Archicad 28 C++ API
No Matches
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234]
 CACAPI::Impl::v1::AbstractFactoryAbstractFactory is responsible for creating the implementation. You can make your own factory to use it in unit tests
 CAPI_3D_HeadCommon header for the 3D components
 CAPI_3DCutPlanesInfoData of the "3D Cutting Planes..." dialog
 CAPI_3DCutShapeTypeShape of the 3D cutting plane
 CAPI_3DFilterAndCutSettingsParameters of the 'Filter and Cut Elements in 3D' dialog
 CAPI_3DProjectionInfo3D projection setting parameters
 CAPI_3DStyle3D Style parameters
 CAPI_3DWindowInfo3D Window setting parameters
 CAPI_ActTranParsStructure for retrieving the transformation data of the actual editing operation
 CAPI_AddOnCommandBase class for the Add-On commands
 CAPI_AddOnInfoTextual description of the add-on
 CAPI_AddonObjectControl information of a custom data stored into the project database
 CAPI_AddParTypeDescribes a parameter of a Library Part
 CAPI_AM_VisibilitySettingsDescribes the Analytical Model Visiblity Settings
 CAPI_AMPartRefCustomVertexDataDescribes a vertex when the analytical member part has custom vertex type
 CAPI_AMPartRefRatioEdgeDataDescribes the ratios when the analytical member part has ratio edge type
 CAPI_AnalyticalCrossSectionDescribes or references an Structural Analytical Model Cross Section for Curve Members
 CAPI_AnalyticalCurveDescribes an Structural Analytical Model Curve that is either a line segment between two Structural Analytical Model Nodes, or an arc segment with a specified intermediate point
 CAPI_AnalyticalCurveMemberDescribes an Structural Analytical Model Curve Member
 CAPI_AnalyticalEdgeLoad_SettingsDescribes the Structural Analytical Model Analytical Edge Load settings
 CAPI_AnalyticalEdgeLoadTypeDescribes a Structural Analytical Model Member Edge Load
 CAPI_AnalyticalElemPartIdDescribes the guid, contour and edge/vertex id triplet that is used for creating the API_ExportIdMappingType
 CAPI_AnalyticalLink_RigidSettingsDescribes the rigidity settings on both sides of the Structural Analytical Model Analytical Link element
 CAPI_AnalyticalLink_RotationContains the Structural Analytical Model Analytical Link Rotation values
 CAPI_AnalyticalLink_SettingsDescribes the Structural Analytical Model Analytical Link settings
 CAPI_AnalyticalLink_SpringSettingsDescribes the spring settings of the Structural Analytical Model Analytical Link element
 CAPI_AnalyticalLink_TranslationDescribe the translation of an analitycal link
 CAPI_AnalyticalLinkGeometryDescribes a Structural Analytical Model Analytical Link Geometry
 CAPI_AnalyticalLinkTypeDescribes a Structural Analytical Model Analytical Link
 CAPI_AnalyticalLoadCaseDescribes a Structural Analytical Load Case
 CAPI_AnalyticalLoadCombinationDescribes a Structural Analytical Load Combination
 CAPI_AnalyticalLoadFactorDescribes how a Load Case belongs to a Load Combination
 CAPI_AnalyticalLoadGroupDescribes a Structural Analytical Load Group
 CAPI_AnalyticalMemberPartRefDescribes a Structural Analytical Model Analytical Member part
 CAPI_AnalyticalModelVariationDescribes the Model Variation that is used for creating the Structural Analytical Model
 CAPI_AnalyticalNodeDescribes an Structural Analytical Node
 CAPI_AnalyticalPointLoad_SettingsDescribes the Structural Analytical Model Analytical Point Load settings
 CAPI_AnalyticalPointLoadGeometryDescribes a Structural Analytical Model Analytical Point Load Geometry
 CAPI_AnalyticalPointLoadTypeDescribes a Structural Analytical Model Member Point Load
 CAPI_AnalyticalReleaseDescriptionContains the Structural Analytical Model Analytical Member Release values
 CAPI_AnalyticalReleaseTypeDescribes a Structural Analytical Model Member release
 CAPI_AnalyticalSupport_SettingsDescribes the Structural Analytical Model Analytical Support settings
 CAPI_AnalyticalSupport_SupportValuesContains the Structural Analytical Model Analytical Support values
 CAPI_AnalyticalSupportGeometryDescribes a Structural Analytical Model Analytical Support Geometry
 CAPI_AnalyticalSupportTypeDescribes a Structural Analytical Model Member Support
 CAPI_AnalyticalSurfaceDescribes the Structural Analytical Model Surface of a Structural Analytical Model Surface Member
 CAPI_AnalyticalSurfaceLoad_SettingsDescribes the Structural Analytical Model Analytical Surface Load settings
 CAPI_AnalyticalSurfaceLoadTypeDescribes a Structural Analytical Model Member Surface Load
 CAPI_AnalyticalSurfaceMemberDescribes a Structural Analytical Model Surface Member
 CAPI_AnalyticalVaryingSegmentDescribes a Structural Analytical Model Varying Segment for Curve Members
 CAPI_AngleDimensionTypeRepresents an angle dimension
 CAPI_AngleDimFormatThe representation of the angle dimensioning on the Preferences / Dimensioning tab page
 CAPI_ArcTypeRepresents an elliptical or circular arc
 CAPI_AreaDimFormatThe representation of the area dimensioning on the Preferences / Dimensioning tab page
 CAPI_ArrowDataDescribes the arrows at line ends
 CAPI_AssemblySegmentCutDataRepresents a cut on segment
 CAPI_AssemblySegmentDataRepresents an general segment
 CAPI_AssemblySegmentProfileDataRepresents an segment of the beam element
 CAPI_AssemblySegmentSchemeDataRepresents a segment scheme
 CAPI_Attr_HeadContains common information related to all attribute types
 CAPI_AttributeDescribes the different attributes
 CAPI_AttributeDefDescribes the extended information for different attributes
