup_VariableLoad , API_AnalyticalLoadGroup_AccidentalLoad , API_AnalyticalLoadGroup_SeismicLoad ,
  API_AnalyticalLoadGroup_MovingLoad , API_AnalyticalLoadGroup_TensioningLoad , API_AnalyticalLoadGroup_FireLoad
 Describes the Structural Analytical Load Group type. More...
enum  API_AnalyticalLoadGroupRelation { API_AnalyticalLoadGroup_ExclusiveRelation , API_AnalyticalLoadGroup_StandardRelation , API_AnalyticalLoadGroup_TogetherRelation }
 Describes the relation of load cases in the particular load group. More...
enum  API_AnalyticalLoadCombinationCategory {
  API_AnalyticalLoadCombination_ULS , API_AnalyticalLoadCombination_SLS , API_AnalyticalLoadCombination_ALS , API_AnalyticalLoadCombination_ANS ,
 Describes the category of the Structural Analytical Load Combination. More...
enum class  API_AM_VisibilityMode { AnalyticalModelOnly , AnalyticalModelWithinEntireModel }
 Describes the Analytical Model Visiblity Mode. More...
enum class  API_LoadVisibilityMode { API_LoadVisibilityMode_FilterByActive , API_LoadVisibilityMode_HideAll , API_LoadVisibilityMode_ShowAll }
 Describes the Load Visiblity Mode. More...