 CAPI_AttributeDefExtDescribes the extended information for different attributes
 CAPI_AttributeFolderAn attribute folder
 CAPI_AttributeFolderContentContent of an attribute folder. Contains direct subfolders and attributes
 CAPI_AttributeFolderPickerDescribes an attribute folder picker created in ACAPI_Attribute_CreateAttributeFolderPicker, with getter and setter for the selected attribute folder and the hanlder of push check click event
 CAPI_AttributeFolderPickerParamsDescribes the type and the push check for creating an attribute folder picker in ACAPI_Attribute_CreateAttributeFolderPicker
 CAPI_AttributeIndexIndex reference to an attribute
 CAPI_AttributeManagerFormatRepresents the data of an attribute manager format
 CAPI_AttributePickerDescribes an attribute picker created in ACAPI_Dialog_CreateAttributePicker, with getter and setter for the selected attribute and the hanlder of push check click event
 CAPI_AttributePickerParamsDescribes the type and the push check for creating an attribute picker in ACAPI_Dialog_CreateAttributePicker
 CAPI_AxonoParsParallel projection parameters
 CAPI_BaseThe base of a non-static linear, angle or radial dimension element
 CAPI_Beam_HoleDescribes a beam hole
 CAPI_BeamPartSection of a beam that crosses the room
 CAPI_BeamQuantityDescribes the different calculated values for beams
 CAPI_BeamRelationStructure for retrieving connection data of a beam
 CAPI_BeamSegmentQuantityDescribes the different calculated values for beam segments
 CAPI_BeamSegmentRelationStructure for retrieving connection data of a beam segment
 CAPI_BeamSegmentTypeRepresents an segment of the beam element
 CAPI_BeamTypeRepresents a beam element
 CAPI_BodyTypeRepresentation of a 3D body
 CAPI_BoxRectangular region of the model
 CAPI_Box3DRectangular region of the model with Z extent
 CAPI_BuildingMaterialTypeBuilding Material type attribute representation
 CAPI_CalcAngleFormatThe API_CalcUnitPrefs structure contains this structure
 CAPI_CalcAreaFormatThe API_CalcUnitPrefs structure contains this structure
 CAPI_CalcLengthFormatThe API_CalcUnitPrefs structure contains this structure
 CAPI_CalcRulesPrefsThe representation of the Calculation Rules on the Preferences / Calculation Units Rules tab page
 CAPI_CalcUnitPrefsThe representation of the Project Preferences / Calculation Units Rules tab page
 CAPI_CalcVolumeFormatThe API_CalcUnitPrefs structure contains this structure
 CAPI_CameraTypeRepresents a single camera
 CAPI_CamSetTypeRepresents a camera set
 CAPI_ChangeMarkerTypeRepresents a ChangeMarker (a placeable element, not to be confused with the Change from the Change Manager palette)
 CAPI_ChangeParamTypeParameters to change a value in a Library Part parameter list
 CAPI_ClassificationItemSpecifies a classification item
 CAPI_ClassificationSystemSpecifies a classification system
 CAPI_ClipTranDefines a transformation for the clipping
 CAPI_CollisionDetectionSettingsCollision detection settings used by ACAPI_Element_GetCollisions
 CAPI_CollisionElemA container for storing a collision element created by ACAPI_Element_GetCollisions
 CAPI_ColumnQuantityDescribes the different calculated values for columns
 CAPI_ColumnSegmentQuantityDescribes the different calculated values for column segments
 CAPI_ColumnSegmentTypeRepresents an segment of the column element
 CAPI_ColumnTypeRepresents a column element
 CAPI_Component3DGeneral representation of a 3D component
 CAPI_ComponentIDIdentifies a component
 CAPI_CompositeIdIdentifies the composite skin and sub-element
 CAPI_CompositeQuantityDescribes the different calculated values for skins of composite or complex elements
 CAPI_CompWallTypeComposite fill attribute representation
 CAPI_ConditionalElementRuleThe representation of a conditional element rule on the Preferences / Calculation Rules tab page
 CAPI_ConnectionGuidItemRepresents a wall or beam connection
 CAPI_ConstraintParsParameters of the drawing constraint
 CAPI_ContentParsIt is used at the ACAPI_Element_Change goodie function
 CAPI_ContourEdgeDataParameters of a shell contour edge
 CAPI_CoordA pair of Cartesian (real) coordinates
 CAPI_Coord3DReal (Cartesian) 3D coordinates of a three-dimensional space
 CAPI_CoordinateSystemDescribes a coordinate system
 CAPI_CoverFillTransformationFill orientation and distortion parameters
 CAPI_CursorSetCursor set definition for a user input
 CAPI_CurtainWallModelViewOptionsRepresents the model view options of Curtain Walls made with the Curtain Wall Tool. The entire structure is Archicad only
 CAPI_CurtainWallQuantityDescribes the different calculated values for curtain walls
 CAPI_CurtainWallTypeRepresents a Curtain Wall element
 CAPI_CutPlaneTypeRepresents a section element
 CACAPI::Cutaway::v1::API_CutPolygonInfoInformation regarding cut polygons
 CAPI_CWAccessoryQuantityDescribes the different calculated values for curtain wall accessories
 CAPI_CWAccessoryTypeRepresents a curtain wall accessory element
 CAPI_CWallComponentDescribes the simple fills contained in composite structures
 CAPI_CWallLineComponentDescribes the lines separate the simple fills contained in composite structures
 CAPI_CWallPanelA primitive triangle
 CAPI_CWContourDataRepresents a curtain wall contour type element
 CAPI_CWFrameQuantityDescribes the different calculated values for curtain wall frames
 CAPI_CWFrameTypeRepresents a Curtain Wall Frame element
 CAPI_CWJunctionQuantityDescribes the different calculated values for curtain wall junctions