GSErrCode __ACENV_CALL ACAPI_Analytical_GetCurrentAnalyticalModel (API_Guid &amGuid)
 Returns the Structural Analytical Model created for the current view.
GSErrCode __ACENV_CALL ACAPI_Analytical_UpdateAnalyticalModel (const API_Guid &amGuid)
 Triggers an update of the Structural Analytical Model specified.
GSErrCode __ACENV_CALL ACAPI_Analytical_GetAnalyticalModelVariation (const API_Guid &amGuid, API_AnalyticalModelVariation &api_modelVariation)
 Returns the Model Variation used for creating the specified Structural Analytical Model.
GSErrCode __ACENV_CALL ACAPI_Analytical_GetAnalyticalModel (const API_AnalyticalModelVariation &api_modelVariation, API_Guid &amGuid)
 Returns the Structural Analytical Model created for the specified Model Variation.
GSErrCode __ACENV_CALL ACAPI_Analytical_SetGenerationSettingsToNoRule ()
 Sets the current analytical model's generation settings to no rules.
GSErrCode __ACENV_CALL ACAPI_Analytical_GetVisibilitySettings (API_AM_VisibilitySettings &api_am_visiblitySettings)
 Returns the Visibility Settings of the analytical model.
GSErrCode __ACENV_CALL ACAPI_Analytical_SetVisibilitySettings (const API_AM_VisibilitySettings &api_am_visiblitySettings)
 Sets the Visibility Settings of the analytical model.
GSErrCode __ACENV_CALL ACAPI_Analytical_GetAnalyticalRelease (const API_Guid &amGuid, const API_Guid &elemGuid, API_AnalyticalReleaseType &api_analyticalRelease)
 Returns the Structural Analytical Model Member Relase associated with the selected Curve Element.
GSErrCode __ACENV_CALL ACAPI_Analytical_SetAnalyticalRelease (const API_Guid &elemGuid, const API_AnalyticalReleaseType &api_analyticalRelease)
 Sets the Structural Analytical Model Member Release to the selected Curve Element.
GSErrCode __ACENV_CALL ACAPI_Analytical_GetCurveElements (const API_Guid &amGuid, GS::Array< API_Guid > &curveElements)
 Returns the elements that have Structural Analytical Model Curve Member associated.
GSErrCode __ACENV_CALL ACAPI_Analytical_GetCurveMember (const API_Guid &amGuid, const API_Guid &elemGuid, API_AnalyticalCurveMember &cm)
 Returns the Structural Analytical Model Curve Member associated with the selected Curve Element.
GSErrCode __ACENV_CALL ACAPI_Analytical_GetSurfaceElements (const API_Guid &amGuid, GS::Array< API_Guid > &surfaceElements)
 Returns the elements that have Structural Analytical Model Surface Member associated.
GSErrCode __ACENV_CALL ACAPI_Analytical_GetSurfaceMember (const API_Guid &amGuid, const API_Guid &elemGuid, API_AnalyticalSurfaceMember &surfaceMember, API_ExportIdMappingType &idMapping)
 Returns the Structural Analytical Model Surface Member associated with the selected Surface Element.
GSErrCode __ACENV_CALL ACAPI_Analytical_GetSegmentedSurfaceMember (const API_Guid &amGuid, const API_Guid &elemGuid, GS::Array< API_AnalyticalSurfaceMember > &surfaceMember, double centralAngle, API_ExportIdMappingType &surfaceIdMapping)
 Returns the Structural Analytical Model Surface Member segmented version associated with the selected Surface Element.
GSErrCode __ACENV_CALL ACAPI_Analytical_CreateElementFromCurveMember (API_AnalyticalCurveMember &api_curveMember, const GS::Optional< GS::UniString > &favoriteName)
 Creates an element from the Structural Analytical Model Curve Member.
GSErrCode __ACENV_CALL ACAPI_Analytical_CreateElementFromSurfaceMember (API_AnalyticalSurfaceMember &api_surfaceMember, const GS::Optional< GS::UniString > &favoriteName, API_ImportIdMappingType *idMapping)
 Creates an element from the Structural Analytical Model Surface Member.
GSErrCode __ACENV_CALL ACAPI_Analytical_CreateElementFromSegmentedSurfaceMember (GS::Array< API_AnalyticalSurfaceMember > &api_surfaceMember, const GS::Optional< GS::UniString > &favoriteName, API_ImportIdMappingType *idMapping)
 Creates an element from the Structural Analytical Model Surface Member segments.
GSErrCode __ACENV_CALL ACAPI_Analytical_GetLCSOfAnalyticalMember (const API_AnalyticalMemberPartRef &analyticalMemberPartRef, API_CoordinateSystem &coordinateSystem)
 Get the local coordinate system of a member from AnalyticalMemberPartRef.
GSErrCode __ACENV_CALL ACAPI_Analytical_GetLCSOfAnalyticalMemberInIntersection (const API_AnalyticalMemberPartRef &firstAnalyticalMemberPartRef, const API_AnalyticalMemberPartRef &secondAnalyticalMemberPartRef, API_CoordinateSystem &coordinateSystem)
 Get the local coordinate system of a member in intersection of AnalyticalMemberPartRefs.
GSErrCode __ACENV_CALL ACAPI_Analytical_GetAnalyticalMemberConnections (const API_Guid &amGuid, const API_Guid &elemGuid, GS::HashSet< API_Guid > &api_connections)
 Returns the guids of elements which are connected to a Structural Analytical Member, given by it's guid. Includes elements which are connected by Structural Analytical Links.
GSErrCode __ACENV_CALL ACAPI_Analytical_GetAnalyticalMemberPartRefCoord (const API_Guid &amGuid, const API_AnalyticalMemberPartRef &api_memberPartRef, API_AnalyticalNode &api_analyticalNode)
 Returns the coord of the given Structural Analytical Model's Analytical Member part if it identifies an edge.
GSErrCode __ACENV_CALL ACAPI_Analytical_GetAnalyticalMemberPartRefCurve (const API_Guid &amGuid, const API_AnalyticalMemberPartRef &api_memberPartRef, API_AnalyticalCurve &api_analyticalCurve)
 Returns the curve of the given Structural Analytical Model's Analytical Member part if it identifies a vertex.
GSErrCode __ACENV_CALL ACAPI_Analytical_GetComplementaryProjectMemberType (const API_Guid &elemGuid, API_AnalyticalMemberType &analyticalMemberType)
 Returns the Analytical Member Type of a certain element from the Complementary Project.
GSErrCode __ACENV_CALL ACAPI_Analytical_SetElementFromLink (const API_AnalyticalLinkType &link, API_Element &element)
 Sets element.type to API_AnalyticalLinkID , and element.externalElemData to link .
GSErrCode __ACENV_CALL ACAPI_Analytical_GetLinkFromElement (const API_Element &element, API_AnalyticalLinkType &link)
 Obtains the API_AnalyticalLinkType from.
GSErrCode __ACENV_CALL ACAPI_Analytical_GetAnalyticalLinkGeometry (const API_Guid &amGuid, const API_Guid &elemGuid, API_AnalyticalLinkGeometry &api_analyticalLinkGeometry)
 Returns the Structural Analytical Link Geometry.
GSErrCode __ACENV_CALL ACAPI_Analytical_ConvertAnalyticalLinkToNonShortest (const API_Guid &amGuid, const API_Guid &elemGuid, API_AnalyticalLinkType &api_analyticalLink)
 Converts an Analytical Link that is associative to a Curve Member or an edge of a Surface Member (known as a "shortest" Analytical Link) to an Analytical Link that is connected to a fixed coordinate.
GSErrCode __ACENV_CALL ACAPI_Analytical_SetElementFromSupport (const API_AnalyticalSupportType &support, API_Element &element)
 Sets element.type to API_AnalyticalSupportID , and element.externalElemData to support .
GSErrCode __ACENV_CALL ACAPI_Analytical_GetSupportFromElement (const API_Element &element, API_AnalyticalSupportType &support)
 Obtains the API_AnalyticalSupportType from element , if it is a valid API_AnalyticalSupportType .
GSErrCode __ACENV_CALL ACAPI_Analytical_GetAnalyticalSupportGeometry (const API_Guid &amGuid, const API_Guid &elemGuid, API_AnalyticalSupportGeometry &api_analyticalSupportGeometry)
 Returns the Structural AnalyticalSupport Geometry.
GSErrCode __ACENV_CALL ACAPI_Analytical_SetElementFromPointLoad (const API_AnalyticalPointLoadType &pointLoad, API_Element &element)
 Sets element.type to API_AnalyticalPointLoadID , and element.externalElemData to pointLoad .
GSErrCode __ACENV_CALL ACAPI_Analytical_GetPointLoadFromElement (const API_Element &element, API_AnalyticalPointLoadType &pointLoad)
 Obtains the API_AnalyticalPointLoadType from element , if it is a valid API_AnalyticalPointLoadType .
GSErrCode __ACENV_CALL ACAPI_Analytical_GetAnalyticalPointLoadGeometry (const API_Guid &amGuid, const API_Guid &elemGuid, API_AnalyticalPointLoadGeometry &api_analyticalPointLoadGeometry)
 Returns the Structural Analytical Point Load Geometry.
GSErrCode __ACENV_CALL ACAPI_Analytical_SetElementFromEdgeLoad (const API_AnalyticalEdgeLoadType &edgeLoad, API_Element &element)
 Sets element.type to API_AnalyticalEdgeLoadID , and element.externalElemData to edgeLoad .
GSErrCode __ACENV_CALL ACAPI_Analytical_GetEdgeLoadFromElement (const API_Element &element, API_AnalyticalEdgeLoadType &edgeLoad)
 Obtains the API_AnalyticalEdgeLoadType from element , if it is a valid API_AnalyticalEdgeLoadType .
GSErrCode __ACENV_CALL ACAPI_Analytical_GetEdgeLoadGeometry (const API_Guid &amGuid, const API_Guid &elemGuid, API_EdgeLoadCustomData &edgeLoadCustomData)
 Returns the Structural Analytical Model's Analytical Edge Load Geometry.
GSErrCode __ACENV_CALL ACAPI_Analytical_SetMemoFromEdgeLoadCustomData (const API_EdgeLoadCustomData &edgeLoadCustomData, API_ElementMemo &memo)
 Set Structural Analytical Model's Analytical Edge Load Geometry in the given memo.
GSErrCode __ACENV_CALL ACAPI_Analytical_SetEdgeLoadCustomDataFromMemo (const API_ElementMemo &memo, API_EdgeLoadCustomData &edgeLoadCustomData)
 Get Structural Analytical Model's Analytical Edge Load Geometry from the given memo.
GSErrCode __ACENV_CALL ACAPI_Analytical_SetElementFromSurfaceLoad (const API_AnalyticalSurfaceLoadType &surfaceLoad, API_Element &element)
 Sets element.type to API_AnalyticalSurfaceLoadID , and element.externalElemData to surfaceLoad .
GSErrCode __ACENV_CALL ACAPI_Analytical_GetSurfaceLoadFromElement (const API_Element &element, API_AnalyticalSurfaceLoadType &surfaceLoad)
 Obtains the API_AnalyticalSurfaceLoadType from element , if it is a valid API_AnalyticalSurfaceLoadType .
GSErrCode __ACENV_CALL ACAPI_Analytical_GetSurfaceLoadGeometry (const API_Guid &amGuid, const API_Guid &elemGuid, API_SurfaceLoadCustomData &edgeLoadCustomData)
 Returns the Structural Analytical Model's Custom Surface Coordinates for Surface Load.
GSErrCode __ACENV_CALL ACAPI_Analytical_SetMemoFromSurfaceLoadCustomData (const API_SurfaceLoadCustomData &customData, API_ElementMemo &memo)
 Set Structural Analytical Model's Custom Surface Coordinates for Surface Load in the given memo.
GSErrCode __ACENV_CALL ACAPI_Analytical_SetSurfaceLoadCustomDataFromMemo (const API_ElementMemo &memo, API_SurfaceLoadCustomData &customData)
 Get Structural Analytical Model's Custom Surface Coordinates for Surface Load from the given memo.
GSErrCode __ACENV_CALL ACAPI_Analytical_GetAnalyticalLoadGroups (GS::Array< API_Guid > &analyticalLoadGroups)
 Returns an array of unique identifiers of the existing Load Groups.
GSErrCode __ACENV_CALL ACAPI_Analytical_GetAnalyticalLoadGroup (const API_Guid &analyticalLoadGroupGuid, API_AnalyticalLoadGroup &analyticalLoadGroup)
 Returns the Load Group with the given unique identifier.
GSErrCode __ACENV_CALL ACAPI_Analytical_CreateAnalyticalLoadGroup (API_AnalyticalLoadGroup &analyticalLoadGroup)
 Creates an Analytical Load Group.
GSErrCode __ACENV_CALL ACAPI_Analytical_DeleteAnalyticalLoadGroup (const API_Guid &analyticalLoadGroupGuid)
 Deletes an Analytical Load Group.
GSErrCode __ACENV_CALL ACAPI_Analytical_GetAllAnalyticalLoadCases (GS::Array< API_Guid > &analyticalLoadCases)
 Returns an array of unique identifiers of all the existing Load Cases from every Load Group.
GSErrCode __ACENV_CALL ACAPI_Analytical_GetAnalyticalLoadCases (const API_Guid &analyticalLoadGroupGuid, GS::Array< API_Guid > &analyticalLoadCases)
 Returns an array of unique identifiers of the existing Load Cases from a Load Group.
GSErrCode __ACENV_CALL ACAPI_Analytical_GetAnalyticalLoadCase (const API_Guid &analyticalLoadCaseGuid, API_AnalyticalLoadCase &analyticalLoadCase)
 Returns the Load Case with the given unique identifier.
GSErrCode __ACENV_CALL ACAPI_Analytical_CreateAnalyticalLoadCase (API_AnalyticalLoadCase &analyticalLoadCase)
 Creates an Analytical Load Group.
GSErrCode __ACENV_CALL ACAPI_Analytical_DeleteAnalyticalLoadCase (const API_Guid &analyticalLoadCaseGuid)
 Deletes an Analytical Load Group.
GSErrCode __ACENV_CALL ACAPI_Analytical_GetAnalyticalLoadCombinations (GS::Array< API_Guid > &analyticalLoadCombinations)
 Returns an array of unique identifiers of the existing Load Combinations.
GSErrCode __ACENV_CALL ACAPI_Analytical_GetAnalyticalLoadCombination (const API_Guid &analyticalLoadCombinationGuid, API_AnalyticalLoadCombination &analyticalLoadCombination)
 Returns the Load Combination with the given unique identifier.
GSErrCode __ACENV_CALL ACAPI_Analytical_CreateAnalyticalLoadCombination (API_AnalyticalLoadCombination &analyticalLoadCombination)
 Creates an Analytical Load Combination.
GSErrCode __ACENV_CALL ACAPI_Analytical_AddLoadCaseToLoadCombination (const API_AnalyticalLoadFactor &loadFactor, const API_Guid &analyticalLoadCombinationGuid)
 Adds a Load Case (with its adherent coefficients) to a Load Combination identified with guid.
GSErrCode __ACENV_CALL ACAPI_Analytical_DeleteAnalyticalLoadCombination (const API_Guid &analyticalLoadCombinationGuid)
 Deletes an Analytical Load Combination.

Detailed Description

Functions related to the Analytical Model.

Analytical Model

Archicad generates an Analytical Model for the cores of all load-bearing elements. The generation depends on the 3D model of the cores and the Analytical Model generation rules. The 3D models of the cores of the physical elements are checked to see if they are connected.

The 3D connection is governed by the renovation filter and the layer connection class IDs, where it can be customized which layers should interact with each other. The special layer connection class ID of 0 means that the elements shouldn't interact with any other element.

The Analytical Model Generation Rules can be customized to fit the plan's needs. These rules are part of the plan database, so it can be saved with the plan and it is common for all users joined in the same Teamwork project. The rules can also be saved as part of a template.

An Analytical Model variation (API_AnalyticalModelVariation) is defined by these settings. This makes the Analytical Model view-dependant. E.g. a view that shows the existing building with the elements to be destroyed during the renovation will have a different Analytical Model than the one showing the remaining elements toghether with the new ones. Some analytical members might even be adjusted differently even if they exist in both variations, giving it different eccentricity in each model.

After defining the needed variation you can query the corresponding Analytical Model using the ACAPI_Analytical_GetAnalyticalModel function. The ACAPI_Analytical_GetCurrentAnalyticalModel function can be used to get the one corresponding to the current view.

In Archicad the Analytical Model generation is done only when it is needed (e.g. when it is visible in the active view). To ensure that the latest data is available from an Analytical Model it can be updated using the ACAPI_Analytical_UpdateAnalyticalModel function.

Analytical Members

As the Analytical Model is generated, there is no way on the API to directly create analytical members, since even in Archicad the members are calculated and can't exist on their own. A physical element can be created based on a specified analytical member. The element will be created without any generation rules or connection to another element, the analytical member generated from this element should be identical to the specified one. However this can't be guaranteed because it might be affected by the connections or the rules.

The API provides methods to create elements based on curve or surface members. The actual physical element's type will be decided by Archicad based on the limitations of the tools and tries to match with the most likely uses.

The following functions can be used to create elements based on analytical members:

Analytical Releases

The analytical members may connect to each other. This is visualized in Archicad by having green nodes where the two members connect. By default such connections are set to be fully rigid. The behaviour of an element's member when connected to another member can be customized via the release properties of the element. The structure API_AnalyticalReleaseType can be used to describe the release properties.

An element's release properties are valid even if no other member is connected to it. There is even a special generation setting that can automatically reset release properties to rigid where there is no connection to another member.

An Analytical Release is always defined for a specific part of an element that is described by the API_AnalyticalMemberPartRef structure.

Analytical Links

When two members are not connected after applying the generation rules, but they should be connected in the Structural Analytical Model it is possible to use a tool called Analytical Link to connect them in Archicad.

An Analytical Link can be one-dimensional or a surface. A specific case of the one-dimensional link is the so-called "zero-length" link, this means the two members it connects have an intersection and the link is connected to this point on both members.

Either end of the link can be connected to a vertex of a curve or surface member, a curve member, the edge of a surface member, the face of a surface member or a specific non-predefined point of any member.

The links being connected to the members means that if the geometry or position of the members changes then so will that of the link(s) connecting them.

On the API the Analytical Link is defined in the API_Element as API_AnalyticalLinkType. You can define the members the link is connected to with the API_AnalyticalMemberPartRef.

The API can directly create an Analytical Link from the API_AnalyticalLinkType using ACAPI_Element_Create.

Analytical Supports

The Analytical Support represents the connection of the Structural Analytical Model to the outside world. A support can be placed on a vertex of a curve or surface member, on the edge of a surface member, along the line of a curve member or on the face of a surface member.