 CAPI_CWJunctionTypeRepresents a curtain wall junction element
 CAPI_CWPanelQuantityDescribes the different calculated values for curtain wall panels
 CAPI_CWPanelRelationStructure for retrieving connection data of a curtain wall panel, skylight, window or a door element
 CAPI_CWPanelTypeRepresents a Curtain Wall Panel element
 CAPI_CWSegmentPatternCellDataRepresents a curtain wall segment cell
 CAPI_CWSegmentPatternDataRepresents the horizontal (primary) or vertical (secondary) pattern of a Curtain Wall segment
 CAPI_CWSegmentTypeRepresents a curtain wall segment element
 CAPI_DailyProfileDescribes a daily profile contained in Operation Profile
 CAPI_DailyProfileUsageDescribes a daily profile usage contained in Operation Profile
 CAPI_DashItemsDescribes one segment of a dashed line
 CAPI_DatabaseUnIdIdentification parameters of a Section, Detail, Interior Elevation, Worksheet, Master Layout, Layout, and 3D Document window or window related database
 CAPI_DescriptorRefTypeThe descriptor reference record
 CAPI_DescriptorTypeDescription of a descriptor
 CAPI_DetailTypeRepresents a detail/worksheet (detail/worksheet mark)
 CAPI_DimBaseDescribes the base element for dimensioning
 CAPI_DimElemDescribes a dimension element
 CAPI_DimensionPrefsThe representation of the Project Preferences / Dimensions tab page
 CAPI_DimensionStandards_HeadContains common information related to dimension preference types
 CAPI_DimensionStandardsTypeRepresentation of the dimension preference
 CAPI_DimensionTypeDescribes a (linear) dimension
 CAPI_DocumentFrom3DDefaultsDefault settings of 3D document
 CAPI_DocumentFrom3DTypeRepresents a 3D Document
 CAPI_DrawingLinkInfoParameters of a drawing link
 CAPI_DrawingTitleSpecifies the drawing's title object
 CAPI_DrawingTypeRepresents a drawing element
 CAPI_EdgeLoadCustomDataDescribes a Structural Analytical Model Analytical Edge Load Geometry
 CAPI_EdgeTrimDescribes the parameters of a roof or slab edge. In previous API versions this structure used to be called API_RoofSide
 CAPI_EdgeTypeRepresentation of a 3D edge
 CAPI_EditParsTransformation parameters for elements
 CAPI_Elem_HeadGeneral element header for element types
 CAPI_ElemCategoryElement category structure
 CAPI_ElemCategoryValueElement category value structure
 CAPI_ElemComponentIDIdentifies a component of an element
 CAPI_ElemDifferenceCommon structure for the element difference generator components
 CAPI_ElemDifferenceGeneratorStateCommon structure for the element difference generator components
 CAPI_ElementA union collecting all known element types
 CAPI_ElementDecomposerInterfaceInterface class for the element decomposition process
 CAPI_ElementMemoDescribes the variable length additional data of elements
 CAPI_ElementQuantityDescribes the different calculated values
 CAPI_ElementQuantityMaskDescribes the filter for the different calculated values for elements
 CAPI_ElemInfo3D3D data of an element
 CAPI_ElemPartCompositeQuantityDescribes the different calculated values for skins of composite or complex elements
 CAPI_ElemPartIdIdentify a part of an element. It's valid for PolyRoof and Morph only
 CAPI_ElemPartQuantityDescribes the different calculated values for parts of an element
 CAPI_ElemPartSurfaceQuantityDescribes the different calculated values for surfaces of elements
 CAPI_ElemSearchParsStructure to search for an element by coordinate
 CAPI_ElemTypeThe type of an element
 CAPI_ElemURLRefURL reference to be stored into elements
 CAPI_EnvirParamsDescribes the different parameters of the running environment
 CAPI_ESYMParamsDescribes the current external symbol your add-on can work on
 CAPI_ExportIdMappingTypeDescribes the connection between the unsegmented surface member's and the created segment's edges and vertices
 CAPI_ExtendedPenTypeDescribes the optionally overridden pen used for hatches
 CAPI_ExternalElemTypeA struct containing the header and data of an external element type (see API_AnalyticalLinkType)
 CAPI_ExtrudedShellDataThis structure holds the Extruded Shell specific data of API_ShellType
 CAPI_FavoriteA container for Favorite entry settings
 CAPI_FileOpenParsParameters to open a new project file
 CAPI_FileSaveParsParameters to save the current project file
 CAPI_FillLineDescribes the details of a vectorial fill
 CAPI_FilltypeTypeFill type attribute representation
 CAPI_FloorPlanCutDefinitionParameters of the Floor Plan Cut Plane Settings dialog
 CAPI_Font_HeadContains common information related to API_FontType
 CAPI_FontTypeContains common information related to a font
 CAPI_GableDefines a cutting plane applied to spatial elements
 CAPI_GDLModelViewOptionsRepresents the GDL related model view options
 CAPI_GeoLocationGeo Location data of the project
 CAPI_GeoReferenceDataCoordinate Reference System and Map Conversion parameters of the Geo Location of the project
 CAPI_Get3DComponentTypeParameters of the get component type in 3D operation
 CAPI_GetArcTypeParameters of the arc input operation
 CAPI_GetLineTypeParameters of the line input operation
 CAPI_GetParamsTypeThe changed parameter values of a Library Part
 CAPI_GetParamValuesTypeThe possible parameter values of a non-array Library Part parameter
 CAPI_GetPointTypeParameters of the point input operation
 CAPI_GetPolyTypeParameters of the polygon input operation
 CAPI_GhostRecordDescribes a tracing (ghost) database
 CAPI_GhostStoryTypeGhost Story settings
 CAPI_GridEdgeInfoContains extended information of a API_GridMeshEdge