On the API the Analytical Support is defined in the API_Element as API_AnalyticalSupportType. You can define the member the support is connected to with the API_AnalyticalMemberPartRef.

The API can directly create an Analytical Support from the API_AnalyticalSupportType using ACAPI_Element_Create.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ API_AM_VisibilityMode

enum class API_AM_VisibilityMode

Describes the Analytical Model Visiblity Mode.

Archicad 26

◆ API_AnalyticalAlignmentType

enum class API_AnalyticalAlignmentType

Describes the alignment of a Cross Section.

Archicad 26

◆ API_AnalyticalCoordSysDirection

Describes the type of the Structural Analytical Model coordinate system.

Archicad 25

◆ API_AnalyticalLink_LinkGeometry

Describes the geometry of the Structural Analytical Model Analytical Link.

Archicad 25

◆ API_AnalyticalLink_LinkType

Describes the type of the Structural Analytical Model Analytical Link.

Archicad 25

◆ API_AnalyticalLink_RigidLinkConnectionType

Describes the type of the Structural Analytical Model Analytical Rigid Link connection.

Archicad 25

◆ API_AnalyticalLoad_LoadDistributionType

Describes the distribution type of the Structural Analytical Edge Load. The load may be either constant along the 1D member or linearly variable (trapezoidal).

Archicad 25

◆ API_AnalyticalLoadCaseActionType

Describes the Structural Analytical Load Case Action type.

Archicad 25

◆ API_AnalyticalLoadCaseDuration

Describes the Structural Analytical Load Case duration.

Archicad 25

◆ API_AnalyticalLoadCaseLoadType

Describes the Structural Analytical Load Case Load type.

Archicad 25

◆ API_AnalyticalLoadCombinationCategory

Describes the category of the Structural Analytical Load Combination.

Archicad 25

◆ API_AnalyticalLoadGroupRelation

Describes the relation of load cases in the particular load group.

Archicad 25

◆ API_AnalyticalLoadGroupType

Describes the Structural Analytical Load Group type.

Archicad 25

◆ API_AnalyticalMemberPartRefType

Describes the type of the Structural Analytical Model Member Part Ref.

Archicad 25

◆ API_AnalyticalMemberType

enum class API_AnalyticalMemberType : UInt16

Describes the Structural Analytical Model Member type.

Archicad 25

◆ API_AnalyticalRigidityType

Describes the type of the Structural Analytical Model rigidity class type.

Archicad 25

◆ API_AnalyticalSupport_SupportType

Describes the type of the Structural Analytical Model Analytical Support type.

Archicad 25

◆ API_AnalyticalSurfaceType

Describes the Structural Analytical Model Surface type.

Archicad 24

◆ API_LoadVisibilityMode

enum class API_LoadVisibilityMode

Describes the Load Visiblity Mode.

Archicad 26

Function Documentation

◆ ACAPI_Analytical_AddLoadCaseToLoadCombination()

GSErrCode __ACENV_CALL ACAPI_Analytical_AddLoadCaseToLoadCombination ( const API_AnalyticalLoadFactor loadFactor,
const API_Guid analyticalLoadCombinationGuid 

Adds a Load Case (with its adherent coefficients) to a Load Combination identified with guid.

Archicad 26
loadFactor[in] Analytical Load Factor (load case guid, load factor and multiplier) which will be added to the Load combination.
analyticalLoadCombinationGuid[in] Unique identifier of the Load combination.
  • NoError - The function has completed with success.

◆ ACAPI_Analytical_ConvertAnalyticalLinkToNonShortest()

GSErrCode __ACENV_CALL ACAPI_Analytical_ConvertAnalyticalLinkToNonShortest ( const API_Guid amGuid,
const API_Guid elemGuid,
API_AnalyticalLinkType api_analyticalLink 

Converts an Analytical Link that is associative to a Curve Member or an edge of a Surface Member (known as a "shortest" Analytical Link) to an Analytical Link that is connected to a fixed coordinate.

Archicad 26
amGuid[in] The unique identifier of the internal Structural Analytical Model.
elemGuid[in] The unique identifier of the Analytical Link element.
api_analyticalLink[out] The converted Analytical Link.
  • NoError - The function has completed with success.

◆ ACAPI_Analytical_CreateAnalyticalLoadCase()

GSErrCode __ACENV_CALL ACAPI_Analytical_CreateAnalyticalLoadCase ( API_AnalyticalLoadCase analyticalLoadCase)

Creates an Analytical Load Group.

Archicad 26
analyticalLoadCase[in/out] The Load Case data to create the Load Case from. Initially if the guid field is given, we will use it at the time of creation (if does not already exist), otherwise we will generate one and return it through this parameter.
  • NoError - The function has completed with success.
  • Error - The creation was not successful (most probably due to already existing guid).

◆ ACAPI_Analytical_CreateAnalyticalLoadCombination()

GSErrCode __ACENV_CALL ACAPI_Analytical_CreateAnalyticalLoadCombination ( API_AnalyticalLoadCombination analyticalLoadCombination)

Creates an Analytical Load Combination.

Archicad 26
analyticalLoadCombination[in/out] The Load Combination data to create the Load Combination from. Initially if the guid field is given, we will use it at the time of creation (if does not already exist), otherwise we will generate one and return it through this parameter.
  • NoError - The function has completed with success.
  • Error - The creation was not successful (most probably due to already existing guid).

◆ ACAPI_Analytical_CreateAnalyticalLoadGroup()

GSErrCode __ACENV_CALL ACAPI_Analytical_CreateAnalyticalLoadGroup ( API_AnalyticalLoadGroup analyticalLoadGroup)

Creates an Analytical Load Group.

Archicad 26
analyticalLoadGroup[in/out] The Load Group data to create the Load Group from. Initially if the guid field is given, we will use it at the time of creation (if does not already exist), otherwise we will generate one and return it through this parameter.
  • NoError - The function has completed with success.
  • Error - The creation was not successful (most probably due to already existing guid).

◆ ACAPI_Analytical_CreateElementFromCurveMember()

GSErrCode __ACENV_CALL ACAPI_Analytical_CreateElementFromCurveMember ( API_AnalyticalCurveMember api_curveMember,
const GS::Optional< GS::UniString > &  favoriteName 

Creates an element from the Structural Analytical Model Curve Member.

Archicad 26
api_curveMember[in/out] The Curve Member to create the element from. After a successful creation, it is filled with the unique identifier of the created element.
favoriteName[in] The name of the Favorite Element which contains the settings for the new element, otherwise the settings are taken from the element default.
  • NoError - The function has completed with success.
The ProfileVectorImage parameter for Custom Profiles has been moved into API_AnalyticalCrossSection

◆ ACAPI_Analytical_CreateElementFromSegmentedSurfaceMember()

GSErrCode __ACENV_CALL ACAPI_Analytical_CreateElementFromSegmentedSurfaceMember ( GS::Array< API_AnalyticalSurfaceMember > &  api_surfaceMember,
const GS::Optional< GS::UniString > &  favoriteName,
API_ImportIdMappingType idMapping 

Creates an element from the Structural Analytical Model Surface Member segments.