 CAPI_GridMeshDescribes a Curtain Wall segment geometry
 CAPI_GridMeshEdgeDescribes a Grid Mesh edge
 CAPI_GridMeshHeadGeneral header for Grid Mesh type
 CAPI_GridMeshLineDescribes a grid line of the mesh
 CAPI_GridMeshPolygonA 3D mesh polygon with four edge indices
 CAPI_GridMeshVertexDescribes a Grid Mesh vertex
 CAPI_GridTypeThe grid parameters
 CAPI_GuidRepresents a GS::Guid in the API layer
 CAPI_HatchOrientationFill orientation and distortion parameters
 CAPI_HatchQuantityDescribes the different calculated values for fills
 CAPI_HatchTypeRepresents a hatch element
 CAPI_HotlinkCacheGeneratorBase class for generating the updated content of a hotlink cache
 CAPI_HotlinkNodeDescribes a hotlink node
 CAPI_HotlinkTypeRepresents a Hotlink Module type or XRef type hotlink instance element
 CAPI_HotlinkUserDataHotlink user data
 CAPI_HotspotTypeRepresents a hotspot
 CAPI_HourlyProfileDescribes coverage of an hour of an Operation Profile
 CAPI_IDialogEventHandlerDefining an interface for Dialog event handlers
 CAPI_IEventHandlerDefining an interface for all event handlers
 CAPI_IEventNotifierDefining an interface for a class that will be used to notify all event handlers
 CAPI_IFCAttributeIFC attribute structure
 CAPI_IFCClassificationIFC classification structure
 CAPI_IFCClassificationReferenceIFC classificationreference structure
 CAPI_IFCPropertyIFC property container structure
 CAPI_IFCPropertyAnyValueIFC property base value data container
 CAPI_IFCPropertyBoundedValueIFC property with a lowerbound and an upperbound value
 CAPI_IFCPropertyEnumeratedValueIFC property with a list of possible and selected value
 CAPI_IFCPropertyHeadIFC property header structure
 CAPI_IFCPropertyListValueIFC property with a list of values
 CAPI_IFCPropertySingleValueIFC property with a single value
 CAPI_IFCPropertyTableValueIFC property with a list of value pairs
 CAPI_IFCPropertyValueIFC property value data container
 CAPI_IFCRelationshipDataContains IFC Entity relations which are specific for the IFC. The IFC Entities are represented by their GlobalId
 CAPI_IFCTranslatorIdentifierIFC Translator Identifier
 CAPI_ImagingAndCalcPrefsThe representation of the Imaging and Calculation tab page of the Work Environment dialog
 CAPI_ImportIdMappingTypeDescribes the connection between the (un)segmented surface segments and the created member's edges and vertices
 CAPI_InteriorElevationTypeAn iterior elevation element
 CAPI_InternalAnalyticalMemberPartIdDescribes a Structural Analytical Model Analytical Member part
 CAPI_IntervalDescribes an interval with handling possible periodicity
 CAPI_IObjectEventHandlerDefining an interface for Object event handlers
 CAPI_IOParamsDescribes the file to work on in your callback procedure
 CAPI_KeyTypeDescription of a key
 CAPI_LabelTypeRepresents a textual or a symbol label
 CAPI_LayerCombTypeLayer combination attribute representation
 CAPI_LayerStatDescribes one layer's characteristics in a layer combination
 CAPI_LayerTypeLayer attribute representation
 CAPI_LayoutBookRepresents the Book settings
 CAPI_LayoutInfoProperties of an Archicad Layout
 CAPI_LayoutsPrefsThe representation of the Layouts page of the Project Preferences
 CAPI_LegacyPrefsThe representation of the Preferences / Legacy tab page
 CAPI_LengthDimFormatThe representation of the linear, radial, level, elevation, door/window and parapet dimensioning on the Preferences / Dimensioning tab page
 CAPI_LevelDimensionTypeRepresents a level dimension
 CAPI_LghtTypeRepresentation of a 3D light source
 CAPI_LibPartDefinition of a Library Part
 CAPI_LibPartDetailsDetail parameters of a Library Part
 CAPI_LibPartDoorWindowDetailsLibrary part's details of window and door. Used in API_LibPartDetails
 CAPI_LibPartObjectDetailsLibrary part's details of object, light, label and zone. Used in API_LibPartDetails
 CAPI_LibPartSectionDefinition of a Library Part section
 CAPI_LibraryInfoDescribes the data of an active library of an Archicad project
 CAPI_LineItemsDescribes the details of a symbol line
 CAPI_LineTypeRepresents a 2D line
 CAPI_LinetypeTypeLine type attribute representation
 CAPI_LinkToSettingsOption for linking model elements to their home stories
 CAPI_LinkTypeDescribes a link for cameras
 CAPI_ListDataThe representation of a listdata
 CAPI_ListData_HeadContains common information related to all listing component types
 CAPI_ListDataSetTypeRepresentation of a listdata set
 CAPI_ListVariantA container for storing a list of values
 CAPI_LocalCoordsDataDynamic array of API_LocalCoordsType items. This structure is used in API_RoofSegmentData
 CAPI_LocalCoordsTypeTexture applying parameters. This structure is used in API_LocalCoordsData
 CAPI_MagicWandInfoCurve tracing parameters
 CAPI_MarkerDataDescribes the various parameters of dimension markers
 CAPI_MarkerLinkDataTypeThis type manifestates as a "linkedMarker" named variable in the detail/worksheet, section and elevation API types, and used to set the referring properties of the marker
 CAPI_MarkUpCommentTypeRepresents a comment attached to a Mark-Up entry
 CAPI_MarkUpTypeRepresents a Mark-Up entry
 CAPI_MarqueeFilterDefines the filter for 3D filter and cut settings
 CAPI_MaterialTypeDescription of a surface material attribute
 CAPI_MDCLParameterParameter structure used for inter-addon communication
 CAPI_MenuItemRefReference to a menu item mounted by the API tool add-on
 CAPI_MenuParamsDescribes the menu item that was chosen
 CAPI_MEPSystemTypeMEP System attribute representation