Archicad 26
api_surfaceMember[in/out] The Surface Member to create the element from. After a successful creation, the first segment from the array is filled with the unique identifier of the created element.
favoriteName[in] The name of the Favorite Element which contains the settings for the new element, otherwise the settings are taken from the element default.
idMapping[out] An optional parameter for the mapping between Segment Surface Member edge&vertex ID and generated Surface Element Member Part Reference.
  • NoError - The function has completed with success.

◆ ACAPI_Analytical_CreateElementFromSurfaceMember()

GSErrCode __ACENV_CALL ACAPI_Analytical_CreateElementFromSurfaceMember ( API_AnalyticalSurfaceMember api_surfaceMember,
const GS::Optional< GS::UniString > &  favoriteName,
API_ImportIdMappingType idMapping 

Creates an element from the Structural Analytical Model Surface Member.

Archicad 26
api_surfaceMember[in/out] The Surface Member to create the element from. After a successful creation, it is filled with the unique identifier of the created element.
favoriteName[in] The name of the Favorite Element which contains the settings for the new element, otherwise the settings are taken from the element default.
idMapping[out] An optional paramter which stores the mapping table for the edges and vertices of the member.
  • NoError - The function has completed with success.

◆ ACAPI_Analytical_DeleteAnalyticalLoadCase()

GSErrCode __ACENV_CALL ACAPI_Analytical_DeleteAnalyticalLoadCase ( const API_Guid analyticalLoadCaseGuid)

Deletes an Analytical Load Group.

Archicad 26
analyticalLoadCaseGuid[in] The unique identifier of the desired Load Case to be deleted.
  • NoError - The function has completed with success.

◆ ACAPI_Analytical_DeleteAnalyticalLoadCombination()

GSErrCode __ACENV_CALL ACAPI_Analytical_DeleteAnalyticalLoadCombination ( const API_Guid analyticalLoadCombinationGuid)

Deletes an Analytical Load Combination.

Archicad 26
analyticalLoadCombinationGuid[in] The unique identifier of the desired Load Combination to be deleted.
  • NoError - The function has completed with success.

◆ ACAPI_Analytical_DeleteAnalyticalLoadGroup()

GSErrCode __ACENV_CALL ACAPI_Analytical_DeleteAnalyticalLoadGroup ( const API_Guid analyticalLoadGroupGuid)

Deletes an Analytical Load Group.

Archicad 26
analyticalLoadGroupGuid[in] The unique identifier of the desired Load Group to be deleted.
  • NoError - The function has completed with success.

◆ ACAPI_Analytical_GetAllAnalyticalLoadCases()

GSErrCode __ACENV_CALL ACAPI_Analytical_GetAllAnalyticalLoadCases ( GS::Array< API_Guid > &  analyticalLoadCases)

Returns an array of unique identifiers of all the existing Load Cases from every Load Group.

Archicad 26
analyticalLoadCases[out] Array of unique identifiers.
  • NoError - The function has completed with success.

◆ ACAPI_Analytical_GetAnalyticalLinkGeometry()

GSErrCode __ACENV_CALL ACAPI_Analytical_GetAnalyticalLinkGeometry ( const API_Guid amGuid,
const API_Guid elemGuid,
API_AnalyticalLinkGeometry api_analyticalLinkGeometry 

Returns the Structural Analytical Link Geometry.

Archicad 26
amGuid[in] The unique identifier of the internal Structural Analytical Model.
elemGuid[in] The unique identifier of the internal Curve Element.
api_analyticalLinkGeometry[out] The Structural Analytical Link geometry.
  • NoError - The function has completed with success.

◆ ACAPI_Analytical_GetAnalyticalLoadCase()

GSErrCode __ACENV_CALL ACAPI_Analytical_GetAnalyticalLoadCase ( const API_Guid analyticalLoadCaseGuid,
API_AnalyticalLoadCase analyticalLoadCase 

Returns the Load Case with the given unique identifier.

Archicad 26
analyticalLoadCaseGuid[in] Unique identifier of the Load Case.
analyticalLoadCase[out] The Structural Analytical Load Case.
  • NoError - The function has completed with success.
  • Error - There is no load case with the given unique identifier.

◆ ACAPI_Analytical_GetAnalyticalLoadCases()

GSErrCode __ACENV_CALL ACAPI_Analytical_GetAnalyticalLoadCases ( const API_Guid analyticalLoadGroupGuid,
GS::Array< API_Guid > &  analyticalLoadCases 

Returns an array of unique identifiers of the existing Load Cases from a Load Group.

Archicad 26
analyticalLoadGroupGuid[in] The unique identifier of the Load Group.
analyticalLoadCases[out] Array of unique identifiers.
  • NoError - The function has completed with success.

◆ ACAPI_Analytical_GetAnalyticalLoadCombination()

GSErrCode __ACENV_CALL ACAPI_Analytical_GetAnalyticalLoadCombination ( const API_Guid analyticalLoadCombinationGuid,
API_AnalyticalLoadCombination analyticalLoadCombination 

Returns the Load Combination with the given unique identifier.

Archicad 26
analyticalLoadCombinationGuid[in] Unique identifier of the Load combination.
analyticalLoadCombination[out] The Structural Analytical Load combination.
  • NoError - The function has completed with success.
  • Error - There is no load combination with the given unique identifier.

◆ ACAPI_Analytical_GetAnalyticalLoadCombinations()

GSErrCode __ACENV_CALL ACAPI_Analytical_GetAnalyticalLoadCombinations ( GS::Array< API_Guid > &  analyticalLoadCombinations)

Returns an array of unique identifiers of the existing Load Combinations.

Archicad 26
analyticalLoadCombinations[out] Array of unique identifiers.
  • NoError - The function has completed with success.

◆ ACAPI_Analytical_GetAnalyticalLoadGroup()

GSErrCode __ACENV_CALL ACAPI_Analytical_GetAnalyticalLoadGroup ( const API_Guid analyticalLoadGroupGuid,
API_AnalyticalLoadGroup analyticalLoadGroup 

Returns the Load Group with the given unique identifier.

Archicad 26
analyticalLoadGroupGuid[in] Unique identifier of the Load Group.
analyticalLoadGroup[out] The Structural Analytical Load Group.
  • NoError - The function has completed with success.
  • Error - There is no load group with the given unique identifier.

◆ ACAPI_Analytical_GetAnalyticalLoadGroups()

GSErrCode __ACENV_CALL ACAPI_Analytical_GetAnalyticalLoadGroups ( GS::Array< API_Guid > &  analyticalLoadGroups)

Returns an array of unique identifiers of the existing Load Groups.

Archicad 26
analyticalLoadGroups[out] Array of unique identifiers.
  • NoError - The function has completed with success.

◆ ACAPI_Analytical_GetAnalyticalMemberConnections()

GSErrCode __ACENV_CALL ACAPI_Analytical_GetAnalyticalMemberConnections ( const API_Guid amGuid,
const API_Guid elemGuid,
GS::HashSet< API_Guid > &  api_connections 

Returns the guids of elements which are connected to a Structural Analytical Member, given by it's guid. Includes elements which are connected by Structural Analytical Links.

Archicad 26
amGuid[in] The unique identifier of the internal Structural Analytical Model.
elemGuid[in] The unique identifier of the Structural Analytical Member.
api_connections[out] The elements connected to the given Structural Analytical Member.
  • NoError - The function has completed with success.

◆ ACAPI_Analytical_GetAnalyticalMemberPartRefCoord()

GSErrCode __ACENV_CALL ACAPI_Analytical_GetAnalyticalMemberPartRefCoord ( const API_Guid amGuid,
const API_AnalyticalMemberPartRef api_memberPartRef,
API_AnalyticalNode api_analyticalNode 

Returns the coord of the given Structural Analytical Model's Analytical Member part if it identifies an edge.

Archicad 26
amGuid[in] The unique identifier of the internal Structural Analytical Model.
api_memberPartRef[in] The member part ref of an analytical element.
api_analyticalNode[out] The Structural Analytical Node.
  • NoError - The function has completed with success.

◆ ACAPI_Analytical_GetAnalyticalMemberPartRefCurve()

GSErrCode __ACENV_CALL ACAPI_Analytical_GetAnalyticalMemberPartRefCurve ( const API_Guid amGuid,
const API_AnalyticalMemberPartRef api_memberPartRef,
API_AnalyticalCurve api_analyticalCurve 

Returns the curve of the given Structural Analytical Model's Analytical Member part if it identifies a vertex.

Archicad 26
amGuid[in] The unique identifier of the internal Structural Analytical Model.
api_memberPartRef[in] The member part ref of an analytical element.
api_analyticalCurve[out] The Structural Analytical Model Curve.
  • NoError - The function has completed with success.

◆ ACAPI_Analytical_GetAnalyticalModel()

GSErrCode __ACENV_CALL ACAPI_Analytical_GetAnalyticalModel ( const API_AnalyticalModelVariation api_modelVariation,
API_Guid amGuid 

Returns the Structural Analytical Model created for the specified Model Variation.

Archicad 26
api_modelVariation[in] The Model Variation specification.
amGuid[out] The unique identifier for the Structural Analytical Model created for the specified Model Variation.
  • NoError - The function has completed with success.

◆ ACAPI_Analytical_GetAnalyticalModelVariation()

GSErrCode __ACENV_CALL ACAPI_Analytical_GetAnalyticalModelVariation ( const API_Guid amGuid,
API_AnalyticalModelVariation api_modelVariation 

Returns the Model Variation used for creating the specified Structural Analytical Model.

Archicad 26
amGuid[in] The unique identifier of the Structural Analytical Model.
api_modelVariation[out] The Model Variation specification.
  • NoError - The function has completed with success.

◆ ACAPI_Analytical_GetAnalyticalPointLoadGeometry()

GSErrCode __ACENV_CALL ACAPI_Analytical_GetAnalyticalPointLoadGeometry ( const API_Guid amGuid,
const API_Guid elemGuid,
API_AnalyticalPointLoadGeometry api_analyticalPointLoadGeometry 

Returns the Structural Analytical Point Load Geometry.

Archicad 26
amGuid[in] The unique identifier of the internal Structural Analytical Model.
elemGuid[in] The unique identifier of the internal Curve Element.
api_analyticalPointLoadGeometry[out] The Structural Analytical Point Load geometry.
  • NoError - The function has completed with success.

◆ ACAPI_Analytical_GetAnalyticalRelease()

GSErrCode __ACENV_CALL ACAPI_Analytical_GetAnalyticalRelease ( const API_Guid amGuid,
const API_Guid elemGuid,
API_AnalyticalReleaseType api_analyticalRelease 

Returns the Structural Analytical Model Member Relase associated with the selected Curve Element.

Archicad 26
amGuid[in] The unique identifier of the internal Structural Analytical Model.
elemGuid[in] The unique identifier of the internal Curve Element.
api_analyticalRelease[out] The Structural Analytical Model Member Release data.
  • NoError - The function has completed with success.

◆ ACAPI_Analytical_GetAnalyticalSupportGeometry()

GSErrCode __ACENV_CALL ACAPI_Analytical_GetAnalyticalSupportGeometry ( const API_Guid amGuid,
const API_Guid elemGuid,
API_AnalyticalSupportGeometry api_analyticalSupportGeometry 

Returns the Structural AnalyticalSupport Geometry.

Archicad 26
amGuid[in] The unique identifier of the internal Structural Analytical Model.
elemGuid[in] The unique identifier of the internal Curve Element.
api_analyticalSupportGeometry[out] The Structural Analytical Support geometry.
  • NoError - The function has completed with success.

◆ ACAPI_Analytical_GetComplementaryProjectMemberType()

GSErrCode __ACENV_CALL ACAPI_Analytical_GetComplementaryProjectMemberType ( const API_Guid elemGuid,
API_AnalyticalMemberType analyticalMemberType 

Returns the Analytical Member Type of a certain element from the Complementary Project.

Archicad 26
elemGuid[in] The unique identifier of the Analytical Member element.
analyticalMemberType[out] The type of the Analytical Member element from the Complementary Project.
  • NoError - The function has completed with success.
It is recommended to call this function before creating any Analytical Member and use its analyticalMemberType value if it is different than API_AnalyticalMember_UnknownType.

◆ ACAPI_Analytical_GetCurrentAnalyticalModel()

GSErrCode __ACENV_CALL ACAPI_Analytical_GetCurrentAnalyticalModel ( API_Guid amGuid)

Returns the Structural Analytical Model created for the current view.

Archicad 26
amGuid[out] The unique identifier of the internal Structural Analytical Model.
  • NoError - The function has completed with success.

◆ ACAPI_Analytical_GetCurveElements()

GSErrCode __ACENV_CALL ACAPI_Analytical_GetCurveElements ( const API_Guid amGuid,
GS::Array< API_Guid > &  curveElements 

Returns the elements that have Structural Analytical Model Curve Member associated.

Archicad 26
amGuid[in] The unique identifier of the internal Structural Analytical Model.
curveElements[out] The list of Curve Element unique identifiers.
  • NoError - The function has completed with success.

◆ ACAPI_Analytical_GetCurveMember()

GSErrCode __ACENV_CALL ACAPI_Analytical_GetCurveMember ( const API_Guid amGuid,
const API_Guid elemGuid,
API_AnalyticalCurveMember cm 

Returns the Structural Analytical Model Curve Member associated with the selected Curve Element.