 CAPI_MeshLevelDefines the level lines of a mesh
 CAPI_MeshLevelCoordDescribes one coordinate of a mesh level line
 CAPI_MeshQuantityDescribes the different calculated values for meshes
 CAPI_MeshTypeRepresents a mesh
 CAPI_MimePictureStructure for picture conversion using MIME identifier
 CAPI_MiscAppInfoMiscellaneous information of the application
 CAPI_MiscPlotterInfoMiscellaneous information of the selected plotter
 CAPI_MiscPrinterInfoMiscellaneous information of the selected printer
 CAPI_ModelViewOptionsRepresents the model view options
 CAPI_ModelViewOptions_HeadContains common information related to API_ModelViewOptionsType types
 CAPI_ModelViewOptionsTypeRepresentation of the model view options
 CAPI_ModulDataControl information of a custom data section saved into the project file
 CAPI_ModulIDUnique identifier of an add-on
 CAPI_MonolithPartsVisibilityDataDescribes which types of monolith parts are visible
 CAPI_MonolithStairStructDataRepresents the data of a monolithic Stair Structure element
 CAPI_MorphQuantityReturns the morph quantity values
 CAPI_MorphTypeRepresents a morph element
 CAPI_NavigatorAddOnViewPointDataDescribes a Navigator AddOn viewpoint root, group or leaf node
 CAPI_NavigatorItemRepresents a Project Navigator item
 CAPI_NavigatorSetParameters of a project Navigator Set
 CAPI_NavigatorViewRepresentation of a Navigator view item
 CAPI_NeigDescribes a neig point of an element
 CAPI_NewProjectParsParameters to open a new project
 CAPI_NewWindowParsParameters to open a new window
 CAPI_NicheStructure describing a niche in a room
 CAPI_NoteTypeDescribes a general note, used in dimensioning and hatch text
 CAPI_NotifyElementTypeDescribes the element the notification is coming for, and the type of the notification
 CAPI_NotifyViewEventTypeDescribes the Project Navigator item the notification is coming for, and the type of the notification
 CAPI_NumberingGridLineRepresents a drawing numbering grid line of the layout
 CAPI_ObjectQuantityDescribes the different calculated values for objects
 CAPI_ObjectSettingsParsDefines the parameters of the Object Settings dialog
 CAPI_ObjectTypeRepresents an object or a lamp, or a symbol label
 CAPI_Obsolete_ComponentRefTypeThe component reference record
 CAPI_Obsolete_ComponentTypeDescription of a component
 CAPI_OnScreenViewOptionsRepresentation of the display only options
 CAPI_OpeningBaseTypeRepresents the common part of window, door and skylight elements
 CAPI_OpeningCoverFillsParametersOpening cover fills parameters
 CAPI_OpeningCutSurfacesParametersCut surface parameters
 CAPI_OpeningExtrusionGeometryDataExtrusion geometry parameters
 CAPI_OpeningExtrusionParametersOpening extrusion parameters
 CAPI_OpeningFloorPlanParametersParameters of floor plan and section representation
 CAPI_OpeningOutlinesParametersOpening outlines parameters
 CAPI_OpeningReferenceAxisParametersOpening floor plan and section reference axis parameters
 CAPI_OpeningTypeRepresents an opening element
 CAPI_OpenLibPartInfoThe information of a library part required for opening the library part with ACAPI_LibraryManagement_OpenLibraryPart
 CAPI_OperationProfileTypeAn Energy Evaluation operation profile
 CAPI_OverriddenFillTypeDescribes the fill types to be overridden
 CAPI_OverriddenSurfaceTypeDescribes the surface types to be overridden
 CAPI_OverrideCombinationRepresents a combination of override rules with a name
 CAPI_OverrideRuleRepresents an override rule
 CAPI_OverrideRuleGroupRepresents a group of override rules with a name
 CAPI_OverrideRuleStyleSpecifies what, and how an API_OverrideRule should override
 CAPI_OverrideStyleSpecifies what is overridden and how, for an API_Element
 CAPI_ParagraphTypeDescribes a paragraph of a text
 CAPI_ParamOwnerTypeParameters to specify the target parameter list to change
 CAPI_PedgTypeRepresentation of a 3D edge reference
 CAPI_PenPen attribute representation
 CAPI_PenTableTypePen table attribute
 CAPI_PersCamSetParsRepresents a perspective camera set
 CAPI_PerspCamParsParameters of a perspective camera
 CAPI_PerspParsPerspective projection parameters
 CAPI_PetPaletteTypeParameters for performing user input with pet palette
 CAPI_PgonTypeRepresentation of a 3D Polygon
 CAPI_PhotoRenderParsParameters for saving photo rendered picture into an image file
 CAPI_PictureHandleStructure for picture conversion
 CAPI_PictureTypeRepresents a figure (picture) element
 CAPI_PivotPolyEdgeDataComplete polygon descriptor for polyroofs and shells. This structure is used in API_ElementMemo
 CAPI_PlaceInfoThe current location, date and sun parameters
 CAPI_Plane3DDesribes a 3D plane
 CAPI_PlaneRoofDataThis structure holds the Single-plane Roof specific data of API_RoofType
 CAPI_PointPixel data
 CAPI_PolyArcRepresentation of an arc segment of a two dimensional polygon
 CAPI_PolygonRepresentation of a two dimensional polygon
 CAPI_PolygonExtRepresentation of a 2D polygon and the 3D transformation plane
 CAPI_PolyLineTypeRepresents a 2D polyline
 CAPI_PolyRoofDataThis structure holds the Multi-plane Roof specific data of API_RoofType
 CAPI_Prim_HeadHeader information for primitive elements
 CAPI_PrimArcA primitive arc
 CAPI_PrimElementA union containing all drawing primitives used with ACAPI_DrawingPrimitive_ShapePrims and ACAPI_LibraryPart_ShapePrims
 CAPI_PrimElemRefPrimitive element reference
 CAPI_PrimHatchBorderHatch border for primitive elements
 CAPI_PrimHotspotA primitive hotspot
 CAPI_PrimLineA primitive line
 CAPI_PrimPictA picture inside a placed drawing
 CAPI_PrimPLineA primitive polyline
 CAPI_PrimPointA primitive point
 CAPI_PrimPolyA primitive polygon
 CAPI_PrimTextA primitive text
 CAPI_PrimTriA primitive triangle
 CAPI_PrintParsPrinting parameters
 CAPI_PrintStampTypePrinting header/footer parameters
 CAPI_ProfileAttrTypeAttribute representing the custom profiles for walls, beams, and columns
 CAPI_ProjectInfoContains information about the current project
 CAPI_ProjectNoteInfoProject note information parameters
 CAPI_PropertyA container that can store different types of data
 CAPI_PropertyDefaultValueA structure representing a property default value
 CAPI_PropertyDefinitionA structure representing a property definition
 CAPI_PropertyGroupA structure representing a property group
 CAPI_PropertyObjectParamsDefines parameters for the property handler function
 CAPI_PropertyObjectRefTypeThe property object reference record
 CAPI_PropertyValueA container for storing a property's value
 CAPI_PublishFormatDataRepresents the data of a publisher format
 CAPI_PublishParsPublishing parameters
 CAPI_QuantitiesDescribes the different calculated values for skins of composite or complex elements
 CAPI_QuantitiesMaskDescribes the filter for the different calculated values for skins and elements
 CAPI_QuantityParSupplies extra information for some element quantity calculations
 CAPI_RadialDimensionTypeRepresents a radial dimension
 CAPI_RailingBalusterQuantityCalculated values for the balusters
 CAPI_RailingBalusterSetTypeRepresents a Baluster Set element
 CAPI_RailingBalusterTypeRepresents a Baluster element
 CAPI_RailingDistributionDataRepresents the distribution of some Railing subelements
 CAPI_RailingFinishTypeRepresents the finish of a Rail End element
 CAPI_RailingFrameDataRepresents the boundaries of a Railing subelement
 CAPI_RailingHandrailConnectionQuantityCalculated values for the handrail connection
 CAPI_RailingHandrailEndQuantityCalculated values for the handrail end of the railing
 CAPI_RailingHandrailQuantityCalculated values for a handrail
 CAPI_RailingHandrailTypeRepresents a Handrail element
 CAPI_RailingHorizontalPosDataRepresents the horizontal alignment of a Railing subelement
 CAPI_RailingInnerPostQuantityCalculated values for the railing inner posts
 CAPI_RailingInnerPostTypeRepresents an Inner Post element
 CAPI_RailingModelViewOptionsRepresents the model view options of Railings made with Railing Tool. The entire structure is Archicad only
 CAPI_RailingNodeTypeRepresents a Railing Node element
 CAPI_RailingPanelQuantityCalculated values for railing panels
 CAPI_RailingPanelTypeRepresents a Railing Panel element
 CAPI_RailingPatternTypeRepresents a Railing Pattern element
 CAPI_RailingPostQuantityCalculated values for the railing posts
 CAPI_RailingPostTypeRepresents a Railing Post element
 CAPI_RailingQuantityCalculated values for a railing
 CAPI_RailingRailConnectionQuantityCalculated values for the rail connection
 CAPI_RailingRailConnectionTypeRepresents a connection between two Rail/Handrail/Toprail elements
 CAPI_RailingRailEndQuantityCalculated values for the rail end of the railing
 CAPI_RailingRailEndTypeRepresents a Rail/Handrail/Toprail End element
 CAPI_RailingRailQuantityCalculated values for the rails of the railing
 CAPI_RailingRailTypeRepresents a Rail element
 CAPI_RailingSegmentQuantityCalculated values for the railing segments
 CAPI_RailingSegmentTypeRepresents a Railing Segment element
 CAPI_RailingToprailConnectionQuantityCalculated values for the top rail connection
 CAPI_RailingToprailEndQuantityCalculated values for the top rail end of the railing
 CAPI_RailingToprailQuantityCalculated values for a top rail
 CAPI_RailingToprailTypeRepresents a Toprail element
 CAPI_RailingTypeRepresents a Railing element
 CAPI_RailingVerticalPosDataRepresents the vertical position of a Railing subelement
 CAPI_RectRectangle in pixel coordinates
 CAPI_RefLevelsPrefsThe representation of the Reference Levels on the Preferences / Working Units Levels tab page
 CAPI_RegionPolygonal or rectangular region of the model
 CAPI_RegularizedPolyStructure for regularizing polygon or polyline
 CAPI_RendEffectsThe representation of the Rendering Settings / Effects tab page
 CAPI_RendImageThe representation of the Rendering Settings / Size Background tab page
 CAPI_RevolvedShellDataThis structure holds the Revolved Shell specific data of API_ShellType
 CAPI_RGBAColorRGB color reference with transparency
 CAPI_RGBColorRGB color reference
 CAPI_RoofLevelDataDefines a level of a polyroof plane. This structure is used in API_PolyRoofData
 CAPI_RoofQuantityGives the different calculated values for roofs
 CAPI_RoofRelationStructure for retrieving connection data of a roof or a shell element
 CAPI_RoofSegmentDataDescribes various properties/parameters of a roof segment that can be separately adjusted. This structure is used in API_PivotPolyEdgeData
 CAPI_RoofTypeRepresents a roof element
 CAPI_RoomImageStructure for retrieving data related to a room
 CAPI_RoomReductionPolyTypeParameters to get room reduction data
 CAPI_RoomRelationStructure for retrieving data related to a room
 CAPI_RubberArcTypeRubber line definition
 CAPI_RubberLineInfoParameters of the rubber line callback function
 CAPI_RubberLineTypeRubber line definition
 CAPI_RubberPolyCallbacksParameters of the polygon input operation
 CAPI_RuledShellDataThis structure holds the Ruled Shell specific data of API_ShellType