Archicad 26
amGuid[in] The unique identifier of the internal Structural Analytical Model.
elemGuid[in] The unique identifier of the internal Curve Element.
cm[out] The Structural Analytical Model Curve Member data.
  • NoError - The function has completed with success.

◆ ACAPI_Analytical_GetEdgeLoadFromElement()

GSErrCode __ACENV_CALL ACAPI_Analytical_GetEdgeLoadFromElement ( const API_Element element,
API_AnalyticalEdgeLoadType edgeLoad 

Obtains the API_AnalyticalEdgeLoadType from element , if it is a valid API_AnalyticalEdgeLoadType .

Archicad 26
element[in] The source for the edgeLoad.
edgeLoad[out] The edgeLoad to be set.
  • NoError - The function has completed with success.

◆ ACAPI_Analytical_GetEdgeLoadGeometry()

GSErrCode __ACENV_CALL ACAPI_Analytical_GetEdgeLoadGeometry ( const API_Guid amGuid,
const API_Guid elemGuid,
API_EdgeLoadCustomData edgeLoadCustomData 

Returns the Structural Analytical Model's Analytical Edge Load Geometry.

Archicad 26
amGuid[in] The unique identifier of the internal Structural Analytical Model.
elemGuid[in] The unique identifier of the Structural Analytical Member.
edgeLoadCustomData[out] The Analytical Edge Load Geometry.
  • NoError - The function has completed with success.

◆ ACAPI_Analytical_GetLCSOfAnalyticalMember()

GSErrCode __ACENV_CALL ACAPI_Analytical_GetLCSOfAnalyticalMember ( const API_AnalyticalMemberPartRef analyticalMemberPartRef,
API_CoordinateSystem coordinateSystem 

Get the local coordinate system of a member from AnalyticalMemberPartRef.

Archicad 26
analyticalMemberPartRef[in] The member part ref of an analytical element.
coordinateSystem[out] Local coordinate system of the member
  • NoError - The function has completed with success.

◆ ACAPI_Analytical_GetLCSOfAnalyticalMemberInIntersection()

GSErrCode __ACENV_CALL ACAPI_Analytical_GetLCSOfAnalyticalMemberInIntersection ( const API_AnalyticalMemberPartRef firstAnalyticalMemberPartRef,
const API_AnalyticalMemberPartRef secondAnalyticalMemberPartRef,
API_CoordinateSystem coordinateSystem 

Get the local coordinate system of a member in intersection of AnalyticalMemberPartRefs.

Archicad 26
firstAnalyticalMemberPartRef[in] The member part ref of an analytical element.
secondAnalyticalMemberPartRef[in] The member part ref of an analytical element.
coordinateSystem[out] Local coordinate system of the member
  • NoError - The function has completed with success.

◆ ACAPI_Analytical_GetLinkFromElement()

GSErrCode __ACENV_CALL ACAPI_Analytical_GetLinkFromElement ( const API_Element element,
API_AnalyticalLinkType link 

Obtains the API_AnalyticalLinkType from.

Archicad 26
element[in] The source for the link.
link[out] The link to be set.
  • NoError - The function has completed with success.

◆ ACAPI_Analytical_GetPointLoadFromElement()

GSErrCode __ACENV_CALL ACAPI_Analytical_GetPointLoadFromElement ( const API_Element element,
API_AnalyticalPointLoadType pointLoad 

Obtains the API_AnalyticalPointLoadType from element , if it is a valid API_AnalyticalPointLoadType .

Archicad 26
element[in] The source for the pointLoad.
pointLoad[out] The pointLoad to be set.
  • NoError - The function has completed with success.

◆ ACAPI_Analytical_GetSegmentedSurfaceMember()

GSErrCode __ACENV_CALL ACAPI_Analytical_GetSegmentedSurfaceMember ( const API_Guid amGuid,
const API_Guid elemGuid,
GS::Array< API_AnalyticalSurfaceMember > &  surfaceMember,
double  centralAngle,
API_ExportIdMappingType surfaceIdMapping 

Returns the Structural Analytical Model Surface Member segmented version associated with the selected Surface Element.

Archicad 26
amGuid[in] The unique identifier of the internal Structural Analytical Model.
elemGuid[in] The unique identifier of the internal Surface Element.
surfaceMember[out] The array of Structural Analytical Model Surface Member segments representing the Structural Analytical Model Surface Member data.
centralAngle[in] The angle of segmentation for curved walls given in degrees.
surfaceIdMapping[out] The mapping between Surface Elements edge/vertex ID and segments edge/vertex IDs
  • NoError - The function has completed with success.

◆ ACAPI_Analytical_GetSupportFromElement()

GSErrCode __ACENV_CALL ACAPI_Analytical_GetSupportFromElement ( const API_Element element,
API_AnalyticalSupportType support 

Obtains the API_AnalyticalSupportType from element , if it is a valid API_AnalyticalSupportType .

Archicad 26
element[in] The source for the support.
support[out] The support to be set.
  • NoError - The function has completed with success.

◆ ACAPI_Analytical_GetSurfaceElements()

GSErrCode __ACENV_CALL ACAPI_Analytical_GetSurfaceElements ( const API_Guid amGuid,
GS::Array< API_Guid > &  surfaceElements 

Returns the elements that have Structural Analytical Model Surface Member associated.

Archicad 26
amGuid[in] The unique identifier of the internal Structural Analytical Model.
surfaceElements[out] The list of Surface Element unique identifiers.
  • NoError - The function has completed with success.

◆ ACAPI_Analytical_GetSurfaceLoadFromElement()

GSErrCode __ACENV_CALL ACAPI_Analytical_GetSurfaceLoadFromElement ( const API_Element element,
API_AnalyticalSurfaceLoadType surfaceLoad 

Obtains the API_AnalyticalSurfaceLoadType from element , if it is a valid API_AnalyticalSurfaceLoadType .

Archicad 26
element[in] The source for the surfaceLoad.
surfaceLoad[out] The surfaceLoad to be set.
  • NoError - The function has completed with success.

◆ ACAPI_Analytical_GetSurfaceLoadGeometry()

GSErrCode __ACENV_CALL ACAPI_Analytical_GetSurfaceLoadGeometry ( const API_Guid amGuid,
const API_Guid elemGuid,
API_SurfaceLoadCustomData edgeLoadCustomData 

Returns the Structural Analytical Model's Custom Surface Coordinates for Surface Load.

Archicad 26
amGuid[in] The unique identifier of the internal Structural Analytical Model.
elemGuid[in] The unique identifier of the Structural Analytical Member.
edgeLoadCustomData[out] The Custom Surface Coordinates for Surface Load.
  • NoError - The function has completed with success.