 CAPI_RunTypeDescribes a continous monostyle piece - called run - of a paragraph
 CAPI_RVMChangeRepresents a revision change
 CAPI_RVMDocumentRevisionRepresents a Document Revision
 CAPI_RVMIssueRepresents an Issue
 CAPI_RVMLayoutInfoRepresents layout meta data in API_RVMDocumentRevision
 CAPI_SafetyPrefsThe representation of the Preferences / Miscellaneous tab page
 CAPI_SavePars_ArchiveParameters to save the current project as archive file
 CAPI_SavePars_IfcParameters to save the current project as an Ifc file
 CAPI_SavePars_ObjectContains the different options for saving an Archicad object, lamp, door, or window
 CAPI_SavePars_PdfContains the different page options for saving to pdf file
 CAPI_SavePars_PictureContains the different options for saving pictures from Archicad
 CAPI_SavePars_PlanDumpContains the different options for saving a plan dump from Archicad
 CAPI_SavePars_SafContains the export filter type for the SAF file
 CAPI_SectElemTypeDescribes an element in the section window
 CAPI_SectionSegmentRepresents one segment of a section/elevation/interior elevation
 CAPI_SectorDescribes the geometry of a 2D line
 CAPI_SelectionInfoInformation about the current selection
 CAPI_ServerApplicationInfoDescribes the current server application the add-on is running under
 CAPI_SFill_ArcDescribes an arc item in a symbol fill
 CAPI_SFill_LineDescribes a line item in a symbol fill
 CAPI_ShapePrimsParamsShape primitive parameters
 CAPI_SharingInfoProject sharing parameters
 CAPI_ShellBaseTypeThe common parameters of roof (API_RoofType) and shell (API_ShellType) elements
 CAPI_ShellContourDataShell contour or shell hole contour definition. This structure is used in API_ElementMemo
 CAPI_ShellQuantityReturns the shell quantity values
 CAPI_ShellShapeDataContains the profile data of the Shell element. This structure is used in API_ElementMemo
 CAPI_ShellTypeRepresents a shell element
 CAPI_SideStairStructDataRepresents the data of a side supported Stair Structure element
 CAPI_SingleEnumerationVariantA container for storing a single value from a list of allowed values
 CAPI_SingleVariantA container for storing a single value
 CAPI_SkeletonOptionsSkeleton drawing options
 CAPI_SkylightQuantityDescribes the different calculated values for skylight
 CAPI_SkylightTypeRepresents a skylight element
 CAPI_SlabQuantityDescribes the different calculated values for slabs
 CAPI_SlabTypeRepresents a slab element
 CAPI_SplineDirDescribes the control handles for Bezier-splines
 CAPI_SplineTypeRepresents a cubic or Bezier-spline
 CAPI_StairBoundaryDataRepresents a Stair boundary
 CAPI_StairBoundaryEdgeDataStores data of a stair boundary edge
 CAPI_StairBoundaryVertexDataStores data of a stair boundary vertex
 CAPI_StairHeadroomDataDescription of the Stair Headroom
 CAPI_StairLayoutDataRepresents the layout of a Stair element
 CAPI_StairModelViewOptionsRepresents the model view options of Stairs made with Stair Tool. The entire structure is Archicad only
 CAPI_StairMonolithStructureSymbolDataRepresents the data of a monolith Stair's Structure elements
 CAPI_StairPolylineDataRepresents a Stair polyline (baseline or walking line)
 CAPI_StairPolylineEdgeDataStores data of a stair polyline edge
 CAPI_StairPolylineVertexDataStores data of a stair polyline vertex
 CAPI_StairQuantityCalculates values for stairs
 CAPI_StairRiserQuantityCalculated values for the stair riser
 CAPI_StairRiserTypeRepresents a Riser element
 CAPI_StairRulesDataRepresents a the Rules and Standards of a Stair element
 CAPI_StairStructureComponentSettingsVisibilitySettings for visibility of the stair component strucutre
 CAPI_StairStructureComponentSettingsVisibilityOnStoryDescribes story's stair structure component visibility settings
 CAPI_StairStructureDrainingDataRepresents the draining of a monolithic Stair Structure element
 CAPI_StairStructureQuantityCalculated values for the stair structure
 CAPI_StairStructureSymbolDataRepresents the data of a 2D symbol a Stair's Structure elements
 CAPI_StairStructureTypeRepresents a Stair Structure element
 CAPI_StairTreadQuantityCalculated values for a stair tread
 CAPI_StairTreadTypeRepresents a Tread element
 CAPI_StairTypeRepresents a Stair element
 CAPI_StoryCmdTypeParameters of the change story settings command
 CAPI_StoryInfoStory information of the active project
 CAPI_StoryTypeParameters of one story
 CAPI_StoryVisibilityDetermines the appearance of model elements on different stories
 CAPI_SubElementHelper structure to create / modify / get markers for window, door, section, elevation, interior elevation, detail, worksheet elements and curtain wall parts
 CAPI_SubSetRepresents a Subset in the Layout Book
 CAPI_SunAngleSettingsSun angle settings
 CAPI_SunInfoParameters of the sunlight
 CAPI_SurfaceLoadCustomDataDescribes Custom Surface Coordinates for Surface Load
 CAPI_SymbolHatchDefDescribes the details of a symbol fill
 CAPI_SyTranSymbol transformation parameters
 CAPI_TabTypeDescribes a tabulator of a paragraph
 CAPI_TestSplineFitContains parameters to calculate the maximal distance of a spline segment and a set of coordinates
 CAPI_TexCoordParsIdentifies the surface point to get the texture coordinates for
 CAPI_TextFrameTypeParameters of the Text frame shape
 CAPI_TextLineParsRepresents some text to measure its length
 CAPI_TextTypeRepresents a text, or a textual label
 CAPI_TextureTexture reference