◆ ACAPI_Analytical_GetSurfaceMember()

GSErrCode __ACENV_CALL ACAPI_Analytical_GetSurfaceMember ( const API_Guid amGuid,
const API_Guid elemGuid,
API_AnalyticalSurfaceMember surfaceMember,
API_ExportIdMappingType idMapping 

Returns the Structural Analytical Model Surface Member associated with the selected Surface Element.

Archicad 26
amGuid[in] The unique identifier of the internal Structural Analytical Model.
elemGuid[in] The unique identifier of the internal Surface Element.
surfaceMember[out] The Structural Analytical Model Surface Member data.
idMapping[out] The mapping between support/link/release partID and member's edge/vertex.
  • NoError - The function has completed with success.

◆ ACAPI_Analytical_GetVisibilitySettings()

GSErrCode __ACENV_CALL ACAPI_Analytical_GetVisibilitySettings ( API_AM_VisibilitySettings api_am_visiblitySettings)

Returns the Visibility Settings of the analytical model.

Archicad 26
api_am_visiblitySettings[out] The visibility settings of the analytical model.
  • NoError - The function has completed with success.

◆ ACAPI_Analytical_SetAnalyticalRelease()

GSErrCode __ACENV_CALL ACAPI_Analytical_SetAnalyticalRelease ( const API_Guid elemGuid,
const API_AnalyticalReleaseType api_analyticalRelease 

Sets the Structural Analytical Model Member Release to the selected Curve Element.

Archicad 26
elemGuid[in] The unique identifier of the internal Curve Element.
api_analyticalRelease[in] The Structural Analytical Model Member Release data.
  • NoError - The function has completed with success.

◆ ACAPI_Analytical_SetEdgeLoadCustomDataFromMemo()

GSErrCode __ACENV_CALL ACAPI_Analytical_SetEdgeLoadCustomDataFromMemo ( const API_ElementMemo memo,
API_EdgeLoadCustomData edgeLoadCustomData 

Get Structural Analytical Model's Analytical Edge Load Geometry from the given memo.

Archicad 26
memo[in] Element memo.
edgeLoadCustomData[out] The Analytical Edge Load Geometry.
  • NoError - The function has completed with success.

◆ ACAPI_Analytical_SetElementFromEdgeLoad()

GSErrCode __ACENV_CALL ACAPI_Analytical_SetElementFromEdgeLoad ( const API_AnalyticalEdgeLoadType edgeLoad,
API_Element element 

Sets element.type to API_AnalyticalEdgeLoadID , and element.externalElemData to edgeLoad .

Archicad 26
edgeLoad[in] The source for the element.
element[out] The element to be set.
  • NoError - The function has completed with success.

◆ ACAPI_Analytical_SetElementFromLink()

GSErrCode __ACENV_CALL ACAPI_Analytical_SetElementFromLink ( const API_AnalyticalLinkType link,
API_Element element 

Sets element.type to API_AnalyticalLinkID , and element.externalElemData to link .

Archicad 26
link[in] The source for the element.
element[out] The element to be set.
  • NoError - The function has completed with success.

◆ ACAPI_Analytical_SetElementFromPointLoad()

GSErrCode __ACENV_CALL ACAPI_Analytical_SetElementFromPointLoad ( const API_AnalyticalPointLoadType pointLoad,
API_Element element 

Sets element.type to API_AnalyticalPointLoadID , and element.externalElemData to pointLoad .

Archicad 26
pointLoad[in] The source for the element.
element[out] The element to be set.
  • NoError - The function has completed with success.

◆ ACAPI_Analytical_SetElementFromSupport()

GSErrCode __ACENV_CALL ACAPI_Analytical_SetElementFromSupport ( const API_AnalyticalSupportType support,
API_Element element 

Sets element.type to API_AnalyticalSupportID , and element.externalElemData to support .

Archicad 26
support[in] The source for the element.
element[out] The element to be set.
  • NoError - The function has completed with success.

◆ ACAPI_Analytical_SetElementFromSurfaceLoad()

GSErrCode __ACENV_CALL ACAPI_Analytical_SetElementFromSurfaceLoad ( const API_AnalyticalSurfaceLoadType surfaceLoad,
API_Element element 

Sets element.type to API_AnalyticalSurfaceLoadID , and element.externalElemData to surfaceLoad .

Archicad 26
surfaceLoad[in] The source for the element.
element[out] The element to be set.
  • NoError - The function has completed with success.

◆ ACAPI_Analytical_SetGenerationSettingsToNoRule()

GSErrCode __ACENV_CALL ACAPI_Analytical_SetGenerationSettingsToNoRule ( )

Sets the current analytical model's generation settings to no rules.

Archicad 26
  • NoError - The function has completed with success.

◆ ACAPI_Analytical_SetMemoFromEdgeLoadCustomData()

GSErrCode __ACENV_CALL ACAPI_Analytical_SetMemoFromEdgeLoadCustomData ( const API_EdgeLoadCustomData edgeLoadCustomData,
API_ElementMemo memo 

Set Structural Analytical Model's Analytical Edge Load Geometry in the given memo.

Archicad 26
edgeLoadCustomData[in] The Analytical Edge Load Geometry.
memo[out] Element memo.
  • NoError - The function has completed with success.

◆ ACAPI_Analytical_SetMemoFromSurfaceLoadCustomData()

GSErrCode __ACENV_CALL ACAPI_Analytical_SetMemoFromSurfaceLoadCustomData ( const API_SurfaceLoadCustomData customData,
API_ElementMemo memo 

Set Structural Analytical Model's Custom Surface Coordinates for Surface Load in the given memo.

Archicad 26
customData[in] The Custom Surface Coordinates for Surface Load.
memo[out] Element memo.
  • NoError - The function has completed with success.

◆ ACAPI_Analytical_SetSurfaceLoadCustomDataFromMemo()

GSErrCode __ACENV_CALL ACAPI_Analytical_SetSurfaceLoadCustomDataFromMemo ( const API_ElementMemo memo,
API_SurfaceLoadCustomData customData 

Get Structural Analytical Model's Custom Surface Coordinates for Surface Load from the given memo.

Archicad 26
memo[in] Element memo.
customData[out] The Custom Surface Coordinates for Surface Load.
  • NoError - The function has completed with success.

◆ ACAPI_Analytical_SetVisibilitySettings()

GSErrCode __ACENV_CALL ACAPI_Analytical_SetVisibilitySettings ( const API_AM_VisibilitySettings api_am_visiblitySettings)

Sets the Visibility Settings of the analytical model.

Archicad 26
api_am_visiblitySettings[in] The visibility settings of the analytical model.
  • NoError - The function has completed with success.

◆ ACAPI_Analytical_UpdateAnalyticalModel()

GSErrCode __ACENV_CALL ACAPI_Analytical_UpdateAnalyticalModel ( const API_Guid amGuid)

Triggers an update of the Structural Analytical Model specified.

Archicad 26
amGuid[in/out] The Structural Analytical Model identifier.
  • NoError - The function has completed with success.