 CAPI_ToolBoxInfoContains information on the current state of the toolbox
 CAPI_ToolBoxItemData of the active toolbox mode
 CAPI_TranmatA 3*4 transformation matrix
 CAPI_TranslatorNameConfigRepresents a translator by its GUID and its name
 CAPI_UCCallbackTypeDescribes the attribute set to be used in a user control dialog item
 CAPI_UIStructureDisplayThis structure represents the Partial Structure Display state
 CAPI_UmatTypeRepresentation of a 3D material
 CAPI_UniformAttributeOptionsGeneral representation of a Model Display in 3D Document
 CAPI_UnitConversionDataInput and output struct for ACAPI_Conversion_GetConvertedUnitValue
 CAPI_UnitTypeDescription of an unit
 CAPI_UserDataCustom data record attached to element sets
 CAPI_UserInfoInformation on a registered Team Member
 CAPI_UVCoordThe local coordinate system of a texture at a given surface point
 CAPI_VariantA container that can store different types of data
 CAPI_VectTypeRepresentation of a 3D normal vector
 CAPI_VerticalLinkOption for anchoring the vertical position of an opening within the wall or the roof
 CAPI_VertTypeRepresentation of a 3D vertex
 CAPI_ViewOptionsDescribes various display output options
 CAPI_VisualOverriddenImageVisual overridden image descriptor
 CAPI_VLNumTypeThe possible values for a numeric parameter
 CAPI_WallPartSection of a wall segment that neighbours a border line of the room
 CAPI_WallQuantityDescribes the different calculated values for walls
 CAPI_WallRelationStructure for retrieving connection data of a wall
 CAPI_WallTypeRepresents a wall element
 CAPI_WindowInfoIdentification parameters of a project window
 CAPI_WindowQuantityDescribes the different calculated values for windows
 CAPI_WindowTypeRepresents a window element
 CAPI_WindowValidatorInfoHolds information on elements and custom checksums that should be validated for the window
 CAPI_WorkingUnitPrefsThe representation of the Preferences / Units tab page
 CAPI_WrappingTexture wrapping parameters. This structure is used in API_LocalCoordsType
 CAPI_ZoneAllQuantityDescribes the different calculated values for zones
 CAPI_ZoneCatTypeZone category attribute representation
 CAPI_ZonePrefsThe representation of the Preferences / Zones tab page
 CAPI_ZoneTypeRepresents a zone stamp
 CAPIOptional< T >Represents an optional in the API layer
 CAPIOptional< API_AttributeIndex >
 CAPIOptional< API_PenIndex >
 CAPIOptional< APIVariant< API_AttributeIndex, API_RGBColor > >
 CAPIOptional< APIVariant< API_PenIndex, API_RGBColor > >
 CAPIVariant< Types >Represents a variant in the API layer
 CAPIVariant< API_AttributeIndex, API_RGBColor >
 CAPIVariant< API_PenIndex, API_RGBColor >
 CACAPI::DesignOptions::v1::DesignOptionCombinationViewSettings::CustomA type of combination that the user has modified, but did not give an explicit name
 CACAPI::ErrorError type for ACAPI::Result containing an error message and an error code
 CACAPI::Impl::v1::FactoryRegistryFactoryRegistry own the registered factory. Only one factory can be registered at the same time. Use this to register your mock factory when you're unit testing your code
 CACAPI::MEP::FlexibleSegmentPolylineLinePartDefines a single line segment of a polyline FlexibleSegment
 CACAPI::MEP::FlexibleSegmentPolylineSplinePartDefines a single spline segment of a polyline FlexibleSegment
 CGeometry::GJKResult< VectorType >
 CACAPI::Library::v1::GSMSectionDataRaw GSMObject Section representation
 Cstd::hash< API_ElemType >Std::hash specialization for API_ElemType
 CTracking::Tracker::HintGuardHelper guard class to specify a hint what to do when the editing of a field needs to be ended and possibly the reason for ending it
 CACAPI::MEP::v1::ICalculationResultColumnFormatting for calculated values
 CACAPI::DesignOptions::v1::DesignOptionCombinationViewSettings::MainModelOnlyA type of combination that has no design option connected to it, and only shows the main model
 CACAPI::DesignOptions::v1::DesignOptionCombinationViewSettings::MissingA type of combination that does not exist, and was previously deleted
 CModifier final public PortBase::Modifier
 CModifier public ElementDefault::Modifier
 CModifier public ModifiableElementBase::Modifier
 CModifier public PortDefaultBase::Modifier
 CModifier public ModifierBase
 CACAPI::ModifierBaseBase class of every Modifier classes used in ExecuteUndoableScope/ExecuteNotUndoableScope/CallDefaultModifier function
 CModifier final public ACAPI::ModifierBase
 CModifier public ACAPI::ModifierBase
 CNullValueTypeRepresents NullValueType in the API layer
 CACAPI::v1::ObjectA base class for all ACAPI objects. Purely technical
 CACAPI::Impl::ObjectImplObjectImpl is the base class for all the implementation classes
 CACAPI::MEP::OrientationDefines the orientation with the help of a direction and rotation vector
 CACAPI::MEP::RouteConnectionResultDefines the changes regarding Ids after a RoutingElement-RoutingElement connection
 CACAPI::MEP::RoutingSegmentCircularCrossSectionDataDefines the necessary data for placing CircularRoutingSegments of a RoutingElement
 CACAPI::MEP::RoutingSegmentRectangularCrossSectionDataDefines the necessary data for placing RectangularRoutingSegments of a RoutingElement
 CACAPI::DesignOptions::v1::DesignOptionCombinationViewSettings::StandardA type of combination for which the user has selected a specific set of design options
 CACAPI::v1::UniqueIDA unique identifier for API objects. It contains the GUID of the element and the Token of the AddOn which instantiated the